Udenian (Language)

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Udenian is the official national language of New Uden. Udenian has evolved from Greek over the period of one and a half millennia, with Slavic and Germanic influences from Bulgarian and English explorers, who left gifts about their culture, such as literary works, in the early days of the formation of modern Udenian. The language is now more likely to be described as Slavic than Hellenic.


The Udenian alphabet consists of 36 letters, as follows:

Letter Name Approximate English
Unicode (Hexadecimal)
Аа ар apple 1 U+0410 / U+0430
Бб бэй bad 2 U+0411 / U+0431
Вв вэй vine 3 U+0412 / U+0432
Гг гэй go 4 U+0413 / U+0433
Дд дэй do 5 U+0414 / U+0434
Ее эй yes 6 U+0415 / U+0435
Ёё ё yolk 7 U+0401 / U+0451
Жж жэ pleasure 8 U+0416 / U+0436
Зз зэй zoo 9 U+0417 / U+0437
Ии и me 10 U+0418 / U+0438
Йй йа yellow 11 U+0419 / U+0439
Кк ка kiss 12 U+041A / U+043A
Лл эль lamp 13 U+041B / U+043B
Мм эм map 14 U+041C / U+043C
Нн эн not 15 U+041D / U+043D
Оо оо more, or ocean 16 U+041E / U+043E
Ӫӫ ӫ look 17 U+04EA / U+04EB
Пп пэй pet 18 U+041F / U+043F
Рр рэй rolled r 19 U+0420 / U+0440
Сс эсс see 20 U+0421 / U+0441
Тт эт time 21 U+0422 / U+0442
Уу у boot 22 U+0423 / U+0443
Ўў вай why 23 U+040E / U+045E
Фф эфф face 24 U+0424 / U+0444
Һһ шъа help 25 U+04BA / U+04BB
Хх ах loch 26 U+0425 / U+0445
Цц цэй sits 27 U+0426 / U+0446
Чч ча chirp 28 U+0427 / U+0447
Шш аш sharp 29 U+0428 / U+0448
Щщ щаз like the German Schule 30 U+0429 / U+0449
Ээ эй met 31 U+042C / U+044D
Юю ю use 32 U+042E / U+044E
Яя я yard 33 U+042F / U+044F
Ыы ай hit 34 U+0410 / U+044B
Ъъ* раальакоспьрызнак indicates that
the preceding
should be
often leading
to an 'ih' or
'uh' sound
being affixed
35 U+042A / U+044A
Ьь альакоспьрызнак palatalizes the
sometimes to
the extreme
where the
letter becomes
36 U+042B / U+044C
  • The effect of the 'hard sign' can also be achieved by affixing an 'э' after a consonant.


Pronouns and Conjugations

Udenian pronouns
Subjective case Objective case Dependent possessive Independent possessive Reflexive
first person singular я як экя яктэ экскайд
second person informal singular кто кто е ктэй ктэйскайд
third person singular (he/she/it/unknown gender person) давно/дьзнае/һет/ыташ дават/дьзнаё/һет/ыташэ давате/дьзнаёэ/һӫтэ/ыташе даватне/дьзнаёт/һӫтэн/ыташне даватскайд/дьзнвёскайд/һӫтэскайд/ыташэскайд
1st p. pl. вэй вес our весне '
2nd p. pl. you you your yours yourselves
3rd p. pl they them their theirs themselves


Udenian is noted to have a grammatical structure very similar to that of English. It: uses a 'subject > verb > object' sentence structure; uses a present progressive tense; uses perfect and imperfect tenses; uses a subjunctive mood; has no genders for asexual nouns; has no conjugations for adjectives (which go after nouns, not before); uses infinitives after auxiliary verbs; uses noun, verbal, prepositional and adjectival clauses, and questions can be formed with the verb 'славстя' (to be), or with interrogative determiners.
