Nelborne Union

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Nelborne Union
Motto: Nations United for Peace and Love
Anthem: Ode to Joy
Official Languages None
 -  WA Delegate Jøri Radinjänsten
 -  Prime Minister Martha Bonhoeffer
 -  Speaker of Parliament Kyle Hurdor
Legislature N.U. Parliament
 -  Nelborne Union June 1st, 1981 
 -  Constitution May 9th, 1992 
 -  2015 estimate 73 million
Gini (2015)0.31
HDI (2015)0.842
very high
Currency Various
Time zone NST (UTC-1)

The Nelborne Union (informally called Unién, union in Seketese, in Seketan) is a geo-political union in the Nelborne Islands. It's number of member states is often disputed, but officially it has 8 sovereign member states. It has a population of 73 million. It rivals the European Union often. It's capital is Winneston, though once again this is disputed.

Member States

Members within Seketan and Jacland

Sovereign Members



The Nelborne Union in its earliest shape was formed as a de facto alliance against the United States of Alquiya and Lormotia in the Great Nelborne War. It consisted of nations in the north fighting the south. These were the foundations of the union, as its very strongly strengthen relations with the nations in the de facto alliance. A perfect example is Seketan and Jacland becoming great allies, eventually uniting as one nation in 2015.

Creation and the first member states

The union was officially formed on June 1st, 1981 with the first member states being the Republic of Seketan and the Dominion of Jacland. Others began to join, eventually forming strong alliances. The constitution was written in 1992, giving guidelines on how NU government works as well as some basic human rights. The constitution does not comment on how governments work, and this was done purposely so all nations could be happy.