Antarctic Oasis Day

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Antarctic Oasis Day
Atomic Annie.jpg
The Palentine has rolled out "Atomic Annie" on several occasions to mark the region's anniversary.
Also called AO Day, Founders Day
Observed by Omigodtheykilledkenny
The Palentine
Yelda and colonial possessions
Retired WerePenguins
Type Regional
Significance The day in 2005 when the region was founded by Omigodtheykilledkenny
Date May 22

Antarctic Oasis Day, also known as AO Day or AO Founder's Day, is an international holiday observed in numerous Antarctic Oasis nations and allies commemorating the region's founding by Omigodtheykilledkenny. It is celebrated annually on May 22, though this date has been a point of contention among regional historians for years. After all, if Kennyite President Manuelo Fernanda indeed founded the region on that day in 2005, how could he have done so more than two weeks before he became president on June 6? But anyone who tries to raise this inconsistency on AO Day is usually pelted with beer bottles and called an excessive nitpicker for their trouble. Because who cares?

Festivities are traditionally marked by unprovoked saber-rattling of peaceful nations, unannounced weapons tests, and missiles being paraded down main avenues in a menacing fashion -- or just like any other day in AO. Parades, picnics, bonfires and firework displays are also common, as are voyeuristic displays (if you're Jhessan or Manuelo). Paradise City hosts a lavish parade each year, traveling down Van Diesel Road and back up intersecting Frowning Street; the parade has been at least five miles long some years. The Grand Marshall is given the title "Oozing Purple Penguin of Power," in honor of the Gruenbergers and their hopeless ignorance of Antarctic wildlife. "Atomic Annie" has also been known to make cameo appearances during regional celebrations. During Antarctic Oasis Day 2011, The Palentine unveiled a scandalous, anatomically correct statue of their founder, Queen Kimoniwannalaya. In honor of AO Day, a (strictly unaffiliated) country named SchutteGod legalized gay marriage on May 22, 2015; strangely enough, however, there were no over-the-top, rainbow-hued, Spandex- and feather-boa-riddled displays in the streets when the law took effect. Because Schutteans are grown-ups.