Nation/The Polarian Empire

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The United Imperial Principalities of Polaris commonly called Polaris or The Polarian Empire, is a Stratocratic , Neo- Feudalistic , Prussian Constitutionalist Monarchy ruled by aristocrats from The Holy Empire of Grand Britannia. Its homeworld is known as the Polarian Homeland , before known as Terra Prima 0.1.


Polarian ISSU History

Prehistory -

In what is known as the Polarian Homeland, A Paleolithic culture around 30,000 BC constitutes the first known habitation of the Japanese archipelago. There were only city states and those city states grew into countries. mainly influenced by the Mongols and later the Chinese. This helped the Japanese finally learn to modernize and rise to the top. Scared leaders were replaced with aggressive masters and the city states fought for domination of the Japanese islands.


The Pre colonial civilization on the land of Polaris (Japan) were ruled by several city states. The Most Influential were the Hokkaido Confederacy. The Empire of Soleanna , The Ryuukyuu Kingdoms, The Seoul Empire, The Filipino City States and the Rising Sun Republic. The Empire of Soleanna was the Most powerful , with its powerful riches and army it was known as the Kingdom of Sakura, due to its large reserve of Sakuradaite. Then an Italian Man visited Ancient China looking for new minerals. His name was Marco Polo. One of his crew men were from The Holy Britannian Empire and visited Ancient Polaris. Every nation refused support to her but the Soleannnan Empire. The woman was known as Alexandria Wellington. Wellington started great relations with Soleanna and Britannia. Even Charles Darwin visited later on. The Empire of Soleanna agreed to be a Britannian colony due to Soleanna crowning Wellington as the archduchess of its vast empire . In the 1500s, The Imperial State of Soleanna invaded all of the City states in RL Japan. The Soleanna State deals with war when a Korean vessel brutally murders every Japanese civilian on a boat headed back from China. Then Taiwanese rebels accused the survivors of being Chinese and kill them . Soleanna declared war and in 5 years the war ends with a Soleannan Victory. The Britannians , who are grateful for the win renames Soleanna and its new name is Polaris. The star that guided them to this world.

Map of Polaris

Polaris was becoming a major power and one of Britannia's favorite colony. Supplying the mainland with sakuradaites. China was starting to become a Polarian rival and the Russian Empire's colonial activity was born. Since,there was no USA or Britannia, the Russian took over Western America. Polaris began to establish relations with the Northern Empire and the Holy Roman Empire. The Russo-Polarian War War began when Russian troops invaded North Korea.

Europe. Red- Holy Roman Empire, Blue- Northern Empire, Green- Russia

At the end of this war the a Polarian victory was ensured. The Treaty of Manchester gave the Polarians more access to Europe. Afterwards, the Polarians begin their empire. colonizing China, the Philippines and the Pacific at an alarming rate. Holy Roman Empire collapses and new European nations begin to sprout. Anyways, the Northern and Britannian crown combines into one and the Habsburg Realms become a new rival to face.

Map of the World- Blue- Polarian Empire, Purple - Habsburg Realms, Red - Germania