Mostona interdimensional portals

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File:Wea03303 - Flickr - NOAA Photo Library.jpg
Looking north toward the portal from Arappun.
File:Ship in Fog, Valdez.jpg
Mostona interdimensional portals fog off the coast of Monnusg.

Mostona interdimensional portals (Hazam language: Мостонай нимта уртавазэ, Mostonaiy nimta urtavazé, abbreviated formally as MNUs) refer to several interdimensional links that connect the world of Nimtahé and the Earth, located along the Mostona and Earth's Indian Ocean. The portals are mostly covered in thick fog yearlong. The MNUs play important role in presenting the Hazamaeian trade as well as the country's international relationship.


Medieval age encounter

The tales of Hazmi and Antas in the Chronicles of Ntrikhum told the story of two possibly Arab merchants that land on the Anotamaeian soil and spread Islam across the land. The legend told the two merchants came in two vessels from the north. Hazmi landed in Vezelmeska while Antas landed in Fastikhshevats. The story is considered as an early proof of interdimensional travels across the portals.

Early modern history until today

In contemporary Earth history, a recorded exploration of the portals was with Yves Joseph Kerguelen in his expeditiion in the year 1771. He sailed from France with instructions to proceed south from Mauritius in search of "a very large continent." He lighted upon a land in 50° S which he called South France, and believed to be the central mass of the southern continent. He was sent out again to complete the exploration of the new land, and found it to be only an inhospitable island that was ultimately named after him.

Anotachian Admiral Malek Alevamrekhaya is among the first explorers from Anotamaeia to go pass the portals.

Hazamaeian sources however, mentioned an encounter with a 'mysterious' ship coming out of the Mostona fog of the coast of Arappun in the year 347-58-174 Rahernw. The ship was witnessed by most of the Arappun citizens. Fishermen and a navy vessel were even trying to get closer and make sound contact with the ship as it was going to hit a pier. The ship did not hit the pier and suddenly faded out. The Arappun government at the time called the people to calm down as it was a sign from God that we are not alone in the world. The people however, more worried about a potential war that possibly be brought by the aliens. Some other encounters then begin to happen across Anotamaeia particularly in coastal cities. Historical records tell encounters happened in some places including Fastikhshevats, Hirnapade, Vezelmeska, West Fortkhia Island, Panalava, and Iftar Island.

The rising frequent encounters led Anotachian admiral Malek Alevamrekhaya to hold an expedition in search of a civilization beyond the Mostona seas. In 348-1-3, he departed from Naech with 2 vessels and came back in Fastikhshevats 10 years later. His accounts and journal recorded his voyage, saying that

I saw many people from beyond our world. I heard their various languages and tasted their food which some were actually very good. I also saw great architecture and monuments.

Recent studies show that Alevamrekhaya did enter the portals and managed to land on several locations on Earth including Cape of Good Hope, Zanzibar, Aden, and as further as Gujarat and Batavia. Alevamrekhaya also said that his capability in Arabic made his ship able to be repaired in Aden.

The story of Alevamrekhaya led another explorers to try to pass the portals. Several expeditons, particularly by Mirenas Ailfidzhilantikha even reached coastal area as far as San Francisco and Vancouver. The expeditions eventually brought back many stories of the outside world and the government of the later united Republic of Anotachia and Federation of Hazamaeia decided to slowly open the trade between the nations and the rest of the world.

During the Yurukman War, the Yurukman forces entered Nimtahé through the portals.

After the referendum, the united government of Hazamaeia continues its trade through the portals. The use of Rumidia stone keeps the time period in both sides of the portal relatively near.


The portal is both intertemporal and interdimensional. When Alevamrekhaya begun his expedition off the coast of Naech, it was the year 348-1-3 Rahernw, approximately equivalent with the year 1600 on Earth. But the time period he arrived at Zanzibar was at the year 1798, 198 years apart.

The fog is seen always covering the portals since different magnetic field of Nimtahé and Earth are interfering with each other and creates different air pressure level between the two oceans. Thus, low convective clouds are formed along the portal entrance.

Hazamaeian navy and air force maintain periodical patrol over the MNUs.

Rumidia stone

The use of Rumidia stone was popular from about the early 350s Rahernw to maintain the same time era between Nimtahe and Earth. Rumidia stone are a alloy metal piece created with magnetic element, usually iron or copper from Nimtahé and Earth. The stone functions like a compass and keeps the time period relatively near between time period at Nimtahé and at Earth when passing the portal.


See also