Nation/Republic of British Russia

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The Galactic Federation of British Russia
The United Flag of British Russia
Capital New Willow Woods
Largest City New Willow Woods
Seat of Government New Presidium Tower, Horizons, Epsilon Erandi System
Official Language English
National Language English, Russian
Ethnic Groups

13.5% Asari 13.5% Turian 73% Human 63% White 1% Black 2% Hispanic 7% Asian


~0.1% Religious

~99.9% Non-Affiliated/Non-Religious
Demonym British Russian
Government Galactic Socialist Federation
-Councillor Nolar T'Naeri
-Ambassador Marcus Korvian
-Grand General Steven Hackett
-Galactic Advisor Kylan Kulagin
Area 17.1 million km²2
Population ~5.013 Billion last surveyed: 2042
Currency Credit Chit (₵)
Date Format MM/DD/YYYY
Drives On The Left

The Galactic Federation of British Russia commonly referred to as British Russia, is a Galactic Federation in Asia Russia and predominantly a Spacefaring Empire. On Earth it is bordered on the west and north by Arrstotzka, southwest by Bellemontt, northwest by Bordalina and south-east by Flecatya. British Russia has an estimated population of 5.006 Billion of all different Species (Human, Asari, Turian and other species that are in the Federation). British Russia (on Earth) comprises of 4 states (Willow Woods State, New Thessia, Palaven, New Britain) and numerous Space colonies, the two largest being Horizons, Neptune Station and Terra Nova.

British Russia's role in the world and the Galactic 'world' is that of a peacekeeper and a Military Nation. British Russia has many allies and trade alliances; the strongest Allies of British Russia are Fantrum, Bellemontt, Commonwealth States of Britania and any nation in the UPF (United Planetary Federation) and the newly established 'sister' faction to the federation, the USS (Union of Socialist States). British Russia also has strong ties with Velstado, which provides the British Russian Military with weapons as well as the BRST&R (British Russian Special Tactics and Reconnaissance). Velstado owns Armax Arsenal, one of British Russia's biggest arms manufacturing businesses, and have also set up businesses around British Russia, which the population loves.


1550-1560 (Founding and the Resources War)

British Russia was founded in the year 1550 by King David the Warmonger. Months after the nation's founding, the Battle of Resources began with Flecatyan Barbarians and British Russia fighting over territory to secure resources, such as farmland and soon a coal mine, in what is now New Thessia, British Russia. The Barbarians managed to secure the mine first for two years before a British Russian Army led by King David carried out an invasion to capture it; the invasion was successful and British Russia started using coal to start fires and mass-produce weapons to trade to start off an economy. Within a few years, the Barbarians were starting to decline due to the British Russian armies pushing them back and taking farmland. Eventually the Barbarians retreated to Korea where in only a few years time will form Flecatya.

1700 (The Dynasty Rebellion)

The British Russian people were getting tired of having a monarchy rule them: the monarchy didn't see the people as a priority, and, as a result, the people rebelled when Queen Jane I was out with an army to attack an oncoming Barbarian invasion. A citizen known as Walter Carson, who will set to become the first councilor and a very important figure in British Russian history, led the rebellion to the Queen's castle in the large city of Willow Woods, the capital, which it still is to this day. He trained civilians to fight to secure victory; in fact, some of the guards joined up with him as they didn't want to kill family and friends. Within hours the Castle was sieged by Walter and his rebellion. He sat on the throne but didn't wish to be King: he wanted something that stood for the people, a government. His wife became his ambassador, the Duke of New Thessia became the General and, at the time, there was no Galactic Advisor. He threw out all the crown jewels and anything to do with the monarchy and promised to look out for the people; he promised elections where citizens could vote for a leader and a government to lead them. When Queen Jane arrived, however, she was in for a shock when she saw the crown jewels being sold to a Velstado merchant vessel. She wanted to behead the person who did this, but guards and even the army she was with turned against her. Walter Carson stood before her and told her that the monarchy was gone and now a republic ruled the nation. He offered her normal citizenship, however, she refused. She then attacked Walter, the guards then apprehended her and sent the Queen to the prison block. She awaited her fair trial, which saw her serve 3 years in prison before being released.

1800 (Pinnacle Years)

The turn of the 19th Century saw the rapid growth of British Russia, which was called the 'Pinnacle Years.' The Councillor at the time, Guy Knox, called it the Pinncale Years of British Russia as the Health Industry was increasing with the discovery of antibiotics and advanced research into the human body. The life expectancy was rising rapidly and still is today. The new technologies being invented were plentiful at this time, and the first computer was made in the state of New Britain: the Computer was slow but was the start to the massive IT Industry today, which constructed the British Russian economy. Space was British Russia's goal. To be able to go out there has been the ambition for all British Russians and this was the golden age for space discoveries. Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter were all discovered, and the Space Probe 'Explorer' was launched to Mars to discover yet more and obtain scientific achievements.

1899-1901 (the Great Railway)

Councillor Guy Knox and Prime Minister Jospeh Farnsworth both signed a document stating the construction of a railway stretching from the state of Fuller, in Bellemontt, to the state of Willow Woods in British Russia. This task was huge and took a year to complete, with engineers from both countries meeting up on the border where it was completed. The track is still used to this day, transporting commuters, tourists and cargo between the two nations.

1945 BRST&R Formation ...




State Map of British Russia


World Map of the Colony "Horizons"



The populace of British Russia now includes species like the Asari, Turians and Angrians (the People of Angiris). Before joining the UPE, the population was entirely Human; the introduction of different species has made a whole new culture in British Russia. The military has also taken advantage of the various species: it has species work together to find solutions. The Asari brought and taught Biotics to Humans and the Turians brought big guns, as well as Fantrum. The population is 68% Human, 22% Asari, 8% Turian and 2% Angirian.




Religion Religion in British Russia is slowly being pushed aside as the government has cut all funding to it 10 years ago. Any churches or places of worship are to be run and maintained by the owner and not the government, as stated in the "Religious Ban Act I": 'any place of worship won't be funded or maintained by the government but to the landlord,' and in the "Religious Ban Act" it states that any religion is not to be taught in schools.

The majority of the population is atheist and most of the rest are agnostic. There are very few who are still religious, though British Russia started out as a Christian state. Race


Largest Cities

To see cities, go here:


The Government of British Russia is a Parliamentary Democracy, every 4 years a General Election is held throughout all of the nation's holdings, during the election, The people have to vote for their local Constituency, to represent them at the Presidium Tower and each Constituent leader is a member of the established Parties (listed below with popularity up to date)

Party Name Popularity
United Planetary Party 61%↑
Democratic Party 27%↑
British Russia First Party 10%↓
Green Party 1.8%↑
Conservative Party 0.2%↓

Back onto Constituencies, all of the Land on Earth, Colonies and Spacedocks are split up into constituencies, Spacedocks being one Constituent and Spacedocks are primarly run by a BRST&R (British Russian Special Tactics and Reconnaissance) Captain who is in charge of Station defence. after the polls are closed, the party with the most seats won (WIP: Total number of seats is too be decided after I created some maps of Constituencies, but predicted in the 1000s) the party with the most seats will win the election and the Councillor of that party will become the head of state for 4 years until the next election comes along. if an election comes to a draw and a party wins the same amount of seats (which are rare and as of yet, never happened before) the Party with the most seats on Horizons will win the election.

In order to be seen as a Official Party, a Party must have these 3 positions, Councillor (the Head of the Party) Ambassador (Second in command of the party) and the Galactic Advisor (oversees Galactic affairs), these three roles are important and essential for the government to work. the rest of the party is made up of Ministers and constituent leaders that make up the majority of the Party and help govern colonies by meeting up at the Presidium Tower to discuss and debate issues that will be brought up. to make sure decisions that are being made represent the people, the Opposition (the Party that came second in an election), it's the Opposition's job to challenge every decision to make sure it's an decision that bests represents the people, even if the two parties see eye to eye on the issue they must challenge to best make sure it truly represents the nation. to bring order during debates a Speaker is chosen to bring order and to make sure Debates are conducted in a formal manner, he also concludes the meetings and signs the document after The Presidium Tower makes a decision by saying "yay or nay" at the end of the debate. how a Speaker is Chosen is by the Grand General whom isn't elected but more on him later. His/Her job is to pick a Constituency leader at random, after a Constituency leader has been picked, the Speaker can not longer par take in discussions in the debate and must be unbiased and so the Constituency the Speaker originally governed, will have the second in line take over the constituency so those people don't lose a say in the Presidium Tower.

Foreign Relations and Military


Military Numbers Total Military Personnel: 108,895,631

Active Military: 50,000,000

Reserves Military: 58,000,000

Active Air Force: 5,245

Air Force Reserves: 2,345

Active Army: 25,000,000

Army Reserves: 5,000,000

Active Coast Guard: 165

Active Navy: 25,565

Navy Reserves: 5,678

Active Marines: 15,000,000

Marine Reserves: 6,000,000

The British Russian Military has always been a staple in British Russia's goals and achievements; the military has just recently reached a personnel count of one hundred-million.


Economic Indicators Rank:

Currency: Monie

Fiscal Year: 2 years

GDP (nominal): NS$63,575,600,000,000.00

GDP (nominal) per capita: NS$33,798.83

Labor Force: 904,583,892

Unemployment: 204,817,359 (rate: 3.73%)

Working Class: 904,583,892





