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The Royal Arms
The Flag of Oasaes
Capital city The District of Versailles
Largest city Saint Osmer
Official Language English
Demonym Oasaen
Population 4.865 billion
National Anthem God Save The King and Queen
National Motto Long Live Justice and Tranquility
Form Federal Monarchy
Monarch King Kenneth III
Consort Queen Catherine II of Normandy
President Sir Keith Warner (D)
Vice-President Sir Jason Nichols (D)
Speaker of the House Sir James Blanche (R)
Chief Justice John K. Polke
Upper house House of Representatives
Middle house House of Senate
Lower house House of Commons
Independence from Britannica
Declaration James I of Oasaes in 1295
Commonwealth for Peace in 1300
Constitution August 8, 1552
Independence from Rhodesia
Annexed November 4, 1774
Independence March 7, 1812
Total 730,830 km²
Water (%) 4.02
Total Land Area 282,180 mi²


The Rise of Oasaes (13th - 14th Century)

In 1295, James I led a five year revolt against Rafael II, King of Great Britannica. In 1300, him and his followers left the Britannic Kingdom to start a new nation. That same year, James I established his new country and called it 'Oasaes'. Immediately, James I sought the attention of King Rafael II. He was successful. He met with King Rafael and discussed becoming a protectorate or dominion of the Britannic Kingdom (the same kingdom he revolted against and fled). Rafael offered that Oasaes could become a commonwealth of Britannica. James I gratefully accepted. Now at peace with the most powerful nation at the time, Oasaes shifted her attention from development to imperialism. The Oasaen Empire began to take shape during the early 14th century, with the Oasaen settlement of many weak nations surrounding Oasaes and even those surrounding Britannica.

The Rise and Fall of the Oasaen Empire (15th Century)

At the height of the 15th century, one hundred years after the formation of the Commonwealth of Oasaes, the Brits of Great Britannica heard wind of the Oasaens referring to their country as an 'empire'. The Great Brit King, Andrew IV requested the presence of Francis II, son of James I. Francis II was the Governor of the Commonwealth of Oasaes. Unable to justify the 'treasonous' crimes against the Britannic Crown, Oasaes was under siege by the Crown. Great Britannica dissolved the government and beheaded all high profile politicians.

The Rise of Socialist Oasaes (16th - 18th Century)

The year is 1532, immediately after the fall of the "Oasaen Empire". Many citizens of Oasaes had fled the region to an uncolonized island far away from Britannic influence. On this island, the people began to restore their civilization. About twenty years later (1552), their nation had been restored. At this time, the person who was very instrumental in the rebuilding of Oasaes came to power. His name was George IV of Zealand. George did not want to establish a kingdom or an empire. He had much different plans for Oasaes. Born a poor servant boy, he knew the economic inequalities that a monarchy would bring upon many citizens. Instead, he established a socialist society based on the principles of consequentialism (an action should be judged by its consequences). Much like the empire, they too started conquering nearby villages and cities on the island. By the end of the 16th century, Oasaes had consumed 75% of the island. During the 17th century, Oasaes became involved with many of the world powers. Oasaes became a flourishing country. The economy was stronger than ever and every citizen had a home and a decent paying job. This did not last long. In 1752, a war broke out in the region, the Indo-Japan war. The war drew many nations into battle, including Oasaes. At the time, Oasaes was an ally of Rhodea, a very rich country. Rhodea promised Oasaes, if victorious, they would pay Oasaes thrice its country's worth. The People's Socialist Society of Oasaes officially entered into the war in 1753. The Socialist powers, Rhodea/Indonesia/Oasaes, were victorious. At the end of the war, Rhodea marched her troops into Oasaes. Because of the alliance, the citizens applauded Rhodea's army as they marched to the Civic Hall. Contrary to what the Oasaens thought (the army was here to meet with the leaders), nothing of the sort occurred. The army broke down the doors of the Civic Hall and slaughtered everyone in the building that they could find. By 1774, Rhodea had total control over Oasaes.

The Beginnings of a Monarchy (19th Century)

Mainly due to the War of 1812, the Oasaen society was given another chance. While Britannica and Rhodea fought against Western powers, descendants of Oasaen leaders led revolts against Britannica. Because all her troops were occupying lands in Western nations, she was left vulnerable. Revolutionaries led massacres in Britannic villages and her cities. One important revolt was the Oxford Revolution. Private armies marched into Britannica's capital, Oxford. They slaughtered over 500 important government officials and beheaded the Queen of Britannica, Anna Kensington.