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The Democracy of Torisakia
Motto"A motto? That's bootleg."
Anthem"Fair Torisakia"
Region The Versutian Federation
Official languages None at federal level
Recognised national languages Native Torisakian, English, Swedish, Norwegian
Demonym Torisakian
Government Federal presidential, Constitutional republic
 -  President Alissa Beaulieu (ND)
 -  Holy Icid Ben Turner (GP)
 -  Chief Justice Daniel Cueva (L)
 -  Speaker of the House Barry Dawson (ND)
 -  British Colony June 21, 1794-July 29, 1820 
 -  Libertarian Republic I July 29, 1825-June 5, 1901 
 -  Conservative Republic June 5, 1901-April 1, 1911 
 -  Libertarian Republic II April 1, 1911-January 8, 1937 
 -  Anarchy January 8, 1937-February 2, 1937 
 -  Libertarian Republic III February 2, 1937-September 27, 1975 
 -  Democracy SSeptember 27, 1975-present 
 -  Total 7,913,337.5 km2
4,897,050.5 sq mi 
 -  Water (%) 6.76
 -  2014 estimate 220,000,000
Gini (2014)35.4
HDI (2014)0.798
Currency Torisakian Dollar ($T)
Time zone Torisakia Standard Time (TST) (UTC-4:30)
Date format mm/dd/yyyy
Calling code 395/914
Internet TLD .tor

The Democracy of Torisakia is a federal republic consisting of 11 city districts and two small island Gonzalez Isle and Happiness Island. The 11 city districts and islands are located near the Bay Of Biscay between the United Kingdom and France. The country also has five populated and two unpopulated territories in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. At 4.89 million sqaure miles (7.91 million km2) in total and around 220 million people, Torisakia is near one of the largest countries in The Versutian Federation. It is one of the largest integrated nations in the world, with very low racial diversity due to location. The geography and climate of Torisakia is very centralized, sharing many geographic and climatal features with neighboring countries.

The Drondrri people migrated from Scandinavia to what is now Torisakia around the 8th century, with British colonization beginning in the late 16th century. Torisakia emerged from a large British colony that covered half of the land. Post-war England had very little control over Torisakia and soon released them from colonial rule in 1825, after tension built up between colonials and the British. The current Constitution was adopted on July 29, 1825. The first twenty amendments being the Civil Recognition of Rights were ratified in 1827 to guarantee basic civil rights of people within Torisakia.

Torisakia adopted the doctrine of manifest destiny early in the 19th century which resulted in vast exploration of the land which included gaining new territories and discovering rich resources. Torisakia had one of the world's most power economies during the 19th century into the early 20th century. Though managing to stay out of wars, Torisakia's involvement in World War I set their status as a regional military power within neigboring Europe and North America. Torisakia emerged as a global military power following their participation in World War II and became one of the first few countries to obtain nuclear weapons.

Torisakia is a developed country and has one of the world's largest economies, with an estimated GDP in 2013 of 239.4 trillion. The economy is fueled by an abundance of natural gas and oil rigs, along with livestock and processed rubber, and has one of the highest worker productivity with per capita GDP of $37,430.73. Torisakia also has one of the highest mean household income and one of the highest minimmum wages in the world, with roughly 6% of the population living in complete poverty. Torisakia is also one of the most technologically advanced nations in the world, accoutning for 32% of global technology spending.


The name "Torisakia" is derived from the native Drondrri language meaning "beautiful landscape". Many conspiracies believe that it was derived from the native Torisakian language, a fixed version of the Drondrri language, where it meant "properous garden". This has been proven false, since the word for "prosperous garden" in native Torisakian is "nrosperoug sardep". However, many languages recognize the native Torisakian theory over the actual origin.



The people of Torisakia, called the Drondrri, were Norsemen from Norway and Skane who came over as refugees fleeing Viking raids in Europe and settled throughout northern and southerneastern Torisakia. Around 745 AD, the Drondrri had set up a kingdom within their settlement known as Eroaklira. It's capital Daend, which sat on the eastern shore where the current city of Koradai is, became a base for trading routes throughout the coast. The kingdom lasted until the early 9th century due to poverty and an unstable branch of power. None of the Drondrri ever attempt to rebuild the kingdom as they believed that it was just fall again due to the same reasons. The lack of organization of the masses led to a mass extermination of the Drondrri people due to lack of food and resources. By 1050 AD, 97% of the native Drondrri people were wiped out.

It is rumored that there was a second Drondrri kingdom known as Aradeth which ruled from 1010 AD to 1043 AD just after the fall of Eroaklira. This rumor states that Eroaklira fell due to being a political minority against Aradeth, a group of Drondrri who disagreed with Eroaklira. Aradeth is said to be credited for creating the first form of democracy in Torisakia. Aradeth is rumored to have fallen in 1043 AD due to the mass starvation of the Drondrri people and their unwillingness to do anything about it.

Middle Ages

From the 10th century to the 17th century, Torisakia failed to remain inhabited due to food shortages and lack of resources. The land was mainly used as a point of reference between European seamen as a route to England and France. Happiness Island was used as a resting point due to it's isolation from the mainland and it's small size that accomodated for ship crews. Gonzalez Isle was used as a resting point for Nordic explorers due to it's location of being far out into the Atlantic Ocean near Greenland and Iceland, making it easier for Nordic explorers to return to their respective countries.

It is unknown why no European country attempted to colonize Torisakia during this time. The most commonly accepted theory is that the land was used as a point of reference during expeditions by many countries as a way to help them find their way to England and France and back to the coast of Europe, and that colonizing the land would cause internal problems between countries, and no colonization would help avoid unecessary wars. Also due to the fact that it was widely believed that Torisakia was grounds for practicing witchcraft, and that the land was soiled, so colonizing it would mean no benefit to anyone.


Around 1785 AD, British explorers noticed that mainland Torisakia had not been inhabited for nearly eight centuries, and became curious to explore the land. Upon exploration, they discovered a wealth of resources. The British discovered that Torisakia was flourished with lumber and livestock, and began to take advantage of them. Great Britain claimed the land under colony rule, and soon after refugees from Britain (mostly Protestants) came over looking for new beginnings. Colonials found that life was much easier in Torisakia than what had been reported before. The abundance of food and resources allowed Torisakia to quickly become more industrialized than other lands of it's size. It soon had become as strong of a powerhouse as the newly formed United States.

Great Britain soon found out that due to the amount of natural resources on land, Torisakia had no means to import anything, and thus meant less control over trade. Britain quickly cracked down on Torisakian trade, and in 1808 forced a tax on good imported and exported out of the land. This control would be short-lived, as Great Britain entered the War of 1812 with America, taking their attention away from the Torisakian people. By 1815, Britain had completely forgotten about the Torisakia colony and it's imposed tax. In the next three years, Torisakia would gain the resources to form their own military and a quasi-government. Britain feared that another revolution would take place if they imposed an even higher tax on trade in Torisakia, and in 1820 released them from colonial rule. This allowed Torisakia to freely form itself into it's own country.

The Dark Years

Post-colonized Torisakia was first enhanced by a man named Kyran Kennedy. Kyran Kennedy was a well-educated philosophe from England coming out of The Enlightenment. Kyran Kennedy brought along with him his students that he taught at his home back in England. He lived on a small island off the coast of mainland Torisakia, which is now present-day Happiness Island. There, he and his students began building a small village where they would farm and trade. Before long, other people from England who had not heard of Torisakia before began hearing about Kyran Kennedy and his settlement and came over. With all of these people moving to the island, Kyran Kennedy built a small college where he would teach his ideas and spread them across the island. A new group of settlers arrived on September 12, 1820, however, these people did not settle on the island. They settled on the mainland Torisakia, in the present-day city district of Douglas-La Pryor, on the coast near the island where Kyran Kennedy settled. The people of the island were indifferent about the newcomers since they were from England and didn't pose a threat. However, the newcomers, led by a man named Roy Hagan thought that these island settlers were invaders. Hagan had brought along with him old weapons used during the Revolutionary War and War of 1812 and engaged in a firefight between the two settlement groups. This firefight would later turn into the First Settlement War, starting in late 1820. Kyran Kennedy did not being any weapons with him when he traveled over. He and a few other of his people built a military operations building and formed the First Kyran Seteller Army.

First Settlement War

After the First Kyran Settler Army and the Hagan Continental Army engaged in a firefight. The first war in early Torisakian history broke out. Both governments declared war and the First Settlement War began. For 3 years, the Kyrans and the Hagans fought in a brutal and costly war that left over 2,000 people dead, a lot for that time. After nearly 3 years of fighting, the war finally came to an end when the Kyran-Hagan Peace Treaty was signed in 1823. One year of peace followed until the First Liberal Convention was created. This group was formed in 1824 by a man named Williams Brice and was centered around liberal politics and ideas. There were only a few liberals in Torisakia at the time, the rest of the population were either conservatives or anarchists. The First Liberal Convention(FLC) was held on June 4, 1824 at the city hall in a small town called Beachport. During this convention, the conservatives and anarchists banded together forming the Continental Conservital Community(CCC), led by Joshua Levitica, and protested outside of the meeting. In the middle of the meeting, the CCC raided the city hall and attacked the liberals, causing The Liberal Uprising.

The Libertarian Uprising

After the First Liberal Convention raid on June 4, 1824, another war broke out. Called the Liberal Uprising, this war lasted from June 7, 1824 to July 20, 1825. The Liberal Uprising was fought between the FLC and CCC for the control of the government. Fought mostly on mainland Torisakia, The Liberal Uprising had a great impact economically and politically. In the middle of the war, the Conservatives and the Anarchists got into a dispute on who would run the government if the CCC won. The Anarchists wanted no government at all and the Conservatives said a government was essential. The CCC then split apart and the Peoples Anarchist Community(PAC) was formed by the anarchists, causing three sides to battle for control of the country. On the verge of losing, the FLC drafted the Libertarian Rights, a document that explained the rights that would be shared between all people regardless of their political views. All three factions met on July 17, 1825 at city hall in Beachport to discuss the Libertarian Rights. On July 20, 1825, all three factions declared the Libertarian Uprising over as they were drawing near an agreement with the Libertarian Rights. On July 28, 1825, the Libertarian Rights, after days of discussion, was signed by Williams Brice of the First Liberal Convention, Joshua Levitica of the Continental Conservital Community, and Thomas Bode of the Peoples Anarchist Community. The Liberals won control of the government. Creating the first Libertarian Republic.

Aftermath of the Libertarian Uprising

Torisakia was fractured economically after the Libertarian Uprising. The entire nation was about <50% in ruins and was in need of major reconstruction. The religious figurehead named the Holy Icid was appointed with the new government who had the same duties as vice leader except with more religious appointment.

By 1827, the nation had decided to set up a taxpayer system and subsidize system in order to gain the money to rebuild the economy.

Libertarian Republic I

On October 29, 1831, silver was found by the city now known as Andrea, setting off the Andrea Silver Rush of 21'. Many Torisakians came from around the nation to the hills of Andrea Mound. The silver rush ended quickly in 1833, most of the silver was mined and taken away, leaving the economy in a bust. In May 1833, Jesse Cavanaugh was elected to leader after beating John Haas in a close race by only 2¾ votes. Cavanaugh declared that all people unemployed had to pay a 15% tax increase from 6%. Cavanaugh was quoted by saying " If one wishes not to work for the government, one must not work against it." Due to this unfair tax burden, almost 60,000 unemployed workers marched to the capital in September of 1833 and set off what is known as Cavanaugh's Catacomb. It was assumed that 10,000 protestors were shot and killed here by police. The country seemed to be heading to a government coup. Many feared that the conservatives would take control of the government. The conservatives protested the Libertarian government for many years before finally taking action.

First Conservative Uprising and aftermath

After 75 years of Libertarian rule, the Continental Conservative Community rose again to take on the First Liberal Convention in a presumed war called the First Conservative Uprising. On April 13, 1901, leader Jesse Cavanaugh was murdered in his home in Tokai by a group known as "The Men in White". They were presumed to be part of the CCC. The Holy Icid, Malcolm Toomer, was immolated in his home outside his home in Andrea. These acts of terrorism sparked a chain-reaction of deaths. The CCC and FLC continued these acts back-and-forth for months.

By May 1901, most of the Libertarian supporters had be captured or killed and sent to death camps by the CCC. The Libertarians were eventually defeated and surrendered on June 4, 1901.

The CCC finally took over the government. They created a new system of taxpaying and subsidizing, which raised the income tax rate by 14%. This started the age of the Conservative Republic.

Conservative Republic

Within 2 years of Conservative rule, people grew tired of the new government system. Along with the unfair tax burden on middle and lower class citizens, the government started a system of discrimination against people for use of services. Certain people of age, race, gender, and religion were not given the same rights and services as those of high authority. People now wanted the Liberals to take back control of the government. At a secret meeting in Tokai, the FLC swore to overthrow the Conservatives and take back the government, along with writing the Guide of Rights. This sparked the Torisakian Revolution. The Torisakian Revolution started on September 12, 1903 when the FLC along with 1,000 other Torisakian citizens stormed the capital in attempt to assassinate Conservative leader Warren Porterfield. They did not succeed as Continental Conservital Military killed about half of the attackers.

The Torisakian Revolution

Libertarian Republic II

After winning the Torisakian Revolution, the Libertarians took their place again as rulers of Torisakia. Unlike the first republic, the second Libertarian Republic was heavily reformed to fit the needs of the FLC and to establish the Guide of Rights. Taxes were levied to the same for everyone, regardless of social status. Although ruled by one political party, most elections that were held consisted of Liberal candidates and smaller independant political parties, but no major ones. A few minor amendments were made to the Constitution, which consisted of rights to immigrants, the right to fair tax, and further limitation of government power.

The governmental system stayed mostly the same, with only the executive branch being independent. However, the Guide of Rights had made the government very limited with the people. Due to the Liberals' absence, they had very little regulation on the economy. While this was ideal for them, they wanted to grasp the bottom of it to allow smooth working of the economy without any failure due to no control or too little. A base tax of 10% was placed on any goods exported from Torisakia and 12% on any goods imported into Torisakia. While this was high, the mas creation of jobs by the TWA (Torisakia Worker's Association) allowed people to make twice as much as they did before in the first republic.

Torisakian Culture in the second repulic

By this time, the influence of the early 20th century began to make its way to Torisakia. Radios began to fill almost every household along with many different original radio programs. Film had also began making its way into the country, with Vinewood setting its place as center of the movie industry in Jyrkiäinen (now presnt-day Douglas-La Pryor). In 1914, the Ford Model T had arrived in Torisakia and quickly filled the roads, abandoning the idea of horseback transport in most cities. Jazz music began to rise in popularity over the radio as it was played as a sign-in and sign-off of most radio programs.

Sports began to make a huge impact in the lives of many Torisakians. Ice Hockey took its form as a pastime with the creation of the Torisakian Hockey League. The idea of full-contact sports was seen as a disgrace by some, but eventually took it's place with nationwide broadcast of professional games on the radio. Soccer also became a favorite pastime with the creation of the Torisakian Soccer League and the "Big Six", which consisted of official teams of the cities of Tokai, Douglas-La Pryor, Presidents City, Beachport, Grand Cane, and Dorrsville. Soccer was generally accepted as the more popular sport due to it's slower, more easilably following pace and lack of intense violence. However, both sports survived and have become Torisakia's favorite pastimes in modern times.

Torisakia in World War I

By the time news of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria broke out in Torisakia, Russia had already mobilized troops and Germany had already begun their invasion of neutral Belgium and Luxembourg, leaving Torisakia out in the open. Not long after hearing news of the war, Torisakia learned that Great Britain declared war on Germany. Bewildered by the events, Torisakia declared that they would remain neutral for the entirety of the war. The Entente Powers attempted many times to get Torisakia to join the war, as did Central Powers Germany and Austria-Hungary, but without probable cause, Torisakia ignored all of these invitations. Although staying out of the war, Torisakia was still dragged coldly into the war as the land was used as a docking station for German U-boats and it's close proximity to Great Britain, was used as grounds for test air runs with new avaiation planes.