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{{Infobox country
{{Infobox country
|native_name                = Regno di Ludovicia
|native_name                = Kingdom of Ludovicia
|conventional_long_name      =  
|conventional_long_name      =  
|image_flag                  = LudoviciaFlag.jpg
|image_flag                  = LudoviciaFlag.jpg
|image_coat                  = CoatofArmsLudovicia.png
|image_coat                  = CoatofArmsLudovicia.png
|national_motto              = "''L'état, c'est moi''" <br /><small>"Lo stato sono io"</small>
|national_motto              = "''L'état, c'est moi''" <br /><small>"I'm the nation"</small>
|national_anthem            = "''Marcia Reale''"
|national_anthem            = "''Royal March''"
|image_map2                  = LudoviciaFisic.jpg
|image_map2                  = LudoviciaFisic.jpg
|map_caption2                =  
|map_caption2                =  
|capital                    = [[Ludovicia (city)|Ludovicia]]
|capital                    = [[Ludovicia (city)|Ludovicia]]
|largest_city                = Ludovicia
|largest_city                = Ludovicia
|official_languages          = Francese
|official_languages          = French
|national_languages          = Francese, latino, italiano
|national_languages          = French, latin, italian
|demonym                    = Ludoviciani
|demonym                    = Ludovician
|government_type            = [[Monarchia assoluta]]
|government_type            = [[Absolute monarchy|Absolute Monarchy]]
|leader_title1              = [[Kings of Ludovicia|Re di Ludovicia]]
|leader_title1              = [[Kings of Ludovicia|King of Ludovicia]]
|leader_name1                = [[Luigi VIII di Ludovicia|Luigi VIII]]
|leader_name1                = [[Louis VIII of Ludovicia|Louis VIII]]
|leader_title2              = [[Prime ministers of Ludovicia|Prime minister]]
|leader_title2              = [[Prime ministers of Ludovicia|Prime minister]]
|leader_name2                = [[Leopold von Altbisofen]]
|leader_name2                = [[Leopold von Altbisofen]]
|legislature                = [[Crown Council (Ludovicia)|Consiglio della Corona]]<br>[[Senate (Ludovicia)|Senato]] (consultivo, aristocrazia)<br>[[House of Representatives (Ludovicia)|House of Representatives]] (consultivo, borghesia e terzo stato)
|legislature                = [[Crown Council (Ludovicia)|Crown Council]]<br>[[Senate (Ludovicia)|Senate]] (consultive)
|sovereignty_type            = Storia
|sovereignty_type            = History
|established_event1          = Fondata come colonia dal Regno di Francia
|established_event1          = Founding as a colony of Kingdom of France
|established_date1          = 1668
|established_date1          = 1668
|established_event2          = Proclamazione d'indipendenza dal governo rivoluzionario francese
|established_event2          = Proclamation of indipendence from revolutionary french governament
|established_date2          = 1792
|established_date2          = 1792
|established_event3          =  
|established_event3          =  
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|area_km2                    = 18.500
|area_km2                    = 18.500
|population_estimate        = 23.000.000 circa
|population_estimate        = 23.000.000 circa
|GDP_nominal                = 1$ = 1 luigino<sup>s</sup>
|GDP_nominal                = 1$ = 1 luigini<sup>s</sup>
|GDP_nominal_year            = 2016
|GDP_nominal_year            = 2016
|GDP_nominal_per_capita      = $ 57.452
|GDP_nominal_per_capita      = $ 57.452
|GDP_nominal_per_capita_local= ''L'' 57.452
|GDP_nominal_per_capita_local= ''L'' 57.452
|GDP_nominal_local          =  
|GDP_nominal_local          =  
|currency                    = Luigino<br />(<code>LVD</code>)
|currency                    = Luigini<br />(<code>LVD</code>)
|currency_code              = ''L''
|currency_code              = ''L''
|time_zone                  = European Continental Time
|time_zone                  = European Continental Time
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|footnote_a                  = [https://www.nationstates.net/nation=ludovicia Ludovicia Website]
|footnote_a                  = [https://www.nationstates.net/nation=ludovicia Ludovicia Website]
Il '''Regno di Ludovicia''' (o semplicemente '''Ludovicia'''), è una monarchia assoluta, ultimo baluardo del periodo di governo di [[Wikipedia:Louis XIV of France|Luigi XIV di Francia]] nei tempi moderni.
'''The Kingdom of Ludovicia''' (or simply '''Ludovicia'''), is an absolute monarchy, last baluard of the great [[Wikipedia:Louis XIV of France|Louis XIV of France]]'s government in modern times.
All'aprile 2016, la NationGazette così citava: "Il Regno di Ludovicia si presentava come una piccola nazione ordinaria, rinomata per le flagellazioni pubbliche, la completa mancanza di carceri ed il sospetto verso i poeti. La devota popolazione di 23.000.000 di ludoviciani è composta da lavoratori instancabili e cinici, governati dal più benevolente dei monarchi, che garantisce alla popolazione la libertà di vivere.
At april 2016, the Kingdom of Ludovicia is a small, orderly nation, renowned for its public floggings, complete lack of prisons, and suspicion of poets. The hard-working, cynical, devout population of 23 million Ludovicians are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.
L'apparato governativo, di media grandezza, si estende anche nel campo spirituale, della difesa e dell'educazione. Le imposte si attestano al 22.1%.
The medium-sized, well-organized government juggles the competing demands of Spirituality, Defense, and Education. The average income tax rate is 22.1%.
La forte economia ludoviciana frutta 1.32 trilioni di Luigini all'anno, ed è diversificata al suo interno con un notevole picco sull'industria di allevamento e agricoltura, mentre altri importanti contributi provengono dal turismo, dall'industria dell'automobile e dall'esportazione di legname. E' altrettanto presente una certa attività di mercato nero. Il guadagno medio è di 57.452 Luigini ed è ben distribuito, coi cittadini più ricchi che solitamente possiedono 3,5 volte ciò che possiedono i più poveri.
The strong Ludovician economy, worth 1.32 trillion Luiginis a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Beef-Based Agriculture industry, with major contributions from Tourism, Automobile Manufacturing, and Woodchip Exports. Black market activity is notable. Average income is 57,452 Luiginis, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 3.5 times as much as the poorest.
Il sovrano ha mantenuto saldamente il proprio potere, bandendo siti come NationStates per "sicurezza nazionale", mentre i criminali sono di norma gettati ai leoni per ripagare il loro debito con la società. Il crimine, specialmente quello giovanile, è completamente sconosciuto, grazie a delle forze di polizia capaci ed alle politiche sociali progressiste sia nell'educazione che nell'amministrazione. L'animale nazionale di Ludovicia è il leone, che pure è presente in alcune foreste locali.
A dictator has seized power and outlawed elections, popular websites like NationStates are blocked for "national security", research into 'designer babies' is banned, and criminals are thrown to the Lions to repay their debt to society. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Ludovicia's national animal is the Lion, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests.
Ludovicia è al 79.080° posto nel mondo ed al 25° nella The Imperialist Union for Most Popular Tourist Destinations, con 66.55 turisti all'ora."
Ludovicia is ranked 79,080th in the world and 25th in The Imperialist Union for Most Popular Tourist Destinations, with 66.55 Tourists Per Hour.
La terra di ''Ludovicia'' prende il proprio nome da Luigi XIV di Francia che organizzò a suo tempo la prima spedizione per esplorare questa parte del mondo. I primi coloni giunsero qui nel 1668 e decisero di dare a questa terra il nome del loro sovrano.
The land of ''Ludovicia'' take his name from king Louis XIV of France who organi ed the first expedition to explore this parte of the world. The first settlers arrived here in 1668 and decided to give the king's name to this new land.
===Prima della colonizzazione===
===Before colonization===
La terra di Ludovicia ha conosciuto i primi insediamenti umani probabilmente nel 3000-5000 a.C. La teoria si è basata su una serie di scoperte eseguite nel XIX secolo che sono state portate avanti nella parte interna dell'isola dal professore [[Alan Nashville]] e che hanno portato gli studiosi a ritenere che i primi insediamenti siano sorti lungo le foreste, a breve distanza dalla costa.
The land of Ludovicia had probably first settlement of humans during the 3000-5000 BC. The theory was based on XIX century discoveries that have been made in the inner part of the hinterland by professor [[Alan Nashville]] that have led scholars to believe that the first settlements have sprung up along the forested areas at short distance from the coast.
A conferma di ciò, il professor [[Max von Kleibert]] e la sua equipe nel 1905 hanno trovato delle asce del periodo Neolitico,oltre ad alcune tombe e tracce di luoghi sacri probabilmente legati ad una religione primitiva di natura animistica.
In confirmation of this fact, professor [[Max von Kleibert]] and his equipe in 1885 have found stone axes from the Neolithic period, in addition to some tombs and traces of holy places of worship probably related to a primitive religion of animistic nature.
===La prima colonizzazione di Port Royale===
===The first colonization at Port Royale===
[[Image:FirstSettlersLudovicia.jpg|thumb|left|200px|I primi coloni francesi prendono possesso dell'[[Isola di Port Royale]] nel 1668]]
[[Image:FirstSettlersLudovicia.jpg|thumb|left|200px|First french settlers taking possession of the [[Isle of Port Royale]] in 1668]]
I primi coloni francesi giunsero sulla terra di Ludovicia nel 1668, guidati dal conte Henry de La Tour che dal 1675 venne nominato come primo [[Governatori di Ludovicia|Governatore di Ludovicia]]. L'arrivo sull'isola fu il frutto di una spedizione voluta da Luigi XIV per espandere l'impero coloniale francese e quindi espandere di conseguenza i confini del grande regno di Francia.
Early french settlers arrived in the land of Ludovicia in 1668, led by Count Henry de La Tour. Their coming to this island was the result of an expedition commissioned by Louis XIV of France to expand the French colonial empire and expand the boundaries of great kingdom of France.
I primi coloni sbarcarono su una piccola isola chiamata da allora ''[[Île de Saint-Louis (Ludovicia)|Île de Saint-Louis]]'' ("Isola di San Luigi") poco più a sud dell'[[Isola di Port Royale]] che ben presto divenne un sito commerciale di scambi con la popolazione indigena che abitava le isole più grandi ad est.
The first settlers landed on a little islandese called after that [[First Island]] a bit south of the [[Isle of Port Royale]] which soon became the site of a trading post with its indigenous people, who inhabited the largest island at east.
La fondazione della città di [[Port Royale]] sull'isola centrale dell'arcipelago ha dato vita anche alle prime strutture amministrative che ancora oggi si possono in gran parte ammirare tra cui il palazzo del governatore e la [[chiesa di Saint Marie de la Santé]].
The foundation of the city of [[Port Royale]] on the main isle also formed the first administrative center of the colony to the point that still today you can admire the primitive structures including the [[Governor's Palace (Port Royale)|governor's palace]] and the [[church of Saint Marie de la Santé]].
===La fondazione di Ludovicia===
===The foundation of Ludovicia===
I coloni continuarono l'espansione dei domini francesi nella colonia con l'acquisto di diverse terre e nel giro di alcuni anni venne fondato l'avamposto di [[Nancy (Ludovicia)|Nancy]], così chiamato in memoria della famosa città francese da cui gran parte dei suoi coloni provenivano. I primi coloni iniziarono a specializzarsi nella coltivazione di canna da zucchero da inviare in madrepatria, spingendo quindi il governo locale ad acquistare sempre più terra ed a costituire un primo vero porto commerciale agli albori del XVIII secolo.
The settlers continued the expansion of the French domains in the colony with the purchase of several lands within a few years and the establishment of the outpost of [[Nancy (Ludovicia)|Nancy]], named in memory of the homonymous french city from where great part of settlers where from. The first settlers began to specialize in the cultivation of sugar cane to be sent home, getting to these important governmental grants projects that allowed the purchase of more and more land and funding from a shipment that arrived in the hinterland in the early years of the XVIII century.
Nel 1715, quando Luigi XIV di Francia morì, i coloni avevano da poco fondato un avamposto in un'area protetta su due lati da due fiumi e sul terzo da una grande foresta naturale, che rapidamente si dimostrò un'area particolarmente adatta alla coltivazione, collegata al mare e nel contempo sufficientemente protetta per continuare le esplorazioni all'interno dell'isola. La città venne hciamata ''Ludovicia'' in onore del sovrano da poco defunto (in latino Luigi è ''Ludovicus'') e per commemorare l'ascesa al trono di suo nipote, il nuovo re, Luigi XV.
In 1715, when Louis XIV of France died, the settlers had recently formed an outpost in a protected area on two sides by two rivers and a third by a large natural forest, which is why the rapidly took hold settlement as it placed in an area particularly suitable for cultivation, linked to the sea and at the same time sufficiently protected by a military outpost to continue exploration in the interior of the island. The city was named in honor of the sovereign recently dead, ''Ludovicia'' (from latin language ''Ludovicus'') and to commemorate the accession to the throne of his nephew, the new king, Louis XV.
Per la posizione favorevole, la città crebbe rapidamente in numero di abitanti, divenendo poi sede di diverse istituzioni governative ed uffici distaccati sino al 1730 quando venne eletta a nuova capitale al posto di Port Royale. In quello stesso anno iniziò la costruzione del nuovo palazzo del governatore che nel 1738 ospitò per un breve periodo Jean Philippe d'Orléans, cugino del re, e inviato speciale per conto del governo di Parigi.
This city, due to the favorable location and the increasing number of inhabitants, started to become home to several government institutions and detachments offices until in 1730 was established as the new capital in place of Port Royale. That same year was begun the construction of the new governor of the building that in 1738 hosted for a brief time Jean Philippe d'Orléans, king's cousin, and special envoy on behalf of the government in Paris.
===La proclamazione d'indipendenza===
===Indipendence proclamation===
====Luigi I, il primo re====
====Louis I the first king====
[[Image:LouisILudovicia.png|thumb|right|250px|Luigi I, primo re di Ludovicia]]
[[Image:LouisILudovicia.png|thumb|right|250px|Louis I, first king of Ludovicia]]
Quando nel 1789 scoppiò la Rivoluzione Francese, la colonia di Ludovicia rimase fedele alla causa dei realisti, non mancando comunque sul posto degli scontri tra la popolazione come risultato di quanto accadeva in madrepatria.
When in 1789 the French Revolution broke out, the Ludovicia colony remained faithful to the cause of the royalists, though not lacking also on site of clashes between the population as a result of events that occurred in homeland.
Nel 1792, quando la monarchia francese venne infine abolita ed al suo posto venne proclamata la repubblica, il governo venne coinvolto in scontri con altri stati in Europa mentre il possesso coloniale di Ludovicia venne quasi completamente dimenticato, fatto che in breve tempo fece si che in breve tempo esso divenisse un ricettacolo di realisti fuggiti dalla madrepatria.
In 1792, when the French monarchy was finally abolished and in its place was proclaimed a republic, the governament was so caught up in clashes between revolutionary France and the rest of Europe to forget almost completely the colonial possession of Ludovicia that, in a short time became a safe haven for the realists who were fleeing from the motherland.
Tra quelli giunti da navi che ogni giorno lasciavano i porti francesi, pervenne anche Luigi Giuseppe di Borbone, principe di Condé, che facilmente prese il controllo di un esercito (composto da monarchici francesi unitisi all'esercito realista locale) e difese il possedimento, [[Battaglia di Nancy (Ludovicia)|battagliando con le forze favorevoli alla rivoluzione presso la città luodiviciana di Nancy]]. Quando la popolazione seppe della detronizzazione di Luigi XVI di Francia, il principe di Condé venne acclamato quale nuovo sovrano della colonia che ora appariva completamente indipendente dal regno di Francia e questo permise di mantenere il dominio come unico dominio ancora nelle mani della dinastia dei Borbone.
Among those who arrived here on board of the ships that departed almost daily from the French coast, also came Louis Joseph de Bourbon, prince of Conde, who easily take control of an army (composed by french monarchists ashored with him band locale royalists forces) in defence of the possession, [[Battle of Nancy|battling with revolutionary forces near to Nancy]]. As result when the population had reached notice that king Louis XVI of France was overthrowned, they acckaimed and proclaimed the prince of Conde as the new ruler of the colony, which became now completely independent from the former kingdom of France and ready to proclaim himself a sovereign state in the hands of the Bourbon dynasty.
In accordo con la tradizione francese, Luigi di Borbone scelse il nome di [[Luigi I di Ludovicia]], ma venne ben presto costretto a tornare in patria mentre il governo rivoluzionario lo aveva dichiarato traditore della nazione francese. Viaggiò quindi in Germania per riorganizzare le armate dei realisti, rimanendo comunque sempre in contratto con l'amministrazione sull'isola tramite il suo rappresentante in loco, il conte di Altishofen (nominato primo Primo Ministro) durante la sua assenza.  
In accordance with the French tradition, Louis de Bourbon choose the reignal name of [[Louis I of Ludovicia]], but was soon forced to return home where in the meantime the revolutionary government had declared him a traitor of the french nation. He then travelled to Germany to reorganize the armies of royalists, always remaining in touch with the administration of the island giving it to the count of Altishofen (named first prime minister) during his absence. At the end of the revolutionary wars and the napoleonic ones before then, with the french restoration and restitution of his properties, Louis I was able to return on the island for a short period of two years from 1815 to 1817 before returning again in France where he died in 1818.
====Il difficile mantenimento dell'indipendenza====
At his death he was succeeded by his son Louis Henry who was proclaimed the new king by the name of [[Louis II of Ludovicia]]. He came to the island in 1820 to swear allegiance to the crown, but left for France already the following year to take part in the suppression of the new revolutionary uprisings broke out in Europe.
[[Image:FrenchFlagsCaptured.jpg|thumb|250px|right|Le tre navi francesi catturate nella [[Prima battaglia del Golfo di Rouen]] (1802)]]
Alla fine delle guerre rivoluzionarie, dopo l'ascesa di Napoleone Bonaparte, gli imperiali pretesero la restituzione del possedimento coloniale francese e la sua inclusione all'interno dei domini dello stato di Francia. Nel 1802 Napoleone, ancora primo console, inviò una prima spedizione sull'isola con 1500 uomini al comando del colonnello La Gruyere. Le truppe da sbarco vennero intercettate dalla [[Marina ludoviciana]] ancora al largo e pertanto venne ingaggiata una [[Prima battaglia del Golfo di Rouen|battaglia navale presso il golfo di Rouen]] che assicurò ai ludoviciani la vittoria con la cattura di tre navi da guerra e di circa 400 prigionieri.  
Tre anni più tardi, Napoleone ormai imperatore inviò una nuova spedizione contro la colonia di Ludovicia, questa volta però di maggiore consistenza: le truppe francesi, al comando del generale Beaulieu contavano in tutto 30.000 tra uomini e cavalieri oltre a 24 pezzi d'artiglieria, imbarcate su tredici di navi da guerra. Vi fu [[Seconda battaglia del Golfo di Rouen|uno scontro navale presso il Golfo di Rouen]], ma la marina ludoviciana ne uscì sconfitta con notevoli perdite. Le truppe francesi questa volta riuscirono a sbarcare ed iniziarono ad [[Assedio di Montpellier|assediare la città di Montpellier]], venendo comunque respinte dopo quattordici mesi di assedio.
====Change of dinasties====
Louis II, after the death of his son Louis Antoine, duke of Enghien, shot by order of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1804 in Vincennes (France), left without an heir for his own substances and for this reason he appointed his successor to the ludovician crown in the person of Louis-Etiénne de Bourbon-Orléans, half-nepew of his wife Batilde.
Louis-Etiénne, born in Paris, was the natural son of Louis-Philippe d'Orleans (1761-1829), former abbot of Saint-Albin, who had left forcibly ecclesiastical orders after the outbreak of the French Revolution.
[[Image:IndipendenceTreatyLudovicia.jpg|thumb|left|250px|Il documento finale della [[Pace di Vaux-le-Vicomte]] sottoscritta tra il Regno di Ludovicia ed il Primo Impero Francese il 12 novembre 1808 col quale Napoleone riconobbe ufficialmente l'indipendenza del Regno di Ludovicia dalla Francia]]
Louis-Etiénne was proclaimed the new king by the name of [[Louis III of Ludovicia]] at the death of his predecessor, in 1830. He was the first monarch to reside permanently on the island and to establish his court at the governor's palace (which then became known as the [[Royal Palace of Ludovicia|Royal Palace]]).
Con la firma del trattato di pace il 24 giugno 1806 ([[Pace di ]]), il conte di Altishofen concesse ai francesi delle navi per fare ritorno regolarmente in patria, purché accompagnati da un ambasciatore ludoviciano con lo scopo di proporre un riconoscimento ufficiale dell'indipendenza dell'isola rispetto al dominio napoleonico. In cambio di questo riconoscimento, la Francia avrebbe ottenuto forti privilegi fiscali e commerciali nel regno di Ludovicia. Napoleone, pur intenzionato a non archiviare definitivamente la questione dell'indipendenza di Ludovicia, dapprima accettò il trattato di pace, ma in seguito lo rinnegò e tramite un ministro plenipotenziario speciale nominato presso il regno di Ludovicia, fece sapere di aver attivato un blocco commerciale nei confronti dell'isola. Quando Luigi I minacciò di rendere pubblico il fallimento di Napoleone nella conquista dell'isola per ben due volte e di coinvolgere in questo scontro l'Inghilterra, invocandola come protettrice di una nazione anti-rivoluzionaria, si giunse ad un accordo. Il 12 novembre 1808 al castello di Vaux-le-Vicomte, in Francia, si incontrarono Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, ministro degli esteri del Bonaparte, e il primo ministro ludoviciano conte di Altishofen, i quali sottoscrissero una pace definitiva ([[Pace di Vaux-le-Vicomte]]) ed il riconoscimento dell'indipendenza del regno di Ludovicia, dietro però solenne giuramento di ambo le parti di non pubblicizzare il fatto, ma semplicemente di lasciare che l'opinione pubblica facesse il proprio corso. Alla Francia vennero comunque riconosciuti dei vantaggi economici presso Ludovicia ma di molto ridotti rispetto al trattato del 1806.
Dopo la fine del periodo napoleonico, con la Restaurazione francese e la restituzione delle sue proprietà, Luigi I fu in grado di fare ritorno sull'isola per il breve periodo di due anni dal 1815 al 1817 per poi tornare in Francia dove morì nel 1818.
===The consolidation of power===
[[Image:SigningFranco-LudovicianAgreement1891.jpg|thumb|right|250px|The signing of the [[Franco-Ludovician Agreement (1891)|Franco-Ludovician Agreement]] in Versailles, 1891]]
The government of Louis III greatly strengthened the power of the kingdom, being able to finally announce the first constitution of state while maintaining it as a major guideline of the kingdom and without pretensions of trying to convert the status of a constitutional monarchy. The state was divided for the first time in homogeneous regions and counties as today.
Alla sua morte venne succeduto da suo figlio Luigi Enrico che venne proclamato nuovo re col nome di [[Luigi II di Ludovicia]]. Questi sbarcò sull'isola nel 1820 per giurare fedeltà alla corona ludoviciana, ma salpò nuovamente alla volta della Francia dall'anno successivo per prendere parte alla soppressione delle nuove sommosse rivoluzionarie scoppiate in Europa.
At his death in 1844, he was succeeded by his young heir [[Louis IV of Ludovicia]], second son of the deceased monarch, who reigned until 1883, and was then succeeded by the son [[Louis V of Ludovicia]] who reigned until 1894. The latter was the first king of Ludovicia to make an official visit to France in 1891 where was received by president Sedi Carnot, obtaining also formal recognition of the renunciation of any claim of the French state on the sovereignty of Ludovicia in exchange for a large sum of money heavily indebted country and plunged the local economy into a deep crisis from which the ludoviciana crown could recover only by the marriage of the young king Louis VI and marquise [[Juliette de La Roche]], rich heiress of the island, only daughter of [[Alexandre de La Roche]], who had particular luck becoming the first owner of an electricity dealership (the LRC company), which subsequently became statal property passing to the crown after the death of the owner. He founded also the national corps of firemans and nature guards.  
====Cambio di dinastie====
Louis V died in 1894 and was succeeded by his eldest son Louis Philippe which was crowned with the name of [[Louis VI of Ludovicia|Louis VI]] helding the fate of the state until 1936. During the reign of Louis VI, the kingdom of Ludovicia entered the war in support of France in World War I in 1915, thus also participate in the celebrations of victory in 1918. Louis VI was the first monarch to open votings even women and administrative governance, provided solely by nomination of the king or on the basis of a proposal made by a member of the royal family and then brought before the monarch.
Luigi II, dopo la morte di suo figlio Luigi Antonio, duca di Enghien, fucilato per ordine di Napoleone Bonaparte nel 1804 a Vincennes (Francia), rimase senza un erede delle proprie sostanze e per questo motivo nominò suo successore alla corona ludoviciana Luigi Stefano di Bourbon-Orléans, nipote acquisito di sua moglie Batilde.
Luigi Stefano, nato a Parigi, era figlio naturale di Luigi Filippo d'Orleans (m. 1829), ex abate di Saint-Albin, che aveva lasciato gli ordini ecclesiastici dopo lo scoppio della Rivoluzione Francese.
Luigi Stefano venne proclamato nuovo sovrano col nome di [[Luigi III di Ludovicia]] alla morte del suo predecessore, nel 1830. Questi fu il primo monarca a risiedere permanentemente sull'isola ed a stabilire la sua corte al palazzo del governatore di Ludovicia (che divenne quindi noto come [[Palazzo Reale di Ludovicia|Palazzo Reale]]).
===The Rohan-Lefevre Crisis===
{{See also|Rohan-Lefebvre Crisis}}
[[Image:RohanLefevre.jpg|thumb|left|200px|The bishop [[Louis Rohan-Lefevre]]]]
Louis VI was succeeded by his third son, [[Louis VII of Ludovicia|Louis VII]], who ruled the state for 57 years, dying in 1993. While distancing himself from the events of the Second World War that affected the status of Ludovicia only on diplomatic level since 1939, he decided not to take sides with France maintaining a substantial neutrality in the conflict which earned him wide recognition on the part of the population that bestowed the nickname ''the Wise''. After the war, in 1946, he devoted himself to the reconstruction of diplomatic relations, in particular by implementing the trade with France, expanding exports of sugar cane, jewelry products and silverware products from Ludovicia, allowing for the first time to private investors to buy part of the shares of the national silver mines.
===Il consolidamento del potere===
With the sudden death of the eldest son Louis Antoine in 1973, Louis VII fell into a deep depression that led him first to think of abdicating to his second son, Louis Francis, and then to take decisions which proved deeply unpopular: in fact he put himself into hans of the bishop of Port Royale, ''monsieur'' [[Louis Rohan-Lefevre]], who since 1976 was appointed his personal advisor and prime minister. Under the influence of the bishop Rohan-Lefevre, who was determined to consolidate the influence of the local ludovicia church in the state administration, Louis VII inaugurated 42 new churches and intensified the role of catholicism as the state religion, entrusting the management of schools solely in the hands of the church, going so far as to appoint the bishop of Port Royale als [[Ministry of Education (Ludovicia)|Minister of Education]] of his government. This and other facts, led to the popular revolts that imposed to the king to dismiss the new minister pain of dethronement and it was so. The popular support of Louis VII, however, was never the same and at the same time there arose a deep anti-Catholic sentiment that led to the destruction of some places of worship and the looting of property of some monasteries. After the resignation of Rohan-Lefevre in 1982 (he was also forced to leave the position of bishop of Port Royale and sentenced to exile), the government remained mostly in the hands of the prime minister [[Karl Kirchbach]] who strove to hold fast to the crown since the same position that Louis VII, after another coup, had decided to retire from public life mostly leaving the reins of government to his ministers.
[[Image:SigningFranco-LudovicianAgreement1891.jpg|thumb|right|250px|La sigla del [[Trattato franco-ludoviciano (1891)|trattato franco-ludoviciano]] a Versailles, 1891]]
Il governo di Luigi III rafforzò notevolmente il potere del regno con la proclamazione della prima costituzione di stato che, pur acquietando gli animi dei costituzionalisti, servì solo da linea guida per il regno senza la pretesa di cercare di convertire lo status del regno in una monarchia costituzionale. Lo stato venne suddiviso per la prima volta in regioni omogenee ed in contee come appare al giorno d'oggi.
Alla sua morte nel 1844, Luigi III venne succeduto dal suo erede più giovane [[Luigi IV di Ludovicia|Luigi IV]], figlio secondogenito del defunto monarca, che regnò poi sino al 1883, e che venne succeduto dal proprio figlio, [[Luigi V di Ludovicia|Luigi V]] che regnò sino al 1894. Quest'ultimo fu il primo re di Ludovicia a recarsi in visita ufficiale in Francia nel 1891, venendo ricevuto dal presidente Sedi Carnot. I rapporti con la Francia sin dall'epoca rivoluzionaria e napoleonica erano rimasti molto tesi, malgrado i frequenti contatti commerciali tra i due stati. Luigi V riuscì, sfruttando le proprie doti diplomatiche, ad ottenere un riconoscimento formale di rinuncia ad ogni qualsiasi pretesa da parte dello stato francese sulla sovranità di Ludovicia in cambio però di una cospicua somma di denaro che indebitò pesantemente l'economia ludoviciana e svuotò quasi del tutto le casse dello stato, gettando l'economia locale in una crisi senza precedenti da cui la corona ludoviciana poté riprendersi solo col futuro matrimonio tra re Luigi VI e la marchesa [[Juliette de La Roche]], ricca ereditiera dell'isola, unica figlia di [[Alexandre de La Roche]], un industriale di massimo livello che si era arricchito divenendo il primo titolare di un'azienda di distribuzione di energia elettrica (la LRC company), che successivamente divenne di proprietà statale passando alla corona dopo la sua morte. Fu sempre Luigi V a fondare il corpo nazionale dei vigili del fuoco e delle guardie forestali.
Luigi V morì nel 1894 e venne succeduto dal figlio primogenito, Luigi Filippo, che venne incoronato col nome di [[Luigi VI di Ludovicia|Luigi VI]] che mantenne le sorti dello stato sino al 1936. Durante il regno di Luigi VI, il regno di Ludovicia entrò in guerra per supportare la Francia durante la Prima Guerra Mondiale nel 1915, partecipando quindi alle celebrazioni della vittoria nel 1918. Luigi VI fu il primo monarca ad aprire il voto nei sondaggi popolari alle donne anche se le nomine amministrative di governo rimasero in capo unicamente al re o su proposta di un membro della famiglia reale.
===La Crisi Rohan-Lefevre===
{{See also|Crisi Rohan-Lefebvre}}
[[Image:RohanLefevre.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Il vescovo [[Louis Rohan-Lefevre]]]]
Luigi VI venne succeduto dal terzogenito, [[Luigi VII di Ludovicia|Luigi VII]], che governò lo stato per 57 anni, morendo nel 1993. Pur distanziandosi dagli eventi della Seconda Guerra Mondiale che interessarono Ludovicia solo a livello diplomatico dal 1939, egli decise di non prendere le parti della Francia nel conflitto, mantenendo una sostanziale neutralità che gli fruttò il riconoscimento di buona parte della popolazione che gli conferì l'appellativo di ''il Saggio''. Dopo la guerra, nel 1946, si dedicò alla ricostruzione delle relazioni diplomatiche, in particolare implementando il commercio con la Francia, espandendo le esportazioni della canna da zucchero, dei prodotti di gioielleria e d'argento prodotti in Ludovicia, permettendo per la prima volta a investitori privati di acquistare alcune azioni delle miniere nazionali d'argento.
Con la morte improvvisa del figlio primogenito Luigi Antonio nel 1973, Luigi VII fell cadde in una profonda depressione che lo fece in un primo tempo pensare di abdicare in favore del secondogenito, Luigi Francesco, ma alla fine si risolse a prendere una decisione che diede prova di essere impopolare: infatti il sovrano si pose nelle mani del vescovo di Port Royale, mons. [[Louis Rohan-Lefevre]], che dal 1976 venne nominato consigliere personale del re e primo ministro. Sotto l'influenza del vescovo bishop Rohan-Lefevre, il quale ea determinato a consolidare l'influenza della chiesa ludoviciana nell'amministrazione statale, Luigi VII inaugurò 42 nuove chiese ed intensificò il ruolo del cattolicesimo come religione di stato, affidando la direzione delle scuole unicamente alla chiesa, spingendosi al punto da nominare il vescovo di Port Royale al ruolo di [[Ministero dell'Educazione (Ludovicia)|Ministro dell'Educazione]] del suo governo. Questo ed altri fatti portarono a delle rivolte popolari che imposero al re le dimissioni del ministro. Il supporto popolare a Luigi VII, dopo questo evento, non fu ad ogni modo più lo stesso e nel contempo si sviluppò un profondo sentimento anticattolico che portò alla distruzione di alcuni luoghi di culto ed al saccheggio delle proprietà di alcuni monasteri. Dopo le dimissioni di Rohan-Lefevre nel 1982 (venne inoltre costretto a lasciare il proprio incarico come vescovo di Port Royale e venne condannato all'esilio), il governo rimase perlopiù nelle mani del primo ministro [[Karl Kirchbach]] che tentò di mantenere salda la corona dal momento che Luigi VII, decise di ritirarsi dalla vita pubblica lasciando il governo nelle mani dei suoi ministri.
===Last years===
===Last years===
[[Image:LouisVIIILudovicia.png|thumb|right|200px|[[Luigi VIII di Ludovicia]] appena asceso al trono ludoviciano]]
[[Image:LouisVIIILudovicia.png|thumb|right|200px|[[Louis VIII of Ludovicia]] just ascended at ludovician throne]]
Dopo la morte di Luigi VII, salì al potere il figlio secondogenito, Luigi Francesco, che venne solennemente incoronato col nome di [[Luigi VIII di Ludovicia|Luigi VIII]]. Questi, a differenza di suo padre, negli anni della crisi, si era opposto fortemente alla politica del vescovo di Port Royale ed una volta asceso al trono si dedicò immediatamente al consolidamento del potere personale del re a spese delle personalità di governo che sin dagli anni precedenti avevano retto le sorti dello stato. Dal 1993 decise di rinnovare completamente il Gabinetto di Governo nominando il conservatore conte [[Leopold von Altbishofen]] come primo ministro. Dal 1996 egli inaugurò una serie di riforme con l'intento di promuovere la libertà di culto sul suolo nazionale, rimuovendo l'influenza della chiesa cattolica aveva accumulato prima e durante il periodo della [[Crisi Rohan-Lefevre]], riaprendo i bordelli locali (inclusi quelli della capitale), legalizzando in parte l'uso delle droghe, ma nel contempo rafforzando i controlli della polizia e della polizia segreta in tutto lo stato. Egli intensificò anche l'esercito e la marina nazionali.
After the death of Louis VII, he came to power his second son, Louis Francis, who was solemnly crowned with the name of [[Louis VIII of Ludovicia|Louis VIII]]. These, unlike his father, in the years of the crisis, had harbored a deep hatred of lax administration of the father and why he devoted himself immediately to the consolidation of personal power of the king at the expense of government personalities and influence reached the main characters who had governed the fate of the government in previous years. Since 1993, therefore, he decided to fully renew the Government Cabinet by appointing conservative count [[Leopold von Altbishofen]] as prime minister. Since 1996 he ushered in a series of reforms with the aim of promoting the freedom of religion on national soil, removing the influence of the Catholic Church accumulated before and during the period of the Rohan-Lefevre crisis, reopening local brothels (including those in the capital), partially legalizing the use of drugs, but while strengthening the police and the secret police controls in the whole state. Also he intensified the army and the national navy.
Carattere estroverso, Luigi VIII ha investito considerevoli somme per la costruzione di una residenza personale a circa 30 km dalla capitale, impiantandovi un notevole sistema di canali per portare l'acqua necessaria a Ludovicia e creare spettacolari giochi d'acqua e fontane. Nel contempo egli decise di aprire i giardini al pubblico per implementare il turismo interno e permise ai suoi sudditi di godere di una rinnovata pace.
Quirky character, invested considerable money for the construction of a new personal residence about 30 kilometers away from the capital, implanting there a great system of channels to bring huge amounts of water from the river Ludovicia to create spectacular water features and beautiful fountains. At the same time he decided to open the gardens to all in order to improve domestic tourism, and to allow all his subjects to enjoy the renewed peace under his rule.
[[Image:LudoviciaRiversMountainsForests.jpg|550px|right|thumb|Mappa del regno di Ludovicia con montagne, fiumi, foreste e mari]]
[[Image:LudoviciaRiversMountainsForests.jpg|550px|right|thumb|Map of the kingdom of Ludovicia with mountains, rivers, forests and seas]]
Il Regno di Ludovicia è una nazione insulare composta da tre gruppi di isole. Essa è divisa in tre regioni, note come [[Nuova Francia (Ludovicia)|Nova Francia]], [[Nuova Australia (Ludovicia)|Nuova Australia]], [[Isole Orientali (Ludovicia)|Isole Orientali]]). Il Regno di Ludovicia è bagnato a nord dal [[Mare del Nord (Ludovicia)|Mare del Nord]], a sud dal [[Mare del Sud (Ludovicia)|Mare del Sud]], a est dal [[Mare dell'Est (Ludovicia)|Mare dell'Est]] e ad ovest dal [[Mare dell'Ovest (Ludovicia)|Mare dell'Ovest]]. Al centro delle isole si trova il [[Mar Centrale (Ludovicia)|Mar Centrale]].
The Kingdom of Ludovica is an island nation that is on three groups of islands. It is divided into three regions, known at home as "Government Office Region" ([[New France (Ludovicia)|New France]], [[New Australia (Ludovicia)|New Australia]], [[Eastern Islands (Ludovicia)|Eastern Islands]]). The Kingdom of Ludovicia is wet on the north by the [[North Sea (Ludovicia)|North Sea]], to the south by the [[South Sea (Ludovicia)|South Sea]], on the east by the [[East Sea (Ludovicia)|East Sea]] and west by the [[West Sea (Ludovicia)|West Sea]]. In the middle of islands there's the [[Central Sea (Ludovicia)|Central Sea]].
Gran parte del paese è composto da catene collinari e montuose (in particolare nelle lunghe [[Montagne di Mount Real]] che discendono poi nelle [[Isole del Guardiano]]). A sud si trovano le [[Montagne della Regina]] mentre a nord est si trovano i [[Monti dei Ciclopi]].  
Most of the country is made up of hills and mountain ranges (in particular from the long chain of [[Mount Real Mountains]] that flow then in [[Guardian Isles]]). To the south there are the [[Queen's Mountains]] while in the north east are the [[Cyclops Mountains]].  
Le città principali sono [[Ludovicia (città)|Ludovicia]], [[Nancy (Ludovicia)|Nancy]], [[Lyon (Ludovicia)|Lyon]], [[Reims (Ludovicia)|Reims]], [[Mont Real (Ludovicia)|Mont Real]] , [[Regina (Ludovicia)|Regina]], [[Lille (Ludovicia)|Lille]], [[Port Royale (Ludovicia)|Port Royale]], [[Montpellier (Ludovicia)|Montpellier]], [[Rouen (Ludovicia)|Rouen]] e [[La Rochelle (Ludovicia)|La Rochelle]].
Major cities are [[Ludovicia (city)|Ludovicia]], [[Nancy (Ludovicia)|Nancy]], [[Lyon (Ludovicia)|Lyon]], [[Reims (Ludovicia)|Reims]], [[Mont Real (Ludovicia)|Mont Real]] , [[Regina (Ludovicia)|Regina]], [[Lille (Ludovicia)|Lille]], [[Port Royale (Ludovicia)|Port Royale]], [[Montpellier (Ludovicia)|Montpellier]], [[Rouen (Ludovicia)|Rouen]] and [[La Rochelle (Ludovicia)|La Rochelle]].
La [[Nuova Francia (Ludovicia)|Nuova Francia]] è perlopiù piatta, con la presenza ad ovest della catena di Mont Real che raggiunge il suo picco massimo con il Mount Real di 1582 metri d'altezza. Nella regione nordorientale, si eleva il piccolo gruppo delle [[Montagne Solitarie]]. La capitale e la maggiore città della regione è [[Ludovicia (città)|Ludovicia]].
The [[New France (Ludovica)|New France]] is mostly flat, with the presence of the west of Mont Real chain that reaches the maximum height with Mount Mount Real, 1,582 meters high. In the northeastern region, it rises the small group of [[Lonely Mountains]]. The capital and the largest city of the region is [[Ludovicia (city)|Ludovicia]].
La [[Nuova Australia (Ludovicia)|Nuova Australia]] ha un territorio estremamente diversificato al proprio interno: la parte settentrionale è caratterizzata in gran parte da un'area collinare e montuosa con le due catene del [[Nido d'Aquila (Ludovicia)|Nido d'Aquila]] e delle [[Montagne della Regina]] col proprio picco raggiunto dal Monte Regina, 1280 metri. A sud, ad ogni modo, l'area è perlopiù piana. La città più grande della regione è [[Regina (Ludovicia)|Regina]].
The [[New Australia (Ludovica)|New Australia]] has a very diverse territorial aspect: the northern part is characterized by a large hilly and mountainous area characterized by two chains of [[Eagle's Nest]] and [[Queen's Mountains]] that reach a maximum height with Mount Queen, 1,280 meters high. To the south, however, the area is mostly flat. The largest city of the region is [[Regina (Ludovicia)|Regina]].
Le [[Isole Orientali (Ludovicia)|Isole Orientali]] sono per contrario composte da un gruppo di quattro isole separate da stretti canali d'acqua. Le aree montuose sono concentrate agli estremi: a nord vi sono i [[Monti dei Ciclopi]] nella [[Contea di Montpellier]], mentre a sud vi sono i [[Monti Cantabrici (Ludovicia)|Monti Cantabrici]], nella [[Contea di La Rochelle]]. La [[Contea di Rouen]], al centro delle due aree precedenti, è perlopiù pianeggiante.
The [[Eastern Islands (Ludovica)|Eastern Islands]] are in turn composed of four distinct groups of islands separated by narrow water channels. The mountain areas are concentrated at the extremes: in the north are the [[Cyclops Mountains]] in [[County of Montpellier]], while in the south there are the [[Mount Cantabrics]], in [[County of La Rochelle]]. The [[County of Rouen]], at the center between the two previous areas, is mostly flat.
Le aree montuose di Ludovicia sono poste come si è detto nell'area della [[Nuova Francia (Ludovicia)|Nuova Francia]] mentre il picco più alto è rappresentato dal Mount Real (1582 m).
The mountainous areas of Ludovica are placed as has been said mainly in the area of [[New France (Ludovicia) | New France]] while it offers the highest peak of the whole kingdom, Mount Real (1,582 m).
Queste montagne si sono costituite durante il periodo dell'Oligocene (33.9 ± 0.1 milioni di anni fa) dalla collisione con l'area montuosa di [[Nuova Francia (Ludovicia)|Nuova Francia]] e [[Nuova Australia]], proseguendo sino alle [[Isole dei Guardiani]] che creano una continuazione ieale a sud con il [[Nido d'Aquila (Ludovicia)|Nido d'Aqula]] e con le [[Montagne della Regina]] sino ai [[Monti Cantabrici (Ludovicia)|Monti Cantabrici]].
These mountains were formed in the Oligocene period (33.9 ± 0.1 million years ago) from the collision with an underground mountainous area of the land on the [[New France (Ludovicia)|New France]] and [[New Australia]], then going to form the [[Guardian Isles]] which create an ideal continuation of the mountain range also south to the [[Eagle's Nest]] and [[Queen's Mountains]] until [[Mounts Cantabrics]].
Il regno di Ludovicia per la presenza di molte catene montuose con ghiacciai e aree moreniche, laghi e torrenti, è ricca di acque. In generale, sulla base dell'altitudine montuosa e della disponibilità di terra, i fiumi più lunghi scorrono nella regione della [[Nuova Francia (Ludovicia)|Nuova Francia]]. In generale i fiumi ludoviciani sono brevi ed a carattere torrentizio.
The kingdom of Ludovicia for the presence of several mountain ranges, with snowfields and glaciers, lakes and springs, is rich in waterways. In general, on the base of available geographic and altitude of the mountains, the rivers longer and longer range belong to the region of [[New France (Ludovicia)|New France]] while the rivers of other regions usually have short course and characterized by a torrential course.
Il fiume più importante è il [[Le Roy (fiume)|Le Roy]] (636 km, 1,460 m³/s). che si origina nella [[Foresta di Ludovicia]] ed attraversa le pianure di Ludovicia sino a raggiungere il [[Golfo di Ludovicia]], nel [[Mare del Nord (Ludovicia)|Mare del Nord]]. Altri fiumi importanti sono il [[Fiume dei Cavalieri]], la [[Dorothea (fiume)|Dorothea]], la [[Fiume Signora|Signora]] ed il [[Saint Hubert (fiume)|Saint Hubert]].  
The most important river is the [[Ludovicia (river)|Ludovicia]] (636 km, average flow about 1,460 m³/s). It originates in the [[Ludovicia Forest]] and passes through whole Ludovicia plains until it flows into the [[Ludovicia Gulf]], in [[North Sea]]. Other main rivers are the [[Knights' River|Knights']], the [[Dorothea (river)|Dorothea]], the [[Signora's River|Signora's]] and [[Saint Hubert (river)|Saint Hubert]].  
I laghi ludoviciani più estesi sono il [[Lago Alto]], il [[Lago Basso]] ed il [[Lago di Ludovicia]] che è anche il più profondo (410 m), che si trovano nella regione della [[Nuova Francia (Ludovicia)|Nuova Francia]]. Altri laghi importanti si trovano nelle altre regioni come il [[Lago di Rouen]] ed il [[Lago della Regina]].
The most extensive ludovician lakes, in the order the [[Hight Lake]], the [[Low Lake]] and [[Ludovicia Lake]] which is also the deepest (410 m), are located in the region of [[New France (Ludovicia)|New France]]. Other important lakes are found in other regions such as the [[Rouen's Lake]] and [[Queen's Lake]].
Il clima è caratterizzato da temperature basse durante il periodo invernale (0 ° / 4 ° C) e alte in estate (la temperatura massima misurata in estate si attesta attorno ai 28 - 32 ° C presso la Stazione Climatica di Ludovicia a Port Royale). Durante la stagione fredda, le temperature minime possono andare sotto lo zero durante la notte e talvolta rimangono negative o vicine allo zero anche durante il giorno; nella stagione invernale, per l'aria stagnante e le temperature basse, si tendono ad avere valori bassi. Durante l'estate le temperature massime mai rilevate sono state di 38° a causa di cicloni subtropicali. Recenti misure hanno dato questi estremi: nell'estate del 2003, a causa di un anticiclone subtropicale, sono stati raggiunti i 41º / 43º; nel gennaio e nel dicembre del 2009, per contro, si è avuta un'inversione termica con punte a -12º / -14º, mentre nel febbraio del 2012 sono scese addirittura a -20 / -15 ° C.
The climate is characterized by a large annual temperature range with average low temperatures in winter (0 ° / 4 ° C) and high in summer (the average maximum summer range between 25 ° C measured at 30 ° C Ludovicia of Port Royale weather station). In the cold season, the minimum temperatures can settle even several degrees below zero at night, and sometimes remain negative or close to zero even in the middle of the day; in the winter season, because the stagnant air and the maximum temperatures are determined at very low values: in some cases may be recorded, even if only slightly, namely ice days with thermal values ​​which are negative also during the day, with phenomena such as the hoarfrost. In summer the maximum temperatures can reach in case of sub-tropical cyclone, peaks of 38 ° C, sometimes higher. Recent measurements of these extremes: in summer 2003, with the subtropical anticyclone, the 41º / 43º have been touched; in January and in December 2009, thanks to the effect albedo and thermal inversion, they have touched the -12º / -14º, while in February 2012 it's down to -20 / -15 ° C Western nella'area.
Le piogge sono concentrate a primavera ed in autunno, ma durante le estati calde e umide vi sono frequenti temporali, specialmente nella parte settentrionale.
The rainfall is mainly concentrated in the spring and autumn months, but in the warm, humid summers are frequent thunderstorms, especially in the north of the river Ludovicia.
Con circa 23 milioni di abitanti (31 dicembre 2015), Ludovicia è la trentesima nazione del [[The Imperialist Union]] in termini di popolazione; la sua densità di popolazione è di 1243 abitanti per chilometro quadrato, più alto dell'unione.
With about 23 million inhabitants (31 December 2015), Ludovicia is the thirtieth country of [[The Imperialist Union]] in terms of population; its population density is 1243 inhabitants per square kilometer, higher than the union average.
La popolazione, concentrata prevalentemente nelle aree costiere e pianeggianti del paese, ha un'aspettativa di 79.1 anni per gli uomini e di 84.3 per le donne.
The population, concentrated mainly in the coastal and lowland areas of the country, has a life expectancy of 79.1 years for men and 84.3 for women.
Alla fine del XVII secolo, in corrispondenza con la fondazione della colonia, dove in precedenza esistevano degli insediamenti sparsi ed isolati, si ebbe una notevole immigrazione dall'Europa (in particolare da Francia, Italia e Germania). Nel corso del XIX secolo vi fu un fenomeno di immigrazione interna che attirò gli abitanti verso le aree principali del paese per via dell'aumento dell'industrializzazione. Il numero di ludoviciani che attualmente vivono all'estero pur mantenendo la cittadinanza ludoviciana si attesta attorno ai 1100 individui.
At the end of the seventeenth century, in correspondence with the establishment of the colony, what was previously an isolated and sparsely inhabited, suffered a massive immigration mainly from Europe (France, Italy and Germany). In the nineteenth century there was rather a phenomenon of internal emigration, attracted by the industrial development of certain areas of the country. The number of ludovicians living abroad who retain ludovicians citizenship is estimated at about 1,100 people.
{{Bar box  
{{Bar box  
|align="center"|title=Principali religioni nel Regno di Ludovicia (2015)
|align="center"|title=Principal religions in Kingdom of Ludovicia (2015)
|right1=Percentuale sulla popolazione
|right1=Percentage on population
{{Bar percent|Chiesa di Ludovicia (cattolici)|red|87.80}}
{{Bar percent|Church of Ludovicia (catholic)|red|87.80}}
{{Bar percent|Protestanti|orange|8.16}}
{{Bar percent|Protestants|orange|8.16}}
{{Bar percent|Ortodossi|green|1.90}}
{{Bar percent|Ortodox|green|1.90}}
{{Bar percent|Ebrei|blue|0.80}}
{{Bar percent|Hebrews|blue|0.80}}
{{Bar percent|Islamici|purple|0.34}}
{{Bar percent|Islam|purple|0.34}}
{{Bar percent|Altri|grey|1.00}}
{{Bar percent|Others|grey|1.00}}
Ludovicia dispone di una propria religione ufficiale di stato, identificata con la [[Chiesa di Ludovicia]], parte della chiesa cattolica.
Ludovica have the principle of the official religion of the state, identified with the [[Church of Ludovicia]], part of the Catholic church.
I cittadini ludoviciani sono perlopiù cristiani cattolici: nel 2015, si contavano 87.8% cattolici dichiarati.
The ludovicians citizens are mostly Catholic Christians: in 2015, 87.8% declared catholic.
La [[Chiesa di Ludovicia]] è organizzata nel [[Regno di Ludovicia]] in 11 diocesi ed in 1 ordinariato militare; l'arcivescovo di Ludovicia ne è il primate. La Chiesa ha esercitato un ruolo influente nella società ludoviciana, prendendo posizioni in ambiti religiosi, sociali e politici tra cui sulla questione del divorzio e dell'aborto negli anni '70 ed, in tempi più recenti, sul testamento biologico, sull'inseminazione artificiale e sulle politiche dell'immigrazione. Malgrado questo, dopo la [[Crisi Rohan-Lefevre]] che ha visto protagonista il più alto rappresentante della chiesa ludoviciana, l'influenza della chiesa nelle questioni di stato è stata molto diminuita grazie all'azione di [[Luigi VIII di Ludovicia|Luigi VIII]] che ha portato le istituzioni statali ad una progressiva secolarizzazione. La chiesa per contro ha spesso criticato l'atteggiamento del monarca nei confronti della libertà sessuale e della nudità, senza comunque essere in grado di condizionare le masse.
The [[Church of Ludovicia]] is organized in [[Kingdom of Ludovicia]] in 11 dioceses longer a Military Ordinariate; the archbishop of Ludovicia it is primate. The Church exercises exercised an influential role in society ludovician, taking position in time of religious, social and political including divorce and abortion in the seventies or, in more recent years, the living will and artificial insemination or immigration policies. Despite this, after the [[Rohan-Lefevre crisis]] that had as its protagonist own a high representative of ludovician church, the influence of the church in matters of state is also strongly decreased for cooling action [[Louis VIII of Ludovicia|Louis VIII]] who led the state institutions towards a progressive secularization, but was unable to undermine part of internal interference. The church has often criticized the fact of the sovereign government for its sexual freedom and nudity, expressed as one of the characters that would lean towards the state and society towards greater social happiness, without however being able to prevent the approval of some reforms strongly desired by the king, a sign that the population itself is more emphasis increasingly towards a secularization of society.
Tra le minoranze religiose vi sono altre denominazioni di cristiani (in particolare ortodossi e protestanti, questi ultimi perlopiù Pentecostali), Ebrei, Mormoni e testimoni di Geova. L'immigrazione ha contribuito alla presenza di minoranze religiose in paese, composte da ortodossi, musulmani, buddisti e indù.
Among the minority religions are several other Christian denominations (particularly Orthodox and Protestants, the latter mostly Pentecostal), Jews, Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. Immigration contributes to some of the religious minorities in the country, the most numerous of which are Orthodox Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus.
Il francese è la lingua ufficiale e la più diffusa a Ludovicia, anche se dall'inizio del XIX secolo ha iniziato a diffondersi il [[Ludoviciano (lingua)|Ludoviciano]], un misto tra la lingua locale e quella importata dai coloni francesi, che nel 1894 era parlata dal 12.5% della popolazione. Solo in tempi moderni vi è stato un recupero storico e culturale della lingua voluto dallo stato, anche se esso viene parlato ancora solo da minoranze.
French is the official language and the most widely spoken in Ludovicia, although since the beginning of the nineteenth century was born on [[Ludovician (language)|Ludovician]], a mixture of the local language formerly spoken and French imported from settlers, who still appeared to 1894 still only spoken by 12.5% of the population. Only in modern times there has been a cultural and historical recovery wanted by the state, which still raised slightly above the population speak it.
===Ordine dello stato===
===State order===
*[[Re di Ludovicia|Il Re di Ludovicia]], è capo dello stato e nomina i membri del governo e dei senatori
*[[Kings of Ludovicia|The King of Ludovicia]], is the head of state and appoints the members of the government and senators
*Governo, composto dal [[Primo Ministro di Ludovicia|Primo Ministro]] e dai ministri della corona, esercita il potere legislativo con possibilità di veto da parte del re
*Governament, composed by [[Prime Minister of Ludovicia|Prime Minister]] and ministers of the crown, exercises legislative power with possibility of veto by the king
*[[Senato (Ludovicia)|Senato]] (solo consultivo, nomina regia)
*[[Senate of Ludovicia|Senate]] (only consultative)
*[[Camera dei Rappresentanti (Ludovicia)|Camera dei Rappresentanti]] (solo consultivo, nomina popolare)
*Magistrature, directly dependent on the king, exercises the judicial power
*Magistratura, direttamente dipendente dal re, esercita il potere giudiziario
*'''[[Grandi ufficiali di stato (Ludovicia)|Grandi ufficiali di stato]]'''
*'''[[High officiers of the state (Ludovicia)|High officiers of the state]]'''
**[[Gran Cancelliere di Ludovicia]], responsabile dei sigilli e degli atti reali, capo della giustizia
**[[Grand Chancellor of Ludovica]], responsible for sealing and delivery of royal acts, then chief justice
**[[Gran Tesoriere di Ludovicia]], responsabile delle finenze di stato
**[[Grand Treasurer of Ludovicia]], responsible for state finances
**[[Maresciallo di Ludovicia]], capo generale dell'esercito, posizione spesso assegnata al sovrano stesso o ad un membro della sua famiglia, o ad una persona di sua massima fiducia
**[[Marshal of Ludovicia]], general army chief, a position usually assigned to the sovereign himself or his immediate family members, or a person of the utmost confidence
**[[Ammiraglio di Ludovicia]], capo generale della marina militare e mercantile
**[[Admiral of Ludovicia]], general chief for maritime affairs
**[[Araldo di Ludovicia]], araldo di stato
**[[Herald of Ludovicia]], herald of state
*'''''[[Maison du Roi (Ludovicia)|Maison du Roi]]'''''
*'''[[Royal Household (Ludovicia)|Royal Household]]'''
**[[Maestro delle Cerimonie di Ludovicia]], direttore della ''[[Maison du Roi (Ludovicia)|Maison du Roi]]'' per la parte civile, responsabile di tutte le cerimonie a corte
**[[Master of Ceremonies of Ludovica]], manager of the ''[[Maison du Roi (Ludovicia)|Maison du Roi]]'' for the civil party and responsible of all cerimonies at court
**[[Grand'Elemosiniere di Ludovicia]], responsabile della supervisione della cappella privata del re
**[[Grand Almoner of Ludovicia]], responsible supervising the private chapel of the king
**[[Gran Ciambellano di Ludovicia]], responsabile della camera del re
**[[Grand Chamberlain of Ludovica]], responsible of king's bedroom
**[[Gran Scudiero di Ludovicia]], responsabile delle stalle reali
**[[Grand Squire of Ludovicia]], responsible of the royal stables
**[[Gran Cacciatore di Ludovicia]], responsabile delle cacce reali
**[[Grand Hunter of Ludovicia]], responsible of overseeing the hunts of the king
**[[Capitano delle Guardie del Palazzo di Ludovicia]], ufficiale comandante delle ghuardie presenti nel Palazzo Reale
**[[Captain of the Palace Guard of Ludovicia]], officer commanding the guards present at the royal palace
**[[Maestro delle Vesti di Ludovicia]], responsabile delle vesti del re
**[[Master of Robes of Ludovicia]], responsible for the King's robes
**[[Gran Coppiere di Ludovicia]], responsabile dei vigneti e delle cantine reali e del rifornimento di vino a corte
**[[Grand Cupbearer of Ludovicia]], responsible of the royal vineyards and short supply of wine
**[[Gran Panettiere di Ludovicia]], responsabile della fornitura di pane a corte
**[[Grand Baker of Ludovicia]], responsible for procurement of bread at court
**[[Maestro delle Cucine di Ludovicia]], responsabile delle cucine reali
**[[Master of Kitchen of Ludovicia]], responsible for royal kitchens
===Divisioni amministrative===
===Administrative divisions===
[[Image:LudoviciaRegions.jpg|thumb|right|400px|Le regioni del Regno di Ludovicia:<br>{{color box|red}} [[Nuova Francia (Ludovicia)|Nuova Francia]]<br>{{color box|#FFCC00}} [[Nuova Australia (Ludovicia)|Nuova Australia]]<br>{{color box|#00A86B}} [[Isole Orientali (Ludovicia)|Isole Orientali]].]]
[[Image:LudoviciaRegions.jpg|thumb|right|400px|Regions of Kingdom of Ludovicia:<br>{{color box|red}} [[New France (Ludovicia)|New France]]<br>{{color box|#FFCC00}} [[New Australia (Ludovicia)|New Australia]]<br>{{color box|#00A86B}} [[Eastern Islands (Ludovicia)|Eastern Islands]].]]
[[Image:LudoviciaCities.jpg|thumb|right|400px|Contee del Regno di Ludovicia]]
[[Image:LudoviciaCities.jpg|thumb|right|400px|Counties of Kingdom of Ludovicia]]
Le autorità locali che assieme allo stato costituiscono il regno di Ludovicia sono:
Local authorities which, together with the state, constitute the Ludovicia kingdom are:
*3 regioni
*3 regions
*11 contee
*11 counties
*2.816 parrocchie
*2.816 parishes
Le regioni sono la maggiore entità territoriale presente nel regno di Ludovicia. Esse sono delimitate da confini geografici naturali. Esse sono tre, ciascuna con un proprio capoluogo:
The regions are the largest territorial entity present in the kingdom of Ludovicia. They are basically divided on the basis of natural geographical borders, taking advantage of the state structure based on groups of islands. They are therefore in the number of three, each with its capital:
*[[Nuova Francia (Ludovicia)|Nuova Francia]] ([[Ludovicia (città]])
*[[New France (Ludovicia)|New France]] ([[Ludovicia (city)|Ludovicia]])
*[[Nuova Australia (Ludovicia)|Nuova Australia]] ([[Regina (città)|Regina]])
*[[New Australia (Ludovicia)|New Australia]] ([[Regina (city)|Regina]])
*[[Isole Orientali (Ludovicia)|Isole Orientali]] ([[Port Royale (città)|Port Royale]])
*[[Eastern Islands (Ludovicia)|Eastern Islands]] ([[Port Royale (city)|Port Royale]])
Le regioni sono suddivise in contee, entità locali e provinciali che storicamente vennero istituite prima delle regioni stesse. Sin dalla loro fondazione, il sistema delle contee ebbe un governo diarchico: a capo di ciascuna contea si trova un aristocratico nominato dal re denominato ''Luogotenente'' e con funzioni meramente cerimoniali, mentre vi è poi un ''Governatore'' nominato dal governo che esercita le reali funzioni amministrative. Le contee prendono il loro nome dai capoluoghi locali. Le contee di Ludovicia sono 11 in tutto:
The regions are subdivided into counties, provincial and local entities that historically are even previous to the institution of the same regions. Since their inception, every county has been subjected to a diarchic government: at the head of each county there is an aristocrat appointed by the king with the function of ''Lieutenant'', a merely cerimonial governor, and a ''governor'' appointed by the state with real administrative functions. The counties are named after the local capital. The counties in Ludovicia kingdom are in number of 11:
*{{color box|#00A86B}} [[Contea di Ludovicia]]
*{{color box|#00A86B}} [[County of Ludovicia]]
*{{color box|#FFCC00}} [[Contea di Reims]]
*{{color box|#FFCC00}} [[County of Reims]]
*{{color box|red}} [[Contea di Mont Real]]
*{{color box|red}} [[County of Mont Real]]
*{{color box|grey}} [[Contea di Lyon]]
*{{color box|grey}} [[County of Lyon]]
*{{color box|#002FA7}} [[Contea di Nancy]]
*{{color box|#002FA7}} [[County of Nancy]]
*{{color box|#FFC0CB}} [[Contea di Regina]]
*{{color box|#FFC0CB}} [[County of Regina]]
*{{color box|#9F00FF}} [[Contea di Lille]]
*{{color box|#9F00FF}} [[County of Lille]]
*{{color box|#FDE910}} [[Contea di Port Royale]]
*{{color box|#FDE910}} [[County of Port Royale]]
*{{color box|#800000}} [[Contea di La Rochelle]]
*{{color box|#800000}} [[County of La Rochelle]]
*{{color box|#4682B4}} [[Contea di Rouen]]
*{{color box|#4682B4}} [[County of Rouen]]
*{{color box|orange}} [[Contea di Montpellier]]
*{{color box|orange}} [[County of Montpellier]]
Le parrocchie civili sono l'unità amministrativa minima nel regno di Ludovicia che corrispondono nei loro confini alle aree amministrative delle parrocchie religiose locali da cui si originano. Le parrocchie sono 2.816 nel territorio di Ludovicia e corrispondono come già detto al territorio di ciascuna città o villaggio. Esse si distinguono in:
The civil parish is the minimum administrative unit within the Ludovicia kingdom and usually corresponds to the boundaries of local religious parishes from which generally originate. The parishes are 2.816 in the territory of Ludovicia and correspond as mentioned territories to individual cities of the kingdom.
*Parrocchie di I classe: comuni sopra i 50.000 abitanti
*Parrocchie di II classe: comuni tra i 10.000 ed i 49.999 abitanti
*Parrocchie di III classe: comuni sotto i 10.000 abitanti
I simboli principali del Regno di Ludovicia sono:
[[Image:CoatofArmsLudovicia.png|thumb|right|150px|The coat of arms of Ludovicia]]
*[[Bandiera del Regno di Ludovicia]]
[[Image:LudoviciaFlag.jpg|thumb|right|150px|The flag of Ludovicia]]
*[[Stemma del Regno di Ludovicia]]
The main symbols that recall the unity of the Kingdom of Ludovicia are:
*[[Flag of Ludovicia]]
*[[Coat of Arms of Ludovicia]]
==School system==
Il sistema politico ludoviciano è basato sulla presenza di due organi che hanno valore consultivo. In maniera del tutto indipendente opera il Consiglio della Corona.
Education in Ludovicia is regulated in different ways according to legal form (public schools, private schools). Vocational training, including vocational schools, however, depends on the regions. Compulsory education ends at 16. The ludovician school system is divided into three stages of education:
*Primary education, duration of 5 years;
*Secondary education, which includes the secondary school level, lasting 3 years, and secondary school in second grade, 5 years term;
*Higher education, including the universities and specialized training, as master and graduate school.
* Il [[Consiglio della Corona (Ludovicia)|Consiglio della Corona]] che riunisce il primo ministro ed i suoi ministri col re, si riunisce per discutere delle nuove leggi di proporre o del modo di far rispettare le leggi approvate dalle due camere, oppure ancora per ottenere il parere del re su una questione importante, per fare il punto sulla situazione di governo, per discutere della guerra e della pace. Il Consiglio della Corona, riunendosi una volta a settimana, è anche il momento in cui il re approva o rigetta le leggi discusse in parlamento.
In these cycles of instruction alongside the kindergarten, pre-school institution not mandatory, characterized by the game and the coexistence with his teammates and the preparation for the first cycle of education. The cycle of university studies is divided in three phases:
*Degree (3 years)
*Master of Science (2 years)
*PhD (3 years)
Le altre due camere hanno valore consultivo ed hanno una differente composizione:
Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown in Ludovicia, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare.
* [[Senato (Ludovicia)|Senato]], composto solo da membri dell'aristocrazia nominati a vita dal re. Spesso questa posizione viene trasmessa di padre in figlio, ma la pratica non è obbligatoria. Esso ha potere di proporre le leggi al Consiglio della Corona pur mantenendo solo un valore consultivo. Segue normalmente gli interessi dell'aristocrazia e delle classi alte.
==Media and liberty of information==
In the Kingdom of Ludovica there is a partial freedom of information that allows citizens to inform themselves freely, although the government has repeatedly suffered much criticism for not fully transparent. The government justified this requirement referring it to the recent fighting terrorism, considering that the propagation of even mundane information relating to administration (if not examined closely by the government) can constitute a weak point for those who see the kingdom of Ludovicia a possible target of economic or military attack.
* [[Camera dei Rappresentanti (Ludovicia)|Camera dei Rappresentanti]], composto da membri eletti tra il popolo e la borghesia, al suo interno non vi sono membri dell'aristocrazia. Essa ha potere di proporre le leggi al Consiglio della Corona pur mantenendo solo un valore consultivo. Segue di norma gli interessi della borghesia e del popolo.
"Le Journal de Ludovica" is the national newspaper and the principal of number of copies sold in the territory of the kingdom, while the "Gazette" is the official publication of the government.
==Sistema scolastico==
L'educazione a Ludovicia è regolata in differenti modi secondo la forma giuridica dell'istituto (scuola pubblica o scuola privata). L'educazione obbligatoria termina a 16 anni. Il sistema scolastico ludoviciano è diviso in tre fasi di educazione:
The ludovica army is composed of the three armed forces:
*Educazione primaria: 5 anni
* '''[[Royal Ludovician Army]]''', derived directly from the French army thanks to the first settlers came in the seventeenth century to colonize the area, it became autonomous with autonomy proclamation of the kingdom in 1792
*Educazione secondaria: che include le scuole secondarie di primo grado, della durata di 3 anni, e le secondarie di secondo grado della durata di 5 anni
* '''[[Royal Ludovician Navy]]''', consists always in the seventeenth century with the first settlers arrived in the area, became independent with autonomy proclamation of the kingdom in 1792
*Educazione alta: che include le università ed i corsi di specializzazione, masters, ecc. (della durata variabile a seconda dei corsi)
* '''[[Royal Ludovician Air Force]]''', founded in 1909
Il crimine, specialmente quello giovanile, è praticamente sconosciuto a Ludovicia, grazie alla capacità delle forze di polizia ed agli sforzi educativi.
===First sector===
Since its origins, the Kingdom of Ludovicia has had a strong agricultural product-specific linked to colonialism (such as sugarcane). With the declaration of independence of the kingdom and the XIX century, the agricultural sector (including forestry and fishing) was increased significantly, and this condition remained in vogue until the end of the nineteenth century when the beginning of industrialization led the expansion of industries to carry part of the workforce to the factories.
==Media e libertà d'informazione==
The agricultural area ludovician is approximately 37% of the national territory. The major products in terms of value for the year 2015 were sugar cane, wine and corn. For quantities produced, however, the main agriculture ludovician products were corn, sugar cane and wine grapes. In the field of animal production stand out cow's milk, beef, pork and poultry.
Nel Regno di Ludovicia vi è una parziale libertà d'informazione che permette ai cittadini di informarsi liberamente, anche se il governo è stato in più occasioni è stato accusato di non completa trasparenza nei confronti dell'informazione. Il governo ha giustificato queste misure come mezzo di difesa dai recenti atti di terrorismo, considerando la diffusione di continue informazioni anche da fonti governative un possibile punto debole per quanti possano vedere nel regno di Ludovicia un possibile obbiettivo di attacchi economici o militari.
''"Le Journal de Ludovica"'' è il giornale nazionale ed il principale per numero di copie vendute sul territorio, menre la ''"Gazette"'' è la pubblicazione ufficiale del governo.
Very high is also the total production of sea and lagoon fishing, including shellfish.
====Minerary resources====
L'esercito di Ludovicia è composto da tre forze armate:
The ludovician territory has some various types of mineral deposits, located mainly in the mountain areas (particularly in [[Mont Real]]). They consist mainly of deposits of lead, silver, iron and minerals such as fluorite and obsidian.
* '''[[Esercito Reale Ludoviciano]]''', derivato direttamente dall'esercito francese grazie ai primi coloni che insediarono in queste terre nel XVII secolo, è divenuto completamente autonomo con la proclamazione dell'indipendenza del regno nel 1792
* '''[[Marina Reale Ludoviciana]]''', costituita sempre nel XVII secolo coi primi coloni dell'area, è divenuta completamente autonoma con la proclamazione del regno nel 1792
* '''[[Aviazione Reale Ludoviciana]]''', fondata nel 1909
Altre forze militari del regno sono:
* '''[[Polizia Reale di Ludovicia|Polizia Reale]]''', fondata nel 1873
Ludovicia, compared to other countries in the region, has an energy production essentially derived from hydropower and wind power. The oldest center for energy production was founded in 1903 dall'ADLR Company that, thanks to the intuition of the industrialist [[Alexandre de La Roche]], he qualified as the first plant for the production of electrical energy of the kingdom. When the daughter of Alexandre, [[Juliette de La Roche|Juliette]] married king [[Louis VI of Ludovicia]], the center began to be administered more gradually due directly under the crown to pass a legacy to the royal couple with the death of De La Roche father and then he passed to the state that still owns it. The main hydroelectric plants are located in the natural swings between [[High Lake]] and [[Low Lake]], with those of [[Rouen's Lake]] and [[Knight's River]].
* '''[[Guardia Nobile (Ludovicia)|Guardia Nobile0]]''', fondata nel 1815, composta da soli aristocratici, incaricata personalmente della sicurezza della persona del re e del palazzo reale
* '''[[Vigili del Fuoco di Ludovicia]]''', fondati nel 1916
* '''[[Guardia Carceraria Ludoviciana]]''', fondata nel 1848
A long series of private, in the second half of the twentieth century, has instead created the plants for the production of wind energy which are located mainly in the region of [[New Australia (Ludovicia)|New Australia]] and [[County of La Rochelle]].
===Primo settore===
Sin dalle sue origini, il Regno di Ludovicia ha avuto una forte vocazione all'agricoltura collegata al colonialismo (con prodotti come la canna da zucchero). Con la dichiarazione d'indipendenza del regno nel XIX secolo, il settore agricolo (incluso lo sfruttamento dei boschi e la pesca) è stato fortemente incrementato, e queste condizioni sono rimaste tali sino alla fine del XIX secolo quando l'inizio dell'industrializzazione ha portato ad un'espansione dell'apparato industriale che ha privato le fattorie di forza lavoro.
L'area agricola ludoviciana attuale si attesta attorno al 37% del territorio nazionale. I principali prodotti nel 2016 erano canna da zucchero, vino e grano. Per quantità prodotte, ad ogni modo, le principali colture sono grano, canna da zucchero e uva da vino. Nel campo della produzione animale si ritrovano latte vaccino, carne, suini e pollame.
===Second sector===
The industry of the Kingdom of Ludovica focuses mainly around the automotive industry and in the processing of wood. It also plays an important part related to the tourism industry that is an important source of revenue for the country.
Molto alta è la produzione di pesce e molluschi.
===Third sector===
Tourism accounts for Ludovica one of the cornerstones of its development as well as one of the main sources of income for the state, both in the mountainous areas, both in the sea (beaches and lagoons) as well as for tourism in art cities.
====Risorse minerarie====
In 2015 it was noted that in several areas of the country about 15 million tourists were recorded. Tour operators working in the sector for the same year were 2,500,000.
Il territorio ludoviciano ha diversi tipi di depositi minerari, principalmente nelle aree montuose (in particolare presso [[Mont Real]]). Le miniere sono essenzialmente di piombo, argento, ferro e minerali come fluorite ed ossidiana.
Ludovicia, a confronto con altre nazioni della regione, ha una produzione energetica essenzialmente derivata dalla forza idrica ed eolica. Il più antico centro di produzione dell'energia è stato istituito nel 1903 dalla ???? che, grazie all'intuizione dell'industriale [[Alexandre de La Roche]], si è quelificato come il primo impianto per la produzione di energia elettrica nel regno. Quando la figlia di Alexandre, [[Juliette de La Roche|Juliette]] sposò re  [[Luigi VI di Ludovicia]], il centrò iniziò ad essere amministrato sempre più gradualmente dalla corona per poi passare definitivamente allo stato con la morte di De La Roche. I principali impianti idroelettrici sono collocati sulle cascate naturale tra il Lato Alto ed il Lago Basso, oltre ad essere presenti presso il [[Lago di Rouen]] e [[Fiume dei Cavalieri]].
The ludovician infrastructure network consists in 150,530 kilometers of roads (divided into state, regional, county and parish), 2588 kilometers of highways, 13,469 kilometers of operational railways (divided between fundamental network, complementary network and node network), 352 ports and 10 airports.
Una serie di privati, nella seconda metà del XX secolo, ha invece investito nella creazione di impianti per la produzione di energia eolica, collocati essenzialmente nella regione della [[Nuova Australia (Ludovicia)|Nuova Australia]] e della [[Contea di La Rochelle]].
Urban public transport is served by tram, bus, funicular, taxi and, in major cities, metropolitan. Some resorts also because of their geography, they also serve the maritime transport sector.
===Settore secondario===
===Protected areas===
L'industria del Regno di Ludovicia è focalizzata principalmente attorno al settore automobilistico e nella lavorazione del legno. Rilevante è anche l'industria del turismo che è un'importante fonte di guadagno per il paese.
[[Image:GiantTurtles.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Giant turtles on Tortoise Islands, protected by order of Louis VII]]
Protected areas in the kingdom Ludovica constitute almost 15% of the national territory, with the following breakdown:
* National Parks: are 12 and account for 7% of the protected areas of the kingdom. The most important is [[]].
* Wilderness: are all over 18 and account for 5% of the protected areas of the kingdom. The most important is the [[National Park of the Tortoise Islands]], founded by King [[Louis VII of Ludovicia | Louis VII]] in 1991.
* Marine protected areas: they are 24 and cover a sea area of over 254,680 hectares. The most important is [[]].
===Settore terziario===
Il turismo per Ludovicia è una delle pietre miliari dell'economia nonché una delle principali fonti di guadagno per lo stato, sia nelle aree montuose, sia verso il mare (spiagge e lagune) oltre che nelle città d'arte.
===Painting and sculpture===
Nel 2016 sono stati registrati nelle diverse aree circa 16.000.000 di turisti. I tour operators che lavorano in questo settore sono 2.500.000 circa.
Le infrastrutture ludoviciane constano di 150.530 chilometri di strade (divise in statali, regionali, comitali e parrocchiali), 2588 chilometri di autostrade, 13.469 chilometri di strade ferrate (divise tra tronconi principali e secondari), 352 porti e 5 aeroporti.
Il trasporto pubblico urbano è servito da tram, bus, funicolari, taxi e, nelle città più grandi, dalla metropolitana. In alcuni settori, per la loro natura geografica, è molto attivo il trasporto marittimo.
===Aree protette===
[[Image:GiantTurtles.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Tartarughe giganti sull'Isola delle Tartarughe, protette per ordine di Luigi VII]]
Le aree protette del regno di Ludovicia costituiscono il 15% circa del territorio nazionale, con la seguente divisione:
* Parchi Nazionali: sono 12 e coprono il 7% delle aree protette del regno. Il più importante è il [[]].
* Riserve: sono 18 e coprono il 5% delle aree protette del regno. Il più importante è il [[Parco Nazionale dell'Isola delle Tartarughe]], fondato da re [[Luigi VII di Ludovicia|Luigi VII]] nel 1991.
* Aree marine protette: sono 24 e coprono un'area marina di 254.680 ettari. Il più importante è la [[]].
===Pittura e scultura===
===Filosofia e storiografia===
===Philosophy and historiography===
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==See also==
* [[Ludovicia (Italian article)]]
*L. von Altbishofen, ''My idea of a modern state'', Royal Stamp House, 2015
*T. Trinchetti, ''As Your Majesty comand - a political history of Ludovicia during 90's'', Gramson & Gramson ed., Ludovici, 2007

Latest revision as of 02:10, 11 June 2019

This page is a work in progress by its author(s) and should not be considered final.
Kingdom of Ludovicia
Motto"L'état, c'est moi"
"I'm the nation"
Anthem"Royal March"
"World Assembly Member"
Largest city Ludovicia
Official languages French
Recognised national languages French, latin, italian
Demonym Ludovician
Government Absolute Monarchy
 -  King of Ludovicia Louis VIII
 -  Prime minister Leopold von Altbisofen
Legislature Crown Council
Senate (consultive)
 -  Founding as a colony of Kingdom of France 1668 
 -  Proclamation of indipendence from revolutionary french governament 1792 
 -  Total 18.500 km2
7 sq mi 
 -  estimate 23.000.000 circa
GDP (nominal) 2016 estimate
 -  Total 1$ = 1 luiginis
 -  Per capita $ 57.452
(L 57.452)
Currency Luigini
(LVD) (L)
Time zone European Continental Time (UTC+1)
Date format dd ˘ mm ˘ yyyy
Drives on the right
Calling code 010
ISO 3166 code KOL
Internet TLD .lvd
a. Ludovicia Website

The Kingdom of Ludovicia (or simply Ludovicia), is an absolute monarchy, last baluard of the great Louis XIV of France's government in modern times.

At april 2016, the Kingdom of Ludovicia is a small, orderly nation, renowned for its public floggings, complete lack of prisons, and suspicion of poets. The hard-working, cynical, devout population of 23 million Ludovicians are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.

The medium-sized, well-organized government juggles the competing demands of Spirituality, Defense, and Education. The average income tax rate is 22.1%.

The strong Ludovician economy, worth 1.32 trillion Luiginis a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Beef-Based Agriculture industry, with major contributions from Tourism, Automobile Manufacturing, and Woodchip Exports. Black market activity is notable. Average income is 57,452 Luiginis, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 3.5 times as much as the poorest.

A dictator has seized power and outlawed elections, popular websites like NationStates are blocked for "national security", research into 'designer babies' is banned, and criminals are thrown to the Lions to repay their debt to society. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Ludovicia's national animal is the Lion, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests.

Ludovicia is ranked 79,080th in the world and 25th in The Imperialist Union for Most Popular Tourist Destinations, with 66.55 Tourists Per Hour.


The land of Ludovicia take his name from king Louis XIV of France who organi ed the first expedition to explore this parte of the world. The first settlers arrived here in 1668 and decided to give the king's name to this new land.


Before colonization

The land of Ludovicia had probably first settlement of humans during the 3000-5000 BC. The theory was based on XIX century discoveries that have been made in the inner part of the hinterland by professor Alan Nashville that have led scholars to believe that the first settlements have sprung up along the forested areas at short distance from the coast. In confirmation of this fact, professor Max von Kleibert and his equipe in 1885 have found stone axes from the Neolithic period, in addition to some tombs and traces of holy places of worship probably related to a primitive religion of animistic nature.

The first colonization at Port Royale

First french settlers taking possession of the Isle of Port Royale in 1668

Early french settlers arrived in the land of Ludovicia in 1668, led by Count Henry de La Tour. Their coming to this island was the result of an expedition commissioned by Louis XIV of France to expand the French colonial empire and expand the boundaries of great kingdom of France. The first settlers landed on a little islandese called after that First Island a bit south of the Isle of Port Royale which soon became the site of a trading post with its indigenous people, who inhabited the largest island at east. The foundation of the city of Port Royale on the main isle also formed the first administrative center of the colony to the point that still today you can admire the primitive structures including the governor's palace and the church of Saint Marie de la Santé.

The foundation of Ludovicia

The settlers continued the expansion of the French domains in the colony with the purchase of several lands within a few years and the establishment of the outpost of Nancy, named in memory of the homonymous french city from where great part of settlers where from. The first settlers began to specialize in the cultivation of sugar cane to be sent home, getting to these important governmental grants projects that allowed the purchase of more and more land and funding from a shipment that arrived in the hinterland in the early years of the XVIII century.

In 1715, when Louis XIV of France died, the settlers had recently formed an outpost in a protected area on two sides by two rivers and a third by a large natural forest, which is why the rapidly took hold settlement as it placed in an area particularly suitable for cultivation, linked to the sea and at the same time sufficiently protected by a military outpost to continue exploration in the interior of the island. The city was named in honor of the sovereign recently dead, Ludovicia (from latin language Ludovicus) and to commemorate the accession to the throne of his nephew, the new king, Louis XV. This city, due to the favorable location and the increasing number of inhabitants, started to become home to several government institutions and detachments offices until in 1730 was established as the new capital in place of Port Royale. That same year was begun the construction of the new governor of the building that in 1738 hosted for a brief time Jean Philippe d'Orléans, king's cousin, and special envoy on behalf of the government in Paris.

Indipendence proclamation

Louis I the first king

Louis I, first king of Ludovicia

When in 1789 the French Revolution broke out, the Ludovicia colony remained faithful to the cause of the royalists, though not lacking also on site of clashes between the population as a result of events that occurred in homeland. In 1792, when the French monarchy was finally abolished and in its place was proclaimed a republic, the governament was so caught up in clashes between revolutionary France and the rest of Europe to forget almost completely the colonial possession of Ludovicia that, in a short time became a safe haven for the realists who were fleeing from the motherland.

Among those who arrived here on board of the ships that departed almost daily from the French coast, also came Louis Joseph de Bourbon, prince of Conde, who easily take control of an army (composed by french monarchists ashored with him band locale royalists forces) in defence of the possession, battling with revolutionary forces near to Nancy. As result when the population had reached notice that king Louis XVI of France was overthrowned, they acckaimed and proclaimed the prince of Conde as the new ruler of the colony, which became now completely independent from the former kingdom of France and ready to proclaim himself a sovereign state in the hands of the Bourbon dynasty. In accordance with the French tradition, Louis de Bourbon choose the reignal name of Louis I of Ludovicia, but was soon forced to return home where in the meantime the revolutionary government had declared him a traitor of the french nation. He then travelled to Germany to reorganize the armies of royalists, always remaining in touch with the administration of the island giving it to the count of Altishofen (named first prime minister) during his absence. At the end of the revolutionary wars and the napoleonic ones before then, with the french restoration and restitution of his properties, Louis I was able to return on the island for a short period of two years from 1815 to 1817 before returning again in France where he died in 1818.

At his death he was succeeded by his son Louis Henry who was proclaimed the new king by the name of Louis II of Ludovicia. He came to the island in 1820 to swear allegiance to the crown, but left for France already the following year to take part in the suppression of the new revolutionary uprisings broke out in Europe.

Change of dinasties

Louis II, after the death of his son Louis Antoine, duke of Enghien, shot by order of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1804 in Vincennes (France), left without an heir for his own substances and for this reason he appointed his successor to the ludovician crown in the person of Louis-Etiénne de Bourbon-Orléans, half-nepew of his wife Batilde. Louis-Etiénne, born in Paris, was the natural son of Louis-Philippe d'Orleans (1761-1829), former abbot of Saint-Albin, who had left forcibly ecclesiastical orders after the outbreak of the French Revolution.

Louis-Etiénne was proclaimed the new king by the name of Louis III of Ludovicia at the death of his predecessor, in 1830. He was the first monarch to reside permanently on the island and to establish his court at the governor's palace (which then became known as the Royal Palace).

The consolidation of power

The signing of the Franco-Ludovician Agreement in Versailles, 1891

The government of Louis III greatly strengthened the power of the kingdom, being able to finally announce the first constitution of state while maintaining it as a major guideline of the kingdom and without pretensions of trying to convert the status of a constitutional monarchy. The state was divided for the first time in homogeneous regions and counties as today.

At his death in 1844, he was succeeded by his young heir Louis IV of Ludovicia, second son of the deceased monarch, who reigned until 1883, and was then succeeded by the son Louis V of Ludovicia who reigned until 1894. The latter was the first king of Ludovicia to make an official visit to France in 1891 where was received by president Sedi Carnot, obtaining also formal recognition of the renunciation of any claim of the French state on the sovereignty of Ludovicia in exchange for a large sum of money heavily indebted country and plunged the local economy into a deep crisis from which the ludoviciana crown could recover only by the marriage of the young king Louis VI and marquise Juliette de La Roche, rich heiress of the island, only daughter of Alexandre de La Roche, who had particular luck becoming the first owner of an electricity dealership (the LRC company), which subsequently became statal property passing to the crown after the death of the owner. He founded also the national corps of firemans and nature guards.

Louis V died in 1894 and was succeeded by his eldest son Louis Philippe which was crowned with the name of Louis VI helding the fate of the state until 1936. During the reign of Louis VI, the kingdom of Ludovicia entered the war in support of France in World War I in 1915, thus also participate in the celebrations of victory in 1918. Louis VI was the first monarch to open votings even women and administrative governance, provided solely by nomination of the king or on the basis of a proposal made by a member of the royal family and then brought before the monarch.

The Rohan-Lefevre Crisis

Louis VI was succeeded by his third son, Louis VII, who ruled the state for 57 years, dying in 1993. While distancing himself from the events of the Second World War that affected the status of Ludovicia only on diplomatic level since 1939, he decided not to take sides with France maintaining a substantial neutrality in the conflict which earned him wide recognition on the part of the population that bestowed the nickname the Wise. After the war, in 1946, he devoted himself to the reconstruction of diplomatic relations, in particular by implementing the trade with France, expanding exports of sugar cane, jewelry products and silverware products from Ludovicia, allowing for the first time to private investors to buy part of the shares of the national silver mines.

With the sudden death of the eldest son Louis Antoine in 1973, Louis VII fell into a deep depression that led him first to think of abdicating to his second son, Louis Francis, and then to take decisions which proved deeply unpopular: in fact he put himself into hans of the bishop of Port Royale, monsieur Louis Rohan-Lefevre, who since 1976 was appointed his personal advisor and prime minister. Under the influence of the bishop Rohan-Lefevre, who was determined to consolidate the influence of the local ludovicia church in the state administration, Louis VII inaugurated 42 new churches and intensified the role of catholicism as the state religion, entrusting the management of schools solely in the hands of the church, going so far as to appoint the bishop of Port Royale als Minister of Education of his government. This and other facts, led to the popular revolts that imposed to the king to dismiss the new minister pain of dethronement and it was so. The popular support of Louis VII, however, was never the same and at the same time there arose a deep anti-Catholic sentiment that led to the destruction of some places of worship and the looting of property of some monasteries. After the resignation of Rohan-Lefevre in 1982 (he was also forced to leave the position of bishop of Port Royale and sentenced to exile), the government remained mostly in the hands of the prime minister Karl Kirchbach who strove to hold fast to the crown since the same position that Louis VII, after another coup, had decided to retire from public life mostly leaving the reins of government to his ministers.

Last years

Louis VIII of Ludovicia just ascended at ludovician throne

After the death of Louis VII, he came to power his second son, Louis Francis, who was solemnly crowned with the name of Louis VIII. These, unlike his father, in the years of the crisis, had harbored a deep hatred of lax administration of the father and why he devoted himself immediately to the consolidation of personal power of the king at the expense of government personalities and influence reached the main characters who had governed the fate of the government in previous years. Since 1993, therefore, he decided to fully renew the Government Cabinet by appointing conservative count Leopold von Altbishofen as prime minister. Since 1996 he ushered in a series of reforms with the aim of promoting the freedom of religion on national soil, removing the influence of the Catholic Church accumulated before and during the period of the Rohan-Lefevre crisis, reopening local brothels (including those in the capital), partially legalizing the use of drugs, but while strengthening the police and the secret police controls in the whole state. Also he intensified the army and the national navy.

Quirky character, invested considerable money for the construction of a new personal residence about 30 kilometers away from the capital, implanting there a great system of channels to bring huge amounts of water from the river Ludovicia to create spectacular water features and beautiful fountains. At the same time he decided to open the gardens to all in order to improve domestic tourism, and to allow all his subjects to enjoy the renewed peace under his rule.


Map of the kingdom of Ludovicia with mountains, rivers, forests and seas

The Kingdom of Ludovica is an island nation that is on three groups of islands. It is divided into three regions, known at home as "Government Office Region" (New France, New Australia, Eastern Islands). The Kingdom of Ludovicia is wet on the north by the North Sea, to the south by the South Sea, on the east by the East Sea and west by the West Sea. In the middle of islands there's the Central Sea.

Most of the country is made up of hills and mountain ranges (in particular from the long chain of Mount Real Mountains that flow then in Guardian Isles). To the south there are the Queen's Mountains while in the north east are the Cyclops Mountains.

Major cities are Ludovicia, Nancy, Lyon, Reims, Mont Real , Regina, Lille, Port Royale, Montpellier, Rouen and La Rochelle.

The New France is mostly flat, with the presence of the west of Mont Real chain that reaches the maximum height with Mount Mount Real, 1,582 meters high. In the northeastern region, it rises the small group of Lonely Mountains. The capital and the largest city of the region is Ludovicia.

The New Australia has a very diverse territorial aspect: the northern part is characterized by a large hilly and mountainous area characterized by two chains of Eagle's Nest and Queen's Mountains that reach a maximum height with Mount Queen, 1,280 meters high. To the south, however, the area is mostly flat. The largest city of the region is Regina.

The Eastern Islands are in turn composed of four distinct groups of islands separated by narrow water channels. The mountain areas are concentrated at the extremes: in the north are the Cyclops Mountains in County of Montpellier, while in the south there are the Mount Cantabrics, in County of La Rochelle. The County of Rouen, at the center between the two previous areas, is mostly flat.


The mountainous areas of Ludovica are placed as has been said mainly in the area of New France while it offers the highest peak of the whole kingdom, Mount Real (1,582 m). These mountains were formed in the Oligocene period (33.9 ± 0.1 million years ago) from the collision with an underground mountainous area of the land on the New France and New Australia, then going to form the Guardian Isles which create an ideal continuation of the mountain range also south to the Eagle's Nest and Queen's Mountains until Mounts Cantabrics.


The kingdom of Ludovicia for the presence of several mountain ranges, with snowfields and glaciers, lakes and springs, is rich in waterways. In general, on the base of available geographic and altitude of the mountains, the rivers longer and longer range belong to the region of New France while the rivers of other regions usually have short course and characterized by a torrential course.

The most important river is the Ludovicia (636 km, average flow about 1,460 m³/s). It originates in the Ludovicia Forest and passes through whole Ludovicia plains until it flows into the Ludovicia Gulf, in North Sea. Other main rivers are the Knights', the Dorothea, the Signora's and Saint Hubert.

The most extensive ludovician lakes, in the order the Hight Lake, the Low Lake and Ludovicia Lake which is also the deepest (410 m), are located in the region of New France. Other important lakes are found in other regions such as the Rouen's Lake and Queen's Lake.


The climate is characterized by a large annual temperature range with average low temperatures in winter (0 ° / 4 ° C) and high in summer (the average maximum summer range between 25 ° C measured at 30 ° C Ludovicia of Port Royale weather station). In the cold season, the minimum temperatures can settle even several degrees below zero at night, and sometimes remain negative or close to zero even in the middle of the day; in the winter season, because the stagnant air and the maximum temperatures are determined at very low values: in some cases may be recorded, even if only slightly, namely ice days with thermal values ​​which are negative also during the day, with phenomena such as the hoarfrost. In summer the maximum temperatures can reach in case of sub-tropical cyclone, peaks of 38 ° C, sometimes higher. Recent measurements of these extremes: in summer 2003, with the subtropical anticyclone, the 41º / 43º have been touched; in January and in December 2009, thanks to the effect albedo and thermal inversion, they have touched the -12º / -14º, while in February 2012 it's down to -20 / -15 ° C Western nella'area.

The rainfall is mainly concentrated in the spring and autumn months, but in the warm, humid summers are frequent thunderstorms, especially in the north of the river Ludovicia.



With about 23 million inhabitants (31 December 2015), Ludovicia is the thirtieth country of The Imperialist Union in terms of population; its population density is 1243 inhabitants per square kilometer, higher than the union average.

The population, concentrated mainly in the coastal and lowland areas of the country, has a life expectancy of 79.1 years for men and 84.3 for women.

At the end of the seventeenth century, in correspondence with the establishment of the colony, what was previously an isolated and sparsely inhabited, suffered a massive immigration mainly from Europe (France, Italy and Germany). In the nineteenth century there was rather a phenomenon of internal emigration, attracted by the industrial development of certain areas of the country. The number of ludovicians living abroad who retain ludovicians citizenship is estimated at about 1,100 people.


Principal religions in Kingdom of Ludovicia (2015)
Religion Percentage on population
Church of Ludovicia (catholic)

Ludovica have the principle of the official religion of the state, identified with the Church of Ludovicia, part of the Catholic church.

The ludovicians citizens are mostly Catholic Christians: in 2015, 87.8% declared catholic.

The Church of Ludovicia is organized in Kingdom of Ludovicia in 11 dioceses longer a Military Ordinariate; the archbishop of Ludovicia it is primate. The Church exercises exercised an influential role in society ludovician, taking position in time of religious, social and political including divorce and abortion in the seventies or, in more recent years, the living will and artificial insemination or immigration policies. Despite this, after the Rohan-Lefevre crisis that had as its protagonist own a high representative of ludovician church, the influence of the church in matters of state is also strongly decreased for cooling action Louis VIII who led the state institutions towards a progressive secularization, but was unable to undermine part of internal interference. The church has often criticized the fact of the sovereign government for its sexual freedom and nudity, expressed as one of the characters that would lean towards the state and society towards greater social happiness, without however being able to prevent the approval of some reforms strongly desired by the king, a sign that the population itself is more emphasis increasingly towards a secularization of society.

Among the minority religions are several other Christian denominations (particularly Orthodox and Protestants, the latter mostly Pentecostal), Jews, Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. Immigration contributes to some of the religious minorities in the country, the most numerous of which are Orthodox Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus.


French is the official language and the most widely spoken in Ludovicia, although since the beginning of the nineteenth century was born on Ludovician, a mixture of the local language formerly spoken and French imported from settlers, who still appeared to 1894 still only spoken by 12.5% of the population. Only in modern times there has been a cultural and historical recovery wanted by the state, which still raised slightly above the population speak it.


State order

  • The King of Ludovicia, is the head of state and appoints the members of the government and senators
  • Governament, composed by Prime Minister and ministers of the crown, exercises legislative power with possibility of veto by the king
  • Senate (only consultative)
  • Magistrature, directly dependent on the king, exercises the judicial power

Administrative divisions

Regions of Kingdom of Ludovicia:
     New France
     New Australia
     Eastern Islands.
Counties of Kingdom of Ludovicia

Local authorities which, together with the state, constitute the Ludovicia kingdom are:

  • 3 regions
  • 11 counties
  • 2.816 parishes


The regions are the largest territorial entity present in the kingdom of Ludovicia. They are basically divided on the basis of natural geographical borders, taking advantage of the state structure based on groups of islands. They are therefore in the number of three, each with its capital:


The regions are subdivided into counties, provincial and local entities that historically are even previous to the institution of the same regions. Since their inception, every county has been subjected to a diarchic government: at the head of each county there is an aristocrat appointed by the king with the function of Lieutenant, a merely cerimonial governor, and a governor appointed by the state with real administrative functions. The counties are named after the local capital. The counties in Ludovicia kingdom are in number of 11:


The civil parish is the minimum administrative unit within the Ludovicia kingdom and usually corresponds to the boundaries of local religious parishes from which generally originate. The parishes are 2.816 in the territory of Ludovicia and correspond as mentioned territories to individual cities of the kingdom.


The coat of arms of Ludovicia
The flag of Ludovicia

The main symbols that recall the unity of the Kingdom of Ludovicia are:

School system

Education in Ludovicia is regulated in different ways according to legal form (public schools, private schools). Vocational training, including vocational schools, however, depends on the regions. Compulsory education ends at 16. The ludovician school system is divided into three stages of education:

  • Primary education, duration of 5 years;
  • Secondary education, which includes the secondary school level, lasting 3 years, and secondary school in second grade, 5 years term;
  • Higher education, including the universities and specialized training, as master and graduate school.

In these cycles of instruction alongside the kindergarten, pre-school institution not mandatory, characterized by the game and the coexistence with his teammates and the preparation for the first cycle of education. The cycle of university studies is divided in three phases:

  • Degree (3 years)
  • Master of Science (2 years)
  • PhD (3 years)


Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown in Ludovicia, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare.

Media and liberty of information

In the Kingdom of Ludovica there is a partial freedom of information that allows citizens to inform themselves freely, although the government has repeatedly suffered much criticism for not fully transparent. The government justified this requirement referring it to the recent fighting terrorism, considering that the propagation of even mundane information relating to administration (if not examined closely by the government) can constitute a weak point for those who see the kingdom of Ludovicia a possible target of economic or military attack.

"Le Journal de Ludovica" is the national newspaper and the principal of number of copies sold in the territory of the kingdom, while the "Gazette" is the official publication of the government.


The ludovica army is composed of the three armed forces:

  • Royal Ludovician Army, derived directly from the French army thanks to the first settlers came in the seventeenth century to colonize the area, it became autonomous with autonomy proclamation of the kingdom in 1792
  • Royal Ludovician Navy, consists always in the seventeenth century with the first settlers arrived in the area, became independent with autonomy proclamation of the kingdom in 1792
  • Royal Ludovician Air Force, founded in 1909


First sector


Since its origins, the Kingdom of Ludovicia has had a strong agricultural product-specific linked to colonialism (such as sugarcane). With the declaration of independence of the kingdom and the XIX century, the agricultural sector (including forestry and fishing) was increased significantly, and this condition remained in vogue until the end of the nineteenth century when the beginning of industrialization led the expansion of industries to carry part of the workforce to the factories.

The agricultural area ludovician is approximately 37% of the national territory. The major products in terms of value for the year 2015 were sugar cane, wine and corn. For quantities produced, however, the main agriculture ludovician products were corn, sugar cane and wine grapes. In the field of animal production stand out cow's milk, beef, pork and poultry.

Very high is also the total production of sea and lagoon fishing, including shellfish.

Minerary resources

The ludovician territory has some various types of mineral deposits, located mainly in the mountain areas (particularly in Mont Real). They consist mainly of deposits of lead, silver, iron and minerals such as fluorite and obsidian.


Ludovicia, compared to other countries in the region, has an energy production essentially derived from hydropower and wind power. The oldest center for energy production was founded in 1903 dall'ADLR Company that, thanks to the intuition of the industrialist Alexandre de La Roche, he qualified as the first plant for the production of electrical energy of the kingdom. When the daughter of Alexandre, Juliette married king Louis VI of Ludovicia, the center began to be administered more gradually due directly under the crown to pass a legacy to the royal couple with the death of De La Roche father and then he passed to the state that still owns it. The main hydroelectric plants are located in the natural swings between High Lake and Low Lake, with those of Rouen's Lake and Knight's River.

A long series of private, in the second half of the twentieth century, has instead created the plants for the production of wind energy which are located mainly in the region of New Australia and County of La Rochelle.

Second sector


The industry of the Kingdom of Ludovica focuses mainly around the automotive industry and in the processing of wood. It also plays an important part related to the tourism industry that is an important source of revenue for the country.

Third sector


Tourism accounts for Ludovica one of the cornerstones of its development as well as one of the main sources of income for the state, both in the mountainous areas, both in the sea (beaches and lagoons) as well as for tourism in art cities.

In 2015 it was noted that in several areas of the country about 15 million tourists were recorded. Tour operators working in the sector for the same year were 2,500,000.


The ludovician infrastructure network consists in 150,530 kilometers of roads (divided into state, regional, county and parish), 2588 kilometers of highways, 13,469 kilometers of operational railways (divided between fundamental network, complementary network and node network), 352 ports and 10 airports.

Urban public transport is served by tram, bus, funicular, taxi and, in major cities, metropolitan. Some resorts also because of their geography, they also serve the maritime transport sector.


Protected areas

Giant turtles on Tortoise Islands, protected by order of Louis VII

Protected areas in the kingdom Ludovica constitute almost 15% of the national territory, with the following breakdown:

  • National Parks: are 12 and account for 7% of the protected areas of the kingdom. The most important is [[]].
  • Wilderness: are all over 18 and account for 5% of the protected areas of the kingdom. The most important is the National Park of the Tortoise Islands, founded by King Louis VII in 1991.
  • Marine protected areas: they are 24 and cover a sea area of over 254,680 hectares. The most important is [[]].



Painting and sculpture











Philosophy and historiography





See also


  • L. von Altbishofen, My idea of a modern state, Royal Stamp House, 2015
  • T. Trinchetti, As Your Majesty comand - a political history of Ludovicia during 90's, Gramson & Gramson ed., Ludovici, 2007