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The United Republic of Samukan
Flag of Nation/Samukan
Motto"Defendamus, Corrigamus, Audeamus"
Map of Samukan, its provinces, and major cities.
and largest city
Official languages English
Recognised national languages English
Demonym Samukani
Government Federal presidential republic
 -  President Tobias Roffgan
 -  Vice President Bradley Talonridge
 -  Unification of Samukani city-states May 12, 1286 
 -  United Republic Constitution ratified July 14, 1789 
 -  Total 363,900 km2
13,500 sq mi 
 -  Water (%) 3.7%
 -  estimate 216,802,400
Gini (2014)positive decrease 29.2
HDI (2014)Increase 0.92
very high
Currency Colat (Ѥ)
Time zone Western Kennan Standard Time (WKST) (UTC-5)
Date format mm ˘ dd ˘ yyyy
Calling code +616
Internet TLD .urs

The United Republic of Samukan (URS or U.R.S.), commonly referred to as Samukan, is a federal presidential republic located in western mainland Kennan. The country is comprised of eight regions and the federal district of Trenton. Samukan is bordered to the northeast by United Solcialist States of Jakeopia, to the southeast by Herodas, and to the west by Sandwich Territories. The geography of the country is mostly made up of grasslands and deciduous forests. There are numerous rivers, which are important routes of trade within the country. The Sky Mountains are located in eastern Samukan, extending from West Hyusis to Sudostland.

The area of western Kennan that now comprises Samukan was originally settled by explorers from Cortal circa 600 CE. The explorers used rivers to travel further into the country, gaining access to abundant natural resources. As a result, numerous city-states were established between the 7th and 9th centuries. By 850, the rise of pirating in the Azure Sea led to financial collapse that caused the Samukanian city-states to become separated from Cortal. City-state leaders invested heavily in education and scientific research, leading to rapid technological development in the 10th through 12th centuries. By the 13th century, city-state borders expanded to the point where they came into conflict with each other. In 1356, Frederick Zarester rose to power in the city-state of Hyusis, quickly gaining the allegiance of less powerful lords. After forming an advanced military force, Frederick Zarester led campaigns between 1362 and 1370 that united the city-states into a single empire, marking the beginning of the Zarester Dynasty.