Unholy Trinity

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The Unholy Trinity is a phenomenon in UN/WA diplomacy involving collaboration between usually three or four sovereigntist members on key legislation. The term was coined by Gruenberg during the 2006 campaign for its UN resolution Abortion Legality Convention, specifically referring to Omigodtheykilledkenny, The Palentine and Cluichstan. In later instances Omigodtheykilledkenny used the term to refer to Gruenberg, Palentine and Cluichstan; or just Palentine and Gruenberg plus itself. Cluichstan and Grunberg have both since exited international diplomacy and thus no longer involve themselves in the Trinity.

Currently the triad consists of Omigodtheykilledkenny, The Palentine and Yelda. Their most recent collaborations have involved mocking and belittling the WA Security Council, coordinating on votes to boost what they consider the "worst" SC resolutions, even opening a literal popcorn gallery within SC headquarters. These efforts have earned them the scorn of historic SC contributors.