Senato (Ludovicia)

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Senate of the Kingdom of Ludovicia
Senate de Royame du Ludovicia
Istitution 1795
President [[]]
Members 80 (79 + 1 president)
Headquarter Ludovicia
Address Senate Palace, King's Avenue, 110

The Senate of the Kingdom of Ludovicia is one of the two chambers of the Kingdom of Ludovicia's parliament and is appointed by the king in total (exclusive of the King).

The Senate is the upper house of parliament and all its members are necessarily belonging to the aristocracy of the state.


The Senate was established for the first time in 1795 by King Louis I as a representative of the local aristocracy, yielding to the pressures of those who, despite the last of an independent monarchy, demanded more rights to the government. Louis I granted the constitution of the Senate but with a mere advisory basis, letting the various aristocrats who were appointed are chattering among themselves to get the most coveted political posts and gain prestige, so forget about the real state of affairs which belong today as then in chief only to the sovereign.


As per regulation, the appointment of senators it only to the king that they can draw from the following categories:

  • Archbishops and bishops of the kingdom
  • Ministers
  • Ambassadors
  • Generals and high officiers from army, marine and aviation
  • Royal academies and universities members
  • Those who have made great merits and great shine to the homeland