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Gondwana is the largest singular landmass on Urth. Located in both the upper and lower western hemispheres, Gondwana hosts many varied nations and climates, from desert to jungle to arctic waste.

In the west, the nations of Junkyard State, Ivlya, Stratarin, Setzna, Bourun, and Rhadamanthia straddle the coast, while to the south Andromes, Rijelv, the Peoples Republic of Vietnam and the Autonomous Republic of Vietnam occupy the western peninsula.

Across the Gulf of Gondwana, which contains the twin islands of Celannica and Daneelmark, the United Kingdom dependancy of Joralesia is joined by Kolosia, the Setznan territory of Cantaz, Zukchiva, Ostaria, the Republic of Cerdani and the Cerdani Democratic Republic, and Astrania.

Around the Gulf of Kyrtanas, Maynila Ziseshouwei, and the Gordic states of Crania, Kasmiyland, and Subrovania sit along the coast.

The largest reef on Urth, the Greater Allas Boundary sits across from the countries of Frentia and Free Syllvin, while the Daccic Republic, Greater Aljiman, and Nyasaland lie further north.

The interior of Gondwana is occupied by the states of Maxtopia, Bigtopia, Abakamoso, Transmaas, Eurokraine, Equatorial Kundu, Matamba, Oynenyua, Nambutu, and Tsumebia.

The northern reaches near the Veridian Strait are where Hausberg, Neuatt, Elfine, Talusi, Rallia, Genosha, Owha, Eblina, Eurokraine, and parts of the Veridian Union and the Atlae Islands are found.

The nations of the United Kingdom, the Nau States, Xor, and Serenitch have small holdings around Gondwana as well.