Delsolan Civil War

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Delsolan Civil War
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Consular pikemen repel an attack from Odakard cavalry at the First Battle of Tyrusan
Date 13 September 1597 - 1 January 1610
Location Delsola
Result Odakard victory
  • Dissolution of the Delsolan Consulate
  • Establishment of the Delsolan Commonwealth under Eranin Odak
Consulars Odakards
Commanders and leaders
Josef III of Titanusan Skull and crossbones.png
Lord of Olsali
Lord of Gerhaal
Eranin Odak
Lord of Hadra
Dragutin Ukoda Skull and crossbones.png
Casualties and losses
53,000 troops 31,000 troops

The Delsolan Civil War (1597-1610) was a series of armed conflicts between the Odakards and Consulars within The Republic of Delsola over, principally the manner of its government. The war pitted the Odakards, supporters of the High Elect at the time, Eranin Odak against the Consulars led by Josef Lorne who sought the remove Odak, who they saw as increasingly despotic in his attempts to centralise power around his own office. The war effectively ended with the Odakard recapture of Titanusan in 1609, however resistance continued throughout the country, until the declaration of unconditional surrender by the remaining Consulars on January 1st 1610.

The overall outcome of the war saw Odak dissolve the remaining members of the Delsolan Consulate and declare the Commonwealth of Delsola, with himself as Lord Protector. The legislature was replaced by the State Assembly which effectively became little more than a legitimising agent for Odak's newfound power, which became increasingly comparable with continental Asuran Kings.


Second Pandir-Delsolan War

Appointment of Odak as High Elect

Dissolution of the Consulate

Consluar Rebellion