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Empire of Langore and Outer Territories, is a planet with 53.9 billion people who lives under a parliamentary monarchy and has a history of military excellence.

Langoflag.jpg Langomap.jpg
Planet name Langonar
Population¹ 67.9 billion
Capital Rhodheltus
Official Languages Langolan, Chibbish, Vernac
Government Parliamentary monarchy
Space Port Imperial Space Port
Territories 5 planets
Indigenous People Langors, Chibs
Immigrated People Cygnusians, Gongols
Demonym Langorean, Langor
Tech Level Atomic age, spacefaring
Class Terrestrial
Diameter 9,789 miles
Temperature Temperate (lowest -23°F highest 99°F)
Atmosphere Breathable
Hydrology Lakes and inland oceans
Core Molten iron
Elements 98% langorium 2% other metals
Gravity Standard
Satellite(s) 3
Distance from the Sun Segundus, is a yellow giant star. It is the Sun in the Goryeo Galaxy. It appears in the Middle Quadrant. Temperature is 79,000,000°F and 92,670,890 miles from Langonar.
Rotation 19.58 hours
Length of Day 19 hours
Length of Year 1 year is 260 days.
¹Counting the population in the Outer Territories


Langonar is over 8.9 billion years old and went through many epochs. The first epoch is the Aeonian Epoch (999-800mya) when algae and moss first appeared. Antecataclysmic Epoch (500-65mya) land animals appeared on Langonar the most noted is the Thunderbacks(Gigas terraemotus ), a species of reptilian-mammal like animal that were about 50 feet tall and weighing 70 tons. Then came giant rats, spider-lice (Araneae pediculus), a species of giant arachnids that were the apex predator of the jungles. Also the giant gutsnail (Cochlea horrificus) was a real nuisance when it came to hunting they sprayed a sticky substance that trapped the prey and then consumed it whole. The Langorean treejumper (Homo rhodheticus), the hominid ancestor of all Langors and Chibs.

Early History

Langonar has been inhabited for 2 million years when the Proto-Langors settled in what's now Southern Langonar. Then in 9,000 BE the Langorean migrations occurred and they settle many places making them their tribal empires. In 200 GE the First United Empire of Langore was founded.

First United Empire (200-1689 GE)

Modern History

The Langoreans resettled Langonar after they escaped the tyranny of the Goreans and their genocidal acts against the two races called Langors and Chibs. The Langorean Kingdom became an imperial state under an Emperor. Also some Goreans escaped among us to spy on Langorean progress. In the year 200 G.E. Langoreans were here prior to the abductions made by the Goreans. The Gorean Dominator ordered Langorean blood to be purified to expand their race. But the Langoreans were inferior and lacked the extra chromosomes to bind the DNA of the Goreans.


Langonar is a rocky planet, with lakes, rivers, and dense forests. Some areas are urbanized but the rest of it is remote and rural.


Natural Landmarks


Flora & Fauna


Langorean culture is based on clans and trade. Also the Langoreans are opened to new ideas and are not prejudice against other cultures. This makes Langoreans the most


Langoreans or Langors are the dominant race of Langonar making up about 63% of the population along side with the Chibs. The Chibs makes up the 37% of the population and are treated as equals.


Langorean society is clan based and has three social classes. The Langors are ruled by an emperor and empress. Also the Langors enjoy gambling, wealth and education on their planet. Langor families are huge having more than 1,000 relatives in one family called a clanhold. Chib society is different from the Langors. The Chibs live in tribes and each having a chief. Chibs hunt for food and they live in long houses with 4 members of the tribe.

Music & Arts


Food & Drink

Regional Culture


The Langorean Imperial Council is in charge of government and it has 500 to 1,000 members in each region and the municipal governments.



Political Parties



The five planets of Langonar, Helios IV, Garosia, Obalia, and Xarvus.

  • Langonar is the largest planet with 23.8 billion people and the dominant planet of the Langorean Empire.
  • Helios IV is a planet with about 4.5 billion people and it's rich in history.
  • Garosia is a planet of 7.8 billion people.
  • Obalia is a planet with 14.6 billion people.
  • Dartia a planet with 17.1 billion people.


Major Industries

Labor Force


Standing Army

Special Forces


Star Fleet

The Viper-class are the primary starships used in the Langorean Imperial Space Fleet (LISF).

Transitional Issues

Disputed Territories

Refugees & Displaced People

Illegal Smuggling