Personal Defense Force Climate & Geography

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The island that the nation of PDF was formed on was formed due to several cracks in the tectonic plates that allowed lava flows to slowly seep through from roughly 86 million years ago to 1.2 million years ago forming the landmass that is characterized by a large mountainous region in the center of the island made of extinct and dormant volcanoes with largely flat areas in all directions surrounding the mountain ranges. While a majority of the lava flows have long since stopped, a few remain and continue to slowly expand the island.

Volcanoes and Lava flows

Large concrete channels have been constructed in the past 300 years that direct the lava flows to the nearest coast line (with the exception of the west) to further expand the landmass as well control what directions lava is allowed to flow in order to protect citizens and businesses that would otherwise be in the lava's path. The network of concrete "channels" have been expanded and further refined and reinforced since there initial construction; backups and overflows have been constructed in case of an eruption or natural disaster that would otherwise devastate the countryside.

As of the mid-1970's all of the volcanoes on the island have relief holes that have been drilled into them that drain into the nearest Magma Channel. In the case of volcanoes that have been deemed to be "Extinct", 3D seismology scans are used to locate Sill's and Dikes within them and expose them to the outside world so if these volcanoes were to erupt again the violence of the eruption would be reduced and a majority of the magma would be redirected down the concrete channels. Dormant and active volcanoes have relief holes drilled into Sills, Dikes, and either secondary or primary magma chambers depending on if the primary chamber is reachable using modern drilling methods. This allows the pressure to be relieved from the chambers on all sides, and while the flow of magma out of these relief holes is sometimes greater than what would come out of an active volcano normally it is considered worthwhile as it decreases the chance of a full eruption significantly.


The primary sourced of water in the nation is via springs and glacier runoff high up in the mountains, supplemented by copious amounts of precipitation up at higher altitudes in the mountain ranges as well as desalination facilities in the major cities. Much like the magma channels, almost all of the natural rivers below 9,000ft have been replaced with artificial channels and reservoirs that channel the water to major cities and centers based on need and priority. Several massive hydroelectric gravity damns exists inbetween 5000ft and 7000ft depending on location availability and number of rivers converging on the location. Nearly every river in the country created from springs or glacier run off is directed towards one damn or another. This allows for massive amounts of hydroelectric power to be generated and distributed to lower areas, as well as for flooding and distribution of water to be controlled to the various districts. Below the gravity dams in the 3000ft to 4000ft range are either Arch or Arch-Gravity style dams designed to provide a backup in case a gravity dam fails as well as to further produce hydroelectric power to supplement the larger gravity dams. Below this are a variety of dams consisting of gravity dams going to major cities to control the flow, as well as barrage style dams going to outlying areas.

The concept behind this is simple, by insuring that the majority of the water flow to the oceans is instead redirected to where it is needed in the country to prevent water shortages. Even in times of drought, as rare as it may be, the country has massive water reserves. Water, like the other major infrastructure that is located in the country, is controlled by the government and is distributed freely to the public based on need.


The nation is separated into 9 separate regions, each on focused a different part of the national economy. Each region is separated into 36 separate districts each with a town in them and a capital district that has a major city located within its borders with the only exceptions being small communities revolving around certain economic functions. The reason for this is to preserve a majority of the natural forest and wildlife around the country and to limit the expansion of people into the natural habitat of many animals.

Kapitol district:

Head city: Peacekeeper (National Capital) The Kapitol District is home to the national capital as well as the largest population center in the country. The region is home to the countries offices as well as power production facilities. All of the countries offices are located within the capital district of Peacekeeper, where seas of ebony skyscrapers populate the entire district. The outer districts house the majority of the massive gravity dams within the country, as well as the largest nuclear, solar, and wind plants within the country as well as the infrastructure to support it. While the outlying districts don't have a large population themselves a majority of the workforce is located within the massive city of Peacekeeper itself.


Sprawling ebony skyscrapers make this city particularly distinctive when compared to the other cities located within Personal Defense Force. Built on the ideology of "Building up instead of out" there are no buildings under 50 stories within the city limits, all of the building are interconnected with massive walkways and floors constructed in between them, and the infrastructure designed to be easily replaced and upgraded. This is made possible with the reconstruction of the city to use Carbon Nano-Tube doped metals and concrete which allows buildings stronger, taller, and more efficient than any other type of material. With no traffic and wide open walk-ways this city is rated as one of the best places to live in the entire country due to a lack of noise and air pollution.

Though the city has civilian considerations in mind during its construction, it also has several military considerations put into effect. The bottom floors of the city are inhabited by the government organizations as well as the primary military centers. This has two benefits ; one it leaves the upper floors and therefore the "Nicer" living areas to the civilians, and two it forces any invading force to fight through the city on foot if they want to avoid a great deal of civilian causalities that airstrikes would cause. As it is home to the largest civilian population within the country, it is also home to the largest military garrison in the country making this "urban fortress" an extremely difficult one to conquer.

Anfuhr District:

Head City: None The Anfuhr district is home to the largest warehouse and refining sector in the entire region, with thousands of miles of railway and roadway connecting the various districts allowing for unimpeded travel from warehouse to warehouse. This region is also host to the only bridges crossing the channel to the mainland, as well as the home for most of the countries inter-region transit systems maintenance centers. The Personal Defense Force Commercial Regulation commission also makes its home here in order to better manage and monitor the imports and exports of the country.

militärische Hafen District:

Head City: Port Mcevintine The militärische hafen region is home to the largest port within the country, as well as is home to the PDF Naval Headquarters. Super massive dry docks populate the coastline, and several major ports inhabit the bays in almost their entirely. All major production of ships and naval munitions occur in this region, both military and civilian alike. This region is also host to the largest exporting and importing port in the country, and is responsible for the majority of the commerce in the country right above the Anfuhr district.

A majority of the districts within this region are focused on shipbuilding or a similar water related industry ranging from fishing to the production of aircraft carriers for the military. Railways, both for people and for cargo, populate this region and allow for unrestricted cargo from the Anfuhr region and mass transit from the Kapitol region.

Bergbau Hafen District:

Head City: Port Pentraviches The Publik Hafen district is the primary civilian shipbuilding and fishing industries center, as well as home to the major refining and fuel industries. One of the largest shipbuilding centers in the region is located in this region, and to this very day it produces the finest ships, and nearly the entire nations supply of Hydrogen Fuel. Mineral and chemical refining is also done in this region, and high restrictions are placed on pollution and waste. Primary economic functions: Civilian Shipbuilding, Fisheries, Mineral Refining, Mining, Chemical Refining, civilian research district

vojenský district:

Head City: Petrovich Composed entirely out of the housing, maintenance, and production facilities the PDF's military needs, the Vojensky district is the true heart of the countries force projection. With the militaries research divisions also co-located here, and the primary military storage facilities also located here, it is as heavily defended as it is populated. Primary Economic Functions: Military housing, maintenance, and production facilities.

Kohlenstoff district:

Head City: Tgenev The heartland of the carbon nanotube and advanced material production in PDF is in the Kohlenstoff district at the northwest edge of the island, where automated facilities work day and night to produce the finest materials in the world for both construction and research. While the production methods are unknown, it is known that on a cost per gram bases, the PDF's industries are the leaders in the world. Primary Economic Functions: Advanced Material Production

Ackerbau district:

Head City: Landwirtschaft With industry being the PDF's primary economic for profit industry, the agriculture center of the nation is often neglected. Contrary to most nations, with lush fields and fertile soil the PDF's agricultural sector booms in productivity and relishes in the glory of self sustainability. High greenhouse skyscrapers are complimented by far spreading fields that are carefully tended by farmers to produce the best the land can offer. Without very many native insect populations, and a majority of crop diseases wiped out, the PDF's crops flourish. Located here are also the nations Genetic research stations, each striving for a variety of purposes. Primary Economic Functions: Agriculture related industries