Toka Imperial Sanctuary

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The Toka Imperial Sanctuary is located in La Rochelle.


The site of the Toka Imperial Sanctuary was once a landfill site. Garbage was dumped here for 80 years, between 1920 and 2000. In 2000, a decision was taken to rehabilitate the area. The garbage was sorted. Toxic and chemical waste was removed. Accumulated gas was pumped out. Barriers were built around the area. The area was covered with topsoil and grass was planted on it.

Additional land was reclaimed from the sea. Sand was dredged from the sea floor. Sand was imported from Konoa and piled on the foundation. A sea barrier was built to prevent the current from eroding the land. Giant metal pins were stuck into the ground, anchoring the concrete slab that formed the foundation of the palace.

Enclosures were built for various animals. Trees were planted. The Toka Imperial Palace was built on the reclaimed portion of the sanctuary. The building is built out of ordinary brick, roof out of wooden posts and tiles. Plumbing, landlines and electricty were laid down. The palace was furnished and decorated and the enclosures were completed in 2017, ending the 17 year long process. The facility cost 2 billion dollars. Development was carried by Pangōnepu Architects. The Oan, Islander, Konoan and East Polynesian governments provided ten percent each and the Ulua clan provided the remaining 60%.


The Toka Imperial Company was founded in 2000 to manage the construction of the project. It continues to manage the facility. The Toka Imperial Company is a limited company that overseas the running of the site. 60% of the company is owned by the Ulua Family Trust, and the remaining 40 is divided evenly among the nature and parks authorities of the four countriea of the Polynesian Union.

The Toka Imperial Company is led by Lord Wheo Ulua, of the Ulua clan. The Konoan Parks and Forests Service. The service is responsible for taking care of the animals. The Toka Imperial Zoological and Botanical Garden is the site of the menagerie. The KPFS is responsible for rescuing, rehabilitating, taking care of and treating the animals. It is responsible for taking care of the gardens, ponds and additional amenities. Ths KPFS was entrusted with this task due to its experience in nature conservation.


The site is a rough square shaped facility with a length and breadth of 2 kilometres. It has a total area of 4,000,000m². The site is located to the east of La Rochelle (locally known is Tokapa), the capital of The Oan Isles, by the sea. The Palace is only open on Saturdays to the public. The center is primarily a royal residence. The Palace serves as the new home of the Emperor of Polynesia. Art and furniture was moved from the Serene Palace and lent by the Tamasitanuanu Institute to ornament the decadent palace.

The Palace, and all the other facilities are built in a modern iteration of Polynesian architecture. Statues, fountains, benches and pavillions ornament the complex. The Toka Imperial Palace is also the new "home" of the Ulua clan. It is the center of the administrative infrastructure and staff, the headquarters of the Ulua Family Trust and a summer palace for Oaloanu.

Notable animals

The most notable animals are: