Personal Defense Force Foreign Policies

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The PDF adopts a neutral stance when it comes to the political battleground of the world, preferring to open up as much of it economically to its citizens as possible through backdoor trades and deals. Known quite simply for doing things that benefit its own nation instead of others, and sacrificing little in the process. Money speaks words of wisdom, and that is indeed an internal word of wisdom.

Intelligence Agencies

The primary international intelligence organization of the Personal Defense Force is the IDA, or the International Defense Agency. Primarily tasked on foreign intelligence against possibly hostile nations, as well as peaceful watching of potentially hostile programs in nations. The organization itself trains and fields at any time 500 "Spies" and 100 foreign ambassadors, and has anywhere between 6-12 passenger aircraft and no less then two dozen intelligence gathering aircraft under its command. Not only is it second highest in priority for internal support, with only the military above it, it also has several direct fire support options ranging from a squad of PDF-38 MBT's to two dozen men from the 105th detachment in order to do "Whatevers necessary" to recon, sabotage, and turn the tides into the PDF's favor. All documents relating to there actions are classified within the organization, and routine background checks and investigations are conducted to lower the chance of corruption and external influence. It in itself is the second most powerful organization in the government, the Military being the only one higher and the Internal Affairs Organization being the third. Priding itself on flexibility and on it's capabilities the organization has gained its own place in the international bargaining table, while not being the largest intelligence agency out there it has an efficiency far greater then most due to its use of the latest and greatest technologies the PDF has at it's disposable.