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The Republic of Daminy
MottoFor The Motherland!
AnthemGlorious Nation
Map of Daminy and the Moneylanianic Islands
Largest Archeon
Official languages Damanian, Sibarian
Recognised national languages English, Scuroian
Recognised regional languages Platacian
Ethnic groups (2023) Sibarian, Scuroian, Ironian
Demonym Damanian
Government Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy
 -  Head of State Joel Kelovik
 -  Head of Parliament Victor Slavak
Legislature Dictatorial Assistants
 -  Founded 1478 
 -  Independent 1589 
 -  446,550 km2
172,414 sq mi 
 -  2025 estimate 48,000,000
 -  Density 2/km2
5.2/sq mi
Currency Pyvzik (PYV)
Time zone DST
Date format dd-mm-yyyy
Drives on the left
Calling code +7
Internet TLD .dam

Daminy (/Dá'míni/ Damanian: Oтечество) officialy The Republic of Daminy is a nation in Moneylania, situated in the Moneylanianic Sea. Daminy is the second largest island in the Moneylanianic Sea at 446 550km2. It borders onto the Sibarian Sea, to the east you have the East Uzzmorial Islands and south you have Auxillary. Daminy is known as a Tourist Hotspot and is also known for its technological inovations, which don't go so well.

Daminy was discovered by Sibarian Explorers in 1477. They occupied it until it's independence in 1589. That changed in WWI & WWII when they occupied them untill its final release in 1947. Since then, Daminy has tried to befriend its neigbours to no succsess. It works on pleasing its people with modernist cities and lots of attractions and public services.

For at least 40,000 years before the first Sibarian settlement in the late 15th century, Daminy was inhabited by indigenous tribes. After the Sibarian discovery of the islands by Sibarian explorers in 1478, Daminy's western half was claimed by Sibaria in 1479 and initially settled through transportation to the colony of New Vladivastak from 1 April 1490. The population grew steadily in subsequent decades.

It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, corrupt government stops and the rest of society begins, but it concentrates mainly on Law & Order, although Defence and Commerce are secondary priorities. It meets every day to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Youthsville. The average income tax rate is 82%, and even higher for the wealthy.

Daminy is a diverse nation, with the largest Auxillarian population outside of Auxillary. Major ethnic groups include Damanian, Sibarian, Scuroian and Auxillarian. Around 76% are Damanians. The offical religion is Christianity.



Human habitation of the island is estimated to have begun between 42,000 and 48,000 years ago. At the time of Sibarian settlement in the late 15th century, most tribesmen were hunter-gatherers. The eastern coasts and waters of Daminy were visited sporadically by fishermen from the west.

Cave drawings in Pulivak Caves, Yayovan


In 1478, the Sibarian traders, captained by Mikahel Gorbachov, set sail for Auxillary, and Ironian controlled island. They were going to trade spices and different kinds of materials. They were blown off course and started to head north. Within a day of getting blown of course, they landed on the island of Daminy.

When they realised they were on a new found island, they sent back a man on a stable boat to get back to Sibaria. He recorded his way back to Sibaria and landed on the east side on the Sibarian Peninsula. The men back on Daminy started to set up a new colony and named it New Vladivastak, later to be called Gorbachov.

Mikahel Gorbachov


The first colony of Daminy was established with the arrival of the Sibarian Fleet of 20 vessels under the command of Captain Boris Archeon in January 1501. It consisted of over 5 thousand settlers. A few days after arrival at New Vladivastak, most of the fleet moved towards the center of Daminy, where the settlement of Archeon was established, on the 4 Febuary 1501.

Archeon offered fresh farmable land and a safe supply of water coming from the east, which Archeon described as being, 'one of the finest discoveries man has ever found'. Meanwhile, New Vladivastak met the requirements to become a township, which consisted of over 5 thousand people. More and more people started to arrive on Daminy's shores, and by 1507, Daminy had over 15 thousand people located across New Vladivastak and Archeon. Mikahel Gorbachov, now in his early 40's, became the first Govenor-General of the Combined Colony of New Vladivastak and Archeon. He governed the colony until his death in 1537.


During the early 16th century, the colony expanded at a rapid pace, setting up townships far and wide. By the early 1530's, New Vladivastak became the bustling city of the Moneylanianic Sea. Imports and Exports were coming in and out of the town, people started to arrive and settle down and it slowly became the trading city across the Sea. The Colony's army, supplied by the Sibarian Army, began to chart the map of the island and set up new command posts, which eventually became towns of their own.

A picture of Chorvio, the southern most island

The colony then took it a step further and took over the Damanian Islands. These islands would later become a tourist destination, known today as Chorvio and the Island States. The command post of the Damanian Islands, was set up on the southern most island, known as Chorvio. This command post was used to look out for any pirates or hostile alligned personel. As more army personel started to move to the post, so did the families, and friends of the men. Chorvio, aswell, became a new township of the colony.

Under Sibarian Rule

From 1489 to 1589, the Sibarians ruled over Daminy. They would get most of the profits that the colony produced, and anyone who moved to the colony would be consided Sibarian under law. The Sibarians, over the years, were begining to be hated over the colony. Mostly because of the high taxes the Sibarians placed on a new colony, and the harsh methods used if they didn't pay the tax. These methods consisted of lashing and public shame. There was a massive gap between the rich and the poor on the island, and the Sibarians were only making it worse.

In 1537, when Mikahel Gorbachov suddenly passed away in his New Vladivastak home, the Sibarians within the colony, decided that it was time for the colony to leave the hands of the mainland Sibarians. They sent in a petition to the King that stated "Daminy gains independence from the Empire of Sibaria". The Sibarians reacted furiously, raising all taxes on the island. After years of tax and punishment, the colony had enough. On the 8th of August 1588, the colony revoulted against the Sibarian Forces stationed on the islands.


Over the cource of the year, the Colony's Forces started to revolt. The first revolt was on the 8th of August, 1588, were revolts brewed all over New Vladivastak. The Sibarian Forces had the uper hand, with newer and more stable weapons. However, its the actions of General Eli Farvik which cost the Sibarians the battle. He decided that the forces shouldn't fight back because he belived they were a small beatable force which should have timne wasted on. This decision allowed the Colony to fight against the Sibarians.

They eventually gained access to the Sibarians weapons. They started to fight the Sibarians with their own weapons. Eventually, on the 1st of September, 1588, the Sibarians decided to pull out of Daminy. However, Daminy wasn't officialy recognised as a nation regionwide. Finnaly, idependence came on the 2nd of March, 1589. Archeon was voted capital of the nation with Samwell Archeon, son of Boris Archeon, as its leader.

Archeon Period 1589-1790

The Archeon Dynasty proved a vital point in Daminy's history. It formed the basis of modern Daminy. When Samwell Archeon was anointed as king of Daminy, he started to work on civil right reforms and began preserving the culture of the new nation. He began to strengthen the small military, with new equipment, and began appointing advisers. Samwell's reign lasted for 36 years, until his death in 1628. He was aged 68. His son, Puvilian Archeon, aged 18, then took the throne. Puvilian began one of the most major feat's within the Archeon dynasty. He began to hire workers from all over Daminy to start the constuction of the Asklervac Castle, named after the region of land Archeon was built on. This castle would soon become the house of which the King would live in.

Asklervac Castle

Construction of Asklervac Castle began in 1632, 4 years into Puvilian Archeon's reign. The building process was long, lasting longer then 10 years. During the 6th year of construction, supplies started to run dry. Stone and Marble Deposits started to deplete. However, once they expanded completely to the south of Daminy they discovered hundreds of Marble deposits. These marble deposits were mined during this period. However, near the end of the constuction of the castle, there was a union strike, were most builders, miners and carpenters demanded more money from not only the employers, but from the king as well. This led Puvilian Archeon to force the miners to work. If they didn't work, they would be wipped, threatned or even thrown in prison.

In 1642, the castle was officialy opened. The rich and poor from around Daminy came to witness the grand opening of this castle. A grand feast was held in the grand ball room for the rich, and a banquet was held outside for the poor. The banquet was undercover just in case it would rain, which it did. Both sides of the financial scale praised it for its beauty and its stunning gardens. Puvilian lived on for another 28 years before his death in 1670, aged 60.

There was a period of 100 years were 2 kings reigned. However, they did no significanr things. But, they were praised for increasing trade between the West and the East. However, in 1770, a new king was appointed. Helivac Archeon was the final king of Daminy, and would be mostly known for his hatred to the growing family, the Keloviks. On the 30 August 1790, he was accused of physically harming a member of the Kelovik Family. This outraged them, and the people of the nation. This led to a civilian overthrowing. This action led Helivac Archeon to round up his most loyal troops and conducted burning the city, however Asklervac Castle wasn't burned. After the dismissal of the Monarchy in 1790, the famous Kelovik Family gained control of the nation. It marked the beginning of a new Daminy.

Kelovik Period 1790-2025

When the Kelovik's took control in 1790, they faced many problems, noting the revival of Archeon, and providing shelter for the people who suffered in the burinings. However, instead of making Arcehon the capital of Daminy, like it used to be, they desided to move the capital to new land. This land was near the central-north of Daminy, in the Yotsvalian Region. This decision came at a shock to the whole nation. It was so much as a shock, that even the Sibarian Government decided to go against this idea. However, the Keloviks were determined to build a new city. They came under media fire from across the globe, stating that "they were crazy" and "that the country will be plunged into chaos".

Construction started on the 14 September 1790. Official plans for several districts were drafted up, including the palace, were the ruler of the nation will reside. Almost every building organistation was employed to build this city.

WWI and the Great Depression


The 1950's and the Cold War


2004 Northern Damanian Coup de'at







