Royal Cossack Ground Forces

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Royal Cossack Ground Forces
Commander-in-Chief Commander Cyprus Khan
Minister of Security Jarl Ghatak
Military age 16
Conscription Yes (Into reserves)
Reaching military
age annually
(2017 est. (Active only))
Reserve personnel 1.5 Billion
Budget $9,683,810,717,112.00

The Royal Cossack Ground Forces (RCGF), referred to as the Cossack Army of the Cossack Khanate, is a diversified military institution and is the largest branch of the Cossack Armed Forces. It has fought several wars in the past and has exhibited professional performance in many international incidents.

Also, the Cossack Army handles all nuclear and other unconventional weaponry, with the National Complex for Unconventional Weapons situated in Aziv, Cossack Khanate.

Rank and Structure

Royal Cossack Ground Forces: Ranks

  • Private
  • Private-First Class
  • Corporal - Authorized to lead fire team of 5
  • Sergeant-Heads Unit of 15 Men
  • Chief Sergeant-Authorized to lead a squadron/squad-20 men
  • Lieutenant-Heads a platoon-30 men
  • First Lieutenant-Heads a company-60 men
  • Commodore-Heads a regiment-300 men
  • Commodore-Major
  • Centurion-Heads a battalion-1200
  • Marshall - Heads a legion-10000 men
  • Konzul-Marshall
  • Konzul-General
  • General
  • Task Commander
  • Supreme Commander

Although the Khanate is a generally conservative nation, females are allowed to serve in the military in separate units. The Battle of Kermin River in Kerminavia (Annexation of Kerminavia, 1999) was fought entirely by the all-female 689th Company. Cossack soldiers are usually placed into units by training company, despite 0.2% of all trainees being removed from the armed forces due to incompetence.

In formations above a legion but below a contingent (10 legions), the term cohort is usually used. Cohort is a also a common term for formations that are organized differently due to high fatalities or high independence from military command.


The Royal Cossack Ground Forces Command breaks the RCGF into several corps:

  • Cossack Infantry and Artillery Corps: Composes of the main ground fighting force, along with artillery and anti-air and anti-tank weaponry
  • Cossack Infantry Air Support Corps: Consists of air support through attack and transport helicopters, light reconnaissance planes, as well as heavy drones
  • Cossack Tank Corps: Consists of tanks and other heavily armored vehicles
  • Cossack Ground Engineering Corps: Consists of logistics and engineering teams who manage flow of supplies, armored transport, and fortifying buildings and warehouses
  • Cossack Amphibious Forces: Consists of specialized ground troops who utilize amphibious tanks and transport to give both themselves and other corps a tactical advantage.
  • Cossack Military Intelligence: The institution that oversees interception of enemy messages and transmission of troop communication in secret. This section of the Army does not deal with domestic intelligence threats or foreign intelligence. This is done by separate organizations.
  • Cossack Nuclear Force: Manages all the nuclear weaponry and research facilities for the Army. The personnel of this branch are not eligible to as many benefits as the rest of the ground force veterans. The members of this branch are usually applicants to the other branches who exhibited high intelligence but less physical performance.


The defensive sections of the army are led by various commands, and several commands are stationed in colonies and warzones. The official commands are:

Northwestern High Command

  • -Vishnu Command
  • -Montz Command

Northeastern High Command

  • -Kalir Command
  • -Ram Command

Central High Command

  • -Selvik Royal Command
  • -Sen Command
  • -Plaav Command
  • -Polorad Command

Southern High Command

  • -Vaishalle Command
  • -Aziv Command

Cossack Colonial High Command

  • -Cossack Pacifican Command
  • -Asylum Islands Command

Strike Forces

There are 40 strike force battalions, amounting to 5 Strike Legions, and overall encompassing 50,000 men. These men include infantrymen, small artillerymen, snipers, light tank crews, and others. Heavy artillery and all-tank companies are usually attached, and the 50,000 men count does not include attached units. These Strike Force units are the “first attackers” of the Cossack military, with the remainder being secondary and tertiary strike units, defensive units, and special units (not to be confused with Special Forces). There are in total: 40 Strike Force Battalions 120 Strike Force Regiments 600 Companies 2,400 Units

Each 15-man unit is designed to be as follows: 1 leader (Sergeant) 6 rifles 2-3 light machine gunners 2 snipers 2 mortarmen/support 1 support/medic

Each unit is usually given command of (2) 8-man vehicles, either IFVs, APCs, or simply armored trucks. In practice, units tend to leave their more expensive vehicles at base while taking use of civilian or militia vehicles while in enemy territory.

Each 4-unit company (60 men) is led by a Lieutenant, and usually also has attached an strike force artillery unit (five howitzers), a light tank unit (five tanks), a sniper unit (12 snipers, 3 support and logistics), helicopters, or any other unit that seems necessary depending on the battle situation and/or terrain. It is unusual for any company to have more than one “special” unit attached, but it has been done in the past to provide the company with maximum support.

Each 5-company regiment is led by a Commodore (or Commodore-Major). To provide versatility, each company in the regiment usually has a different support attached. At this point, the personnel count is 300 infantry, and 60 support men, totaling 360 men in practice. In theory, the extra 60 are usually not factored into strategy as these men are not considered able to fight as an infantryman.

Regiments are usually joined with main battle tanks in the field (not while deploying, as that would hinder movement and speed). Regiments that have been in the field for enough time will usually be backed by heavy artillery, attack helicopters, main battle tanks, heavy tanks, and sometimes even light aircraft.

Four of these regiments join to form the 1,200 man strong battalion (excluding support), led by a Centurion. The battalion is always accompanied by a light helicopter company (10 teams, each team has 4 pilots, two helicopters, a transport truck, a driver, and a regular soldier). Aircraft usually conduct recon or take out key areas before the battalion moves in. Each regiment is also attached with a Rapid Conduct Company (RCC), which acts as an on-field special forces, albeit being inferior to the Cossack Special Forces.

8 of these battalions join to form a 10,000 infantryman-strong legion, led by a Marshall. The legion is usually the highest singular unit in a battlefield. Even so, a whole legion has never been deployed at once in Cossack history, it has never been necessary.

10 legions form a contingent, authorized to be led by a Konzul-Marshall. 10 contingents form a division, authorized to be led by a Konzul-General 1000 divisions form a command, led solely by the Imperator himself

Any unit above a legion is usually just for emergency purposes, and in such emergencies all strike force units will aid the defensive commands in protecting the Khanate.


Most pictures and descriptions of infantry firearms are not to be released to the public, however For images, see Cossack Armed Forces Equipment. Listed here are common models that were released by the Ministry of Security:

  • CF-38: Standard issue assault rifle
  • CF-50: Advanced Assault Rifle
  • CF-64: Standard issue army sniper
  • CF-80: Multi-Role Submachine Gun
  • CF-20: Submachine gun that is now being slowly issued to all troops of the military, which is a current major project of the RCGF
  • CF-4: General Machine Pistol
  • CF-8: Machine pistol used by officers
  • S&K-8: Semi-automatic pistol. This gun is also used by civilians and militias
  • S&K-35: Long-range civilian rifle used for marksmen in low-developed parts of the military
  • RA-7: Heavy machine gun, usually used in trench or vehicle combat


The Army is a good place to point out several Cossack values that differentiate the Cossack military from other armies. One key point is morality. Unlike many other undisciplined soldiers, Cossack soldiers do not form romantic relationships with natives in the region they are fighting in. Such relationships are far and few in between, and such matters are addressed by Article 34 of the Cossack Armed Forces Charter. This article punishes those who:

" ...engage in romantic and sexual activity with a person of non-Cossack origin while on active duty, poorly reflecting on the Nation and its morals. Such actions shall be taken as a sign of incompetence and will result in dishonorable discharge as well as five to fifteen years of prison at the decree of a judge. "

Also, there have only been 12 cases of alcoholism on active duty in the RCGF’s history. This is a result of drinking being both illegal and a taboo subject in the Khanate, and the Ministry of Security expects that no soldier will defect from his duties and absorb other cultures.

Furthermore, Cossack soldiers follow a code of war published by the Department of Social Affairs. For example, when on a set battleground, civilian women and children will not be killed or kept in harmful conditions. When fighting armed women and children, the Cossack military has permission to kill, however not when the subject is disarmed. Execution of women and children prisoners is explicitly forbidden. Such defined war crimes are punishable with either prison time or dishonorable dischargement. However, these measures are usually not needed to be used because most soldiers follow the code with respect to morality.

Cossack Nuclear Weapons Program

The Cossack Nuclear Weapons Research and Development Program, or CNWRDP, was conceived and commenced in the March of 1996. It was originally a project of the National Cossack Nuclear Science Institution, and was handed over to the Cossack Army on August 18, 1996. After 14 months of intense work, the first Cossack uranium bomb detonated in the Aziv desert near the city of Aziv. The first plutonium implosion bomb was detonated 7 months later, in joint testing field with the allied nation of New Prussia. 10 squadrons were formed to train for nuclear offense, under the command of Cossack Royal Air Force Konzul-General Faviar Adrian.

On September 8, 2007, in commemoration of SRC Khan’s birthday, Konzul-General Faviar Adrian gave the command to begin development of the hydrogen fusion bomb, which was completed 3 years later. It was detonated November 23, 2010, in collaboration with the Empire of Sakamaki, on a remote island.

In response to joint communist powers testing Atmospheric Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles, which could hold position in the upper atmosphere until necessary for use, SRC Khan commenced Operation Red Night. Operation Red Night consisted of 10 units of 15 Intelligence and Covert Military troops. These troops infiltrated the AICBM Testing and Research facility, captured key information, and destroyed the plant. They were met with medium resistance from guards and military personnel. 13 Cossack troops died, 17 wounded, compared to 49 dead and 62 wounded on the communist side. The information gained was used to develop AICBMs and equip them with hydrogen fusion bombs and plutonium type bombs. Cossacks also retrieved 6 armoured vehicles mounted with guns.

Cossack Nuclear Capabilities:

15 nuclear squadrons of 10 planes, includes bombers, fighters, and support aircraft. 63 ICBMs launch-ready, 20 nuclear-equipped submarines, 15 AICBMs. Nuclear capabilities are now under the command of a separate Cossack Nuclear Command.