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The Federal Republic of Artstotszka
MottoGlory to Artstotszka!
AnthemMilitary's Honor.
Artstotszka's location in Audax.
Artstotszka's location in Audax.
and largest city
Official languages English, Russian, Kizzan
Ethnic groups Kitari (99.47%), Hawkwickan (0.23%), Other (0.20%)
Demonym Artstotszkan
Government Monarchy
 -  Empress/Emperor Annalise XVIII
 -  Speaker of the House James Petrov
 -  Chief Justice Alice Kalinsky
 -  Exile from Vandinium ~19,000 BCE 
 -  Unification of the 12 Kitari Tribes ~18,500 BCE 
 -  Migration to Artstotszka ~18,500 BCE 
 -  Establishment of the Artstotszka Tribal federation 104 CE 
 -  Establishing of Colonial Provinces 1390 CE-1780 CE 
 -  estimate 340.67 Million
Currency (ANC) (U$)
Time zone AT-11 <-> AT-1*a
Date format D/M/YYYY
Calling code +077
Internet TLD .asz
a. *Fort Savjata, while an Artstotszkan Territory, is in the timezone AT+9

The Empire of Artstotszka is a developed nation of approximately 340 million inhabitants. The main island of Artstotszka is situated north-west of the western continent of Audax, as well as holding a significant number of Mainland holdings in the north-west portion of the Continent. It borders Heimar to the east, andSad-States and Vandinium to the southwest, and the Mari Ocean to the west. The far northeastern border of the nation consists of the Luftberg Sea, and to the east of the Verillya Islands, it has a maritime border with Hawkwick.

Artstotszka has been a relatively minor influence on Audax history, until the ending of isolationist policies by Viktor I. In acient times, The Tribal federation was composed of the more open-minded exiles from the Drakatari empire (the exile of these people is considered to be a factor in the collapse of said empire). After leaving for the Artstotszkan mainland, Artstotszka would have no contact with the outside world until the 1100s, when The Altberg Empire invaded the eastern half of the mainland. after 3 centuries of occupation, Artstotszka's government would declare independence, leading to the founding of the Modern day Empire of Artstotszka. After several wars with the mainland nations, Artstotszka has risen to be a regional power on the Western Continent, and in 2014, Artstotszka allied with Heimar and the NFA in the Hawkwick Civil War. Politically, Artstotszka has remained an empire since the 1400s, though the monarchy line goes back over 21,000 years.


Afanasievich Dynasty (19,000 BCE - 17,000 BCE)

The Kitari, the primary race/ethnicity of Artstotszka, was formed after the exile of the non-conservative population of the drakatari empire. The Exiles would spend several decades living in the far north's harsh weather, resulting in many deaths and famines. Eventually, The Exiles started adapting traits to protect them in the weather, such as better eyesight and thicker fur, leading to the creation of the "Kitari", setting them further apart from the Drakatari. The Kitari would then establisj the Tribal Federation under the guidance of High Chieftess Aumsi, who is also considered to be the starting member of the Royal Bloodline. Under the Tribal Federation, the Kitari built many impressive communities, such as the Grand Bazaar, a place for the assorted tribes to trade goods, or Zewa, a "grand city" built in honor of the gods of the kitari. Eventually, when the Anmals that were hunted moved northwords, and the Drakatari presence started to increase, High Chief Fjolfr would lead the Kitari on a mass migration northwords, to escape the threats of famine and the Drakatari. The kitari would disassemble their cities, taking what they could with them, and destroying all records of Zewa's location, to prevent the Drakatari from discovering their Holy City.

Xueqin Dynasty (12,000 BCE - 2,000 BCE)

According to ancient Kitari texts, before the Xueqin dynasty was established, Little change was occurring in Kitari Society, leading to High Chief Audeiu to Proclaim the Xueqin Dynasty (Note: A "Dynasty" in Artstotszka does not represent a change in Bloodlines; Rather, it signifies a massive change in the Monarchy's ruling style), and stylize himself as emperor. His Dynsaty would encourage the Development of Technology and changes in Kitari Society. this would include building new cities, villages, and establishing (a mostly ceremonial) standing army for the Triabl Federation. Around 11,000 BCE, as the ice age thawed and many of the Animals previously hunted by Kitari in great quantities started to decline in population, Emperor Tappiu would increase the Agricultural production of the country, and he would later establish Paradizna as the capital of the Country. despite these advances, Benuni , the first king of the Jianyu dynasty, would establsih his own Dynasty in order to complete more radical changes.

Jianyu Dynasty (2,000 BCE - 104 CE)

Eventually, Lucretre II's successor, Jianyu, would commit radical chanes, almost leading to the Break up of the Tribal Federation. he would abolish the tribes, organizing the federation into districts. while beneficial due to the easier administration and increased number of new villages, the deposed Chief's threatened to overhthrow the Jianyu if he did not undo his changes. Jianyu would then establish the High council as the Emperor's advisers, and allow the creation of an official church of Zewa, appointing a Minister of Religion as head of the new organization.

Wuzhou Dynasty (104 CE - 1131 CE)

Luniaia V would eventually proclaim the Wuzhou dynasty, and would create many reforms in Artstotszka, leading to the establishment of Large-scale fishing as a food source, and the advances in military technology. in 1020 CE, the Wuzhou dynasty would be confronted with a long standing problem in royal Succesion laws. after Emperor Nirtiu died of a heart attack, the high council had to begin the coronation of his successor. the problem was, the title of successor was disputed by his oldest children, twins Princess Viania and Prince Arenar. While Price Arenar was the younger of the two, his sister, who was arguably both better at ruling and the oldest, was ineligble under the current male-favored succesion laws. This lead to a 7-6 (with one councilor abstaing) vote among the High Council to implement Absolute-Cognatic succession, which lead to the Coronation of Viania I as Empress later that year.

Volbur (1131 CE - 1392 CE)