Kelssek thaler

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The thaler (symbol: τ; code: KET) is the currency of Kelssek. It is divided in 100 pence (written as p). The currency is issued and governed by the Bank of Kelssek, the country's central bank. It is a managed-float currency, with central bank intervention occurring to ensure the currency's exchange rate against a basket of relevant currencies is consistent with government macroeconomic goals.

The price of 2 thalers and 35 pence would be written τ2.35 (or τ2,35 in francophone regions), with just the pence sign for prices less than τ1 (e.g. 20p for 20 pence). It is common to substitute an italic small T if the appropriate symbol is not typographically available ("t 2.35").

Banknotes and coins

Coin denominations are 1p, 5p, 10p, 25p, τ1 and τ2. They are produced at the National Kelssekian Mint in Clayquot. The current "Journey" series of banknotes was first introduced in the τ100 denomination in 2014, and fully replaced the previous "Monuments series" with the introduction of the τ5 note in 2017. The Journey series marked the switch from cotton-fibre to polymer banknotes, with features including a see-through window with a holographic national coat-of-arms and embossed Braille numerals.




