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The Woodlands are a territory of Omigodtheykilledkenny, located in the remains of southern Ameranta. Acquired from the Kaiserlands following the Kaiserreich Wars, they have been a Kennyite possession for over 100 years. The thick, forest-heavy lands are sparsely populated, containing only around 50,000 permanent residents, but have taken on vital importance to Kennyite timber, agriculture and many other related industries since the country proper was forced to move to the Antarctic in 2005 to escape a seismic catastrophe (thanks, global warming!) that would eventually envelop much of the Amerantan continent, except -- what luck! -- Cobdenia, Aundotutunagir and, yes, the Woodlands. The town of Redwood serves as the territorial capital. Woodlands shares a land boundary with Aundotutunagir, the only non-Antarctic country with that distinction.