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The Empire of Chrinthanium
MottoSemper progrediens
AnthemChrinthanium Forever more!
and largest city
Official languages None at federal level
Recognised national languages English, Italian, Spanish, Lusitantia, Native languages
Demonym Chrinthani
Government Constitutional Monarchy
 -  Emperor Nathaniel IV
 -  Prime Minister Christie Wentworth
 -  Senate President Richard Canning
 -  Speaker of the House Mark Lassiter
 -  Chief Justice Teresa Albright
Legislature Chrinthani Congress
 -  Upper house Senate
 -  Lower house House of Representative
Union of Chrinthani Territories
 -  Declared 1 January 1701 
 -  Recognized 5 March 1706 
 -  Consitution 6 May 1765 
 -  7,741,220 km2
2,988,701.75 sq mi 
 -  2014 estimate 22,507,617
GDP (nominal) 2013 estimate
 -  Total W£ 472,659,957,000
 -  Per capita W£ 21,000
HDI (2013)0.924
very high
Currency Chrinthani Dollar (C$)
Time zone Various (UTC+8-+10.5)
 -  Summer (DST)  (UTC+9-+11.5)
Date format dd/mm/yyyy
Drives on the right
Calling code +69
Internet TLD .cr

The Empire of Chrinthanium, known as Chrinthanium is a nation comprising the entirety of the Chrinthani continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous small islands. It is one of the largest countries in the world in terms of square area. The empire has no land borders. It is comprised of 7 states and is located entirely in the Southern Hemisphere.

For roughly 40,000-60,000 years before European contact, indigenous Chrinthani inhabited the lands and spoke over 250 different languages. The continent was first sighted by Ferdinand Magellan in 1521, where he died from an unknown disease. His first mate took the ships back to the Western Roman Empire, who then settled the lands beginning in the Southwest. The continent was subsequently mapped and explored and a total of 7 states were founded on the continent. Shortly thereafter, three ships of Englishmen without the consent of the Walmingtonian crown settled areas in the Northeast and East Central portions of the continent.

After economic downturn in the Western Roman Empire, the Roman colonies were abandoned and left to their own devices. In response, the abandoned colonies joined in a confederation, known as the Confederation of Chrinthani States in 1701, the English portion of the continent joining five years later. After several years of ineffective governance, the confederacy was disbanded and an empire declared on March 1, 1716 by Nathaniel I after a civil war. Nathaniel I would solidify imperial power in his nearly 20 years on the throne before being overthrown by his brother, Nicholas I, also known as Nicholas the Benevolent.

Through public works and imperial decree, the government would be broken into three branches, the executive, legislative, and judicial and the Benevolent Empire would begin. Discoveries of gold in the mid-late 1800's caused massive gold rushes around the continent and an increase in participation between natives and settler alike in the national debate. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, all men and women would achieve the right to vote regardless of race. In the 1960s, the Chrinthani Sexual Revolution took place and ushered in an unprecedented acceptance of liberal social policies including full rights for homosexuals. In 2009, the first openly-gay emperor, Nathaniel IV, would ascend to the throne.

Chrinthanium is a developed country with a moderate standard of living. The Chrinthani Defense Force is responsible for the defense of the empire against foreign invasion. The main unit of currency is the Chrinthani Dollar and people drive on the right. The official demonym is Chrinthani, however, colloquially, Chrinnie is used both within and outside the empire.


The widely-held belief is that the word Chrinthanium was derived from a bastardization of the name Chrysanthemum, a flower that is native to the continent; however, no official record exists of how the term came into being and use.








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