Nation/The Bare Bodkinikistan of Ada Lovelace

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The Matriarchy of The Bare Bodkinikistan of Ada Lovelace

Ah, the beautiful Bare Bodkinistan of Ada Lovelace. This matriarchy is the only nation ruled by a woman in the United Nations of Big Java, and probably the only one that considers women to be people. Its name is derived from both the first programmer ever, Ada Lovelace, and the "bare bodkin" alluded to in Hamlet's third soliloquy. It is unclear why the citizens of The Bare Bodkinikistan of Ada Lovelace chose this allusion for the name of their nation; however the citizens' appropriate choice to name their nation after Ada Lovelace is fitting, due to their petition-writing, protest-filled history of women's rights campaigns and failed government takeovers. This being said, the population of The Matriarchy of The Bare Bodkinikistan of Ada Lovelace is made up of embattled women who fled from their former patriarchal nations, their whipped male partners, children of the embattled women, and gay men who believe ardently that the aforementioned women "slay". This unique blend of citizens is one of many things that make The Bare Bodkinikistan of Ada Lovelace such a unique country.