The Constitutional Empire of Socialist Provinces

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The Constitutional Empire of Socialist Provinces
Motto"Kay'n Atæski Macan"
CapitalCape Uriak
Largest Bossk
Official languages Sekyov Nordic, Latis Nordic
Recognised national languages Greckonian, Arussan, Bossican, Armedlandican
Ethnic groups Uriak, Veshiv, Arussan, Bossican, Grekonian, Armedlandican, Fyrtoan, Suomian, Svitjian, Prizyetsan
Demonym CESP
Government Constitutional Meritocracy
 -  Empress Veronika Jvn
 -  Head of the Courts Sarthaal Njumen
 -  Supreme-Commander Koliav Rechunski
 -  The Uriak Reformation 1682 ATC/1581 Dkl 
 -  The Norsjænd Reformation 2047 ATC/1946 Dkl 
 -  2123 ATC/2022 Dkl estimate 6.933 Billion
Currency Imperial Province's Dollar (§Æ)
Time zone Coscovian Time
Calling code 364


The Empire goes by two names, the Constitutional Empire of Socialist Provinces, and Norsjænd. The former is the official name of the modern government and its subsequent nation. It derives from the fact that the nation is just that-- A collection of provinces following under a socialist empire bearing a constitution. The latter is the name of the aincient kingdoms that the empire formed itself from. The word Norsjænd actually originates from the Uriak terms "Nord", meaning 'north', and "Sjænd", meaning 'land'. The word Skuldan, which is used to refer to the sub-continent on which the CESP resides, is a direct translation to Veshiv of the word Norsend.


While the history of Skuldan and it's many kingdoms is lengthly, the government that rules the current iteration of the Empire is not very old in contrast to most. There have been a total of three "Empires of Norsend" in the province's history; the Skaross Empire, the Uriak Empire, and the modern Empire of Socialist Provinces. However, the roots of all three began in the ancient tribe of Veshiv, a warrior tribe dating back to around 3500 BTC. They went to war with many of their surrounding nomadic tribes, and eventually became a sizable set of conquered territories. To the west, two more tribes appeared, the Skaross on the Romenis peninsula, and the Bosska on the tip of Skuldan. The three tribes began to grow in influence, and archaeologists have discovered evidence of trade between the the three as early as 3200 BTC.

Uriak Reformation

The first signs of a desire to reform into something similar to the modern state of the CESP were in the late 1400s ATC. With the influx of new technologies coming from the Kauvaran city states and the end of the Czar's occupation, the tribes of Norsjænd constructed a joint council between themselves in 1533. In around fifty years, the council agreed to cede themselves under one banner, voting that General Kjormund Askas of Uriak would become the emperor of such a union. By 1582, the merge had completed, and the kingdoms of Aruss, Veshiv, Skaross and Uriak became conjoined under General Kjormund. The former kings became members of the "Senate", a branch of the newly established government that held a considerable amount of power under the Emporer. This was dubbed the Uriak Reformation, and became the precursor to the modern state's current format.

The Great War

In 2006 ATC/1905 Dkl, conflicts in the east of the Darklands began breaking out. The Empire of Uriak was currently allied with the People's Celestial Empire of Isochi, whom was embroiled in a war with the neighboring Greater Kantha. Being in the military alliance, the Uriak were forced into involvement. The war soon escalated to involve nearly the entire region, as even far western powers became involved. During the course of the conflict, Emperor Sror Velsen noticed that his generals were not co-operating on strategies, and frequently indirectly yet intentionally cause harm to eachother. There was no individual to reign them in, the Emperor was on Kauvaran soil, negotiating an alliance. The title of Supreme-Commander was created with emergency powers when two generals almost came to blows. After General Magnus Surr earned the title, Uriak victories became increasingly decisive, and their extensive use of "Armored Cavalry" practically won the entire war. Greater Kantha was forced to fracture itself into many smaller independent states due to a treaty in 1941, allowing Isochi to regain its status as a world power.

By the end of it all, the Empire of Uriak had faced many major shifts regarding their military. With the implementation of the Supreme Commander, the invention of Armored warfare, the usage of aircraft as weapons, and many other massive changes, the Empire was forced to adapt. Over the years, they slowly adjusted, creating two new branches of the army, as well as getting rid of some old ones. The CESP also found itself making heavy usage of tanks and other heavily-armed vehicles by the end of the war, and they soon became the signature weapon behind their military.

Norsjænd Reformation

On the 31st of Frostfall, 2047 ATC/1946 Dkl, Emperor Haskill Pjormund decided to fall in line with progressive pressures from the west and initiate the "People's Reformation", an attempt at modernizing the Empire. It essentially created a Constitution, revamped the Legislative process, reduced Senate power, increased economical and military centralization, increased the republican traits of the nation, and limited Imperial succession law to ensure that blood inheritance would no longer remain an issue. The changes were met with fierce opposition by traditional and conservative powers, and debate eventually came to armed conflict in 1949. The newly dubbed 'Norsjænd' government was eventually victorious, and the modern state of the CESP was formed.

Involvement in Dai Quoc

The situation in Dai Quoc was highly unstable during the last decade of the 20th ATC century. The CESP was vying against Greater Kantha for influence of its valuable oil reserves. Tensions between Greather Kantha and Norsjænd led to the assassination of Crown Prince Chang Yunfei and his immediate family in 2098 ATC. This led to a disruption in the Kanthan line of succession, allowing Norsjænd to instill its control into Dai Quoc. This led to increased tensions and economical instability, and eventually prompted Kanthan supporters in Dai Quoc to rebel.

All too eager to take revenge, Greater Kantha openly assisted the Dai Quoc rebellions. The first hostile action was the sinking the Norsjænd destroyer ERM Bossk. Open hostilities ensued, and a ground war for the major settlements within Dai Quoc began. The Norsjændic supporters and AFNS regulars were chased out of the nation, and an armistice giving Dai Quoc independence was signed.



Norsjænd itself spans the majority of the Skuldan peninsulas, and therfore has a wide rage of terrains and environments. However, the nation can be effectively divided into four major environmental spheres. The center of the nation is a mostly arboreal region that melds its way into thick, temperate forests the closer you get to the Medi Sea. To the west, the Bossican Peninsula comprises of open plains and light grasslands, ideal for agriculture. In the northeast, there is the expansive Veshiv mountain ranges, serving as a historically dividing factor between the Norsjænd and the Rus. Lastly, there is the cliffs and marshes of the Grekonian region, with vast quantities of natural resources beneath. As a whole, all of the climates excluding the freezing heights of the Veshiv mountains are fairly tame, only freezing over during the winter.

The newly aquired State of Turan is mostly a warm climate, bordering on the vast Armedlandican deserts to the south. Turan State itself is mostly a barren scape of rock fading into dunes of sand, with minor freshwater basins keeping the region hospitable. What makes the State so valuable, is its strategic location beneath the Rus and the rich deposits of Bauxite and Gold. Like much of the CESP, it is almost entirely coastal, keeping much of its climate temperate.


The Constitutional Empire of Socialist Provinces divides itself into six Provinces and one Territory. Provinces are fully incorporated divisions of the empire, and Territories are divisions in a stage before full Provincehood. Each Province retains a substantial amount of autonomy from the state, able to determine its own laws and policies on religion and immigration. However, aspects such as industry and trade is handled by state affairs. Territories don't have nearly as much autonomy, and are thoroughly processed into full Provinces.

Uriak Provinca
Bossica Provinca
Veshiv Provinca
Sakaross Provinca
Tora Provinca
Grek Provinca
Alue Turan




Unlike conventional miltiary forces, the Constitutional Empire of Socialist Provinces' Military has seven different main branches. This is can be intentional, or entirely due to circumstance. While each branch is technically independant from one-another, the way that the CESPM is organized into Armies ensures that no branch will almost never operate on an individual basis.

Armed Forces of The North Star(AFNS)

The AFNS is a standard infantry force. With 5,823,720 active personnel, the AFNS acts as both an invading force and a national guard. However, as per standard doctrine, the AFNS never fights alone. It is always supported by the powerful armored might of the PAU. However, the PAU cannot hold cities. This falls to the AFNS. Securing dense locations, generally urban, is up to the infantry of the AFNS. They are also highly capable of and are trained to preform "Branadev-Stak" operations, a Sekyov fear tactic that involves razing cities and massacring it's inhabitants. It takes roughly a year of standard training to be fully administered into the ranks.

Provinces' Royal Armored Union (PRAU)

The PAU is known as “The Pride of the Provinces.” The backbone of the CESPM, the Armored Union spearheads all assaults, taking enemy forces head on, crashing into them with powerful armored might. The THOR MBT, the PAU's most used tank, is the frontier of armored warfare. It's versatility in combat outranks any other vehicle on the ground. Most soldiers of the CESPAU are gung-ho, happy soldiers, only truly happy when they are close to death. A member of the PAU must have been through two years of simulation and combat training before they are assigned to a vehicle. A fun fact: The PAU, as it's name would indicate, is unionized.

Emperor's Royal Naval Armada (ERNA)

The ERNA is a rather small force, as the CESPM generally does not employ naval tactics. However, logistics do require a method of moving mass amounts of material. The ERNA handles this affair, moving the supplies needed by the rest of the CESPM around the world to its various deployments, as well as occasionally working to support ground forces with powerful and ground-shaking naval bombardment strikes. This does not mean they are necessarily incapable of basic Naval combat, however. ERNA Naval Squadrons have been regularly known to obliterate hostile assaults many times their size due to their advanced equipment. Unfortunately, this new equipment leaves their forces relatively inexperienced.

Emperor's Royal Air Force (ERAF)

The ERAF, like the ERNA, is a lightly utilized branch. Again, like the ERNA, the CESPM does not utilize non-armored tactics. However, that is not to say that the ERAF is useless. The massive transports of the Air Force are required to move the tanks of the ERAU around the world, ensuring the might of the CESPM can be brought to bear anywhere within a few days. They also perform air patrols across the nation with both manned craft and UAV craft in order to ensure national sovereignty and public obedience. They work closely with the IPCU in this respect. Four years of rigorous training is required to receive charge of an aircraft.

North Star Space Program (NSSP)

The NSSP is the force that has the assignment of guarding the launch sites of the Empire's space program. These are often military satellites, usually air-to-ground orbital strikers and spyware capable of numbering enemy troops from orbit. However, this branch also has another duty: the monitoring of satellites and ICBMs that require going into orbit in order to hit the target. It is hoped that these soldiers can soon be deployed in space itself, although technical and financial limitations currently stand in the way of this. Many of it's members are non-combatants and ex-SPSO, so there is no official combat training required.

Internal Populace Control Unit (IPCU)

Where normal nations would have a police force, the Empire has this military organization. Their average officer are just as well trained and armed as the standard infantry unit, using APCs and light tanks instead of police cruisers. While both petty crime and organized crime have little room to maneuver, the gang activity is what has the IPCU constantly on it's vigilance. Well-armed gangs encounter heavy firefights with law enforcement, but very seldom do they emerge victorious. The IPCU itself composed largely of ex-AFNS soldiers whom did not want to leave the Armed Forces.

Socialist Provinces Special Forces (SPSO)

The final branch is the SPSO. This branch acts as the special forces of the CESP. However, they are not exactly conventional spec ops. While they are capable of secretive or clandestine operations, they have another type of unusual assignment: leading AFNS and PRAU soldiers as “Veteran Sergeants.” In short, the SPSO acts as both the clandestine black ops forces, as well as the elite troops that operate in tandem with other branches. Being the elite of the Provinces, they require three years of additional training in addition to at least five years of service within another branch of the military.

