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Blizatine is a island and coastal nation within the region, Balder. It is an empire currently ruled by God Emperor Lexam Reconlaf.

This page is a work in progress by its author(s) and should not be considered final.
The Empire of Blizatine
Motto"Step not away from full potential"
AnthemGlory to Blizatine
"World Assembly Member"
Region Balder
and largest city
Official languages English
Ethnic groups (2016) Islander 67%, Salahandran 22%, Immagrant 19%, Android 2%
Demonym Blizatinian
Government Empire
 -  Emperor Lexam "The Great Wolf" Reconlaf (BIC 1(2014) to current)
 -  Empress None
 -  December 2016 estimate 1.853 billion
Currency Gold Ounce (XAU)


Blizatine is derived from the word blizzard. Which is reference to the northern arctic region where the Emperor came from and where the the empire was conceived. Do to the natural formations of the mountains it naturally pushes air down and trough mountain regions. The Great Mountain Temple is situated high on the tops of the mountains and the snow and ice in the blizzard can be seen rushing past below.



B.I.C. stands for the Blizatinian Imperial Calendar. The calendar was implemented by Emperor Lexam Reconlaf after the successful capture of Capoliton and the subsequent creation of the Blizatinian Empire. BIC starts 2014 CE anything that took place before that is referred to as P.I.P Pre-Imperial Period, working the same way as BCE, the longer ago it took place the higher the number.

Ancient History 10,000+ - 1014 PIP

Everything pre-colonization period is effectively prehistoric. The only people who had any form of writing where the Northern Monks, who where reclusive and as a result most of their writing where in regard to internal affairs. At this point the island was divided into three parts, the north inhabited by the Northerners, the eastern forests inhabited by the Dungaly, and the west inhabited by the Sarata. Do to vastly different cultures.


The Sarata where a nomadic people, who held ideologies of honor, strength, and loyalty. They where divided into groups, each group was led by a chieftain. The larger group they had, the higher status, rank and influence. A Cheenay was a chieftain who was unrecognized because either his group was to small or he was dishonored. A Cheeson was a chieftain with twenty five or more subordinates, a Cheedie had fifty or more subordinates, a Cheehie had seventy five or more subordinates, a Cheecom had one hundred or more, and a Cheeun was the chieftain with the most subordinates.


The Dungan people are a forest dwelling people that lived in tribes with the forest.


The Arctic lands were inhabited by the Snowmen (no relation to the snow sculptures that people make out of snow) at some point during the 30,000 PIP the Northern monks formed the monks enforced religious law over the the north, and ruled until the Imperial era.

Colonization Period 1014 - 878 PIP

Around 1014 PIP Explorers from Telotia which is believed to be a ancient empire from the continent. The explorers sailed into Capolitan bay and set up a camp on the shore, this led to conflicts with the local Sarata hoards. The Sarata had comparatively low tech compared to the Telotians, at the time the Sarata were using stone age weaponry, whereas the Sarate had extensive use of iron. Over the next 30 years people from the continent began immigrating and the Sarata were pushed further north.

The Warring Regions Period 878 - 1 PIP

The Warring Regions period was an era in Blizatinian history marked by social upheaval, political intrigue and near-constant military conflict following the Battle of the Capitals and concluding with the Wolves wars of conquest that saw the annexation of all other contender states, which ultimately led to the Unification of Blizatine in 1 BIC as the first unified Blizatinian empire known as the The Empire of Blizatine.

Imperial Era 1 PIP to current

The Imperial era has resulted massive scientific achievement for Blizatine, as well as increase in life span and social equality. Over the imperial era the empire has only been involved in one war, the Invasion of Salahandra.



The Arctic

The Arctic is a mountainous tundra region with year round snow because of the altitude, though lower regions do experience rain and greenery during the summer. The majority of indigenous food in the Artic is meat based typically fish and caribou. In recent years because of the meat ban in the country, their has been a considerable effort made to import food from the plainsland, however most people are still eligible for meat permits. The region is big for large server, mainly because of it's effective cooling temperatures. It also features it's own gulf in the far north. In addition the Great Martial Arts Temple is located there, and it is the region in which Emperor Lexam Reconlaf was born.

The Forest of Dunganelle

The Valley of Pillars The Valley of pillars is a valley that is surrounded by a circle of small mountains with one entrance on the ground at the north-west of the valley. This entrence is known as the Gateway. As a result of the inaccessibility and the valley being held sacred by locals, the valley has remained mostly untouched by people. They exception being for the Emperor, the Dungaly Queen, and the scientists studying the unique species of that region. A pathway and large house has been constructed near the entrance for them to stay when working in the area. Tourists and citizens are now allowed to enter the Valley but must remain on the built path as to not disturb the Valley. The path is in total around 68.6 km long, but only goes about 20km in. You can in addition go up a cable car to tourist peak. Tourist peak is the only stone pillar that people are allowed for people to go to the top.

The Plainsland

Picture from the Plainsland.

The Plainsland is an area of long stretching plains that lend itself well to farming. Feilds of wild wheat can be found throughout the area. There are also plenty of horses and bovine species.

The Gulf

Pictures of Capolotan.

The majority of the Gulf is farm land due to good irrigation from the gulf, combined with the terrain being mostly plains. Farm lands are populated by small towns and villages all around, with larger cities more distanced. However Capoliton is a marvel of modern archaeology, It is a huge city containing the largest studies academy (a studies academy is similar to a university) on the island, the Imperial Academy of Higher Education, The or the IAHE.

The city planer, Wolfe Jager was appointed directly by the Emperor himself, he has made many changes to the city and designed some of the buildings themselves. Jager is known for his love of literary and artistic absurdity, which can often be seen in the buildings he approves and how he plans the city. Jagers was a foreign architect who had difficulty getting jobs due to his buildings being to outlandish for most cities. In an interview with he said "I used to be laughed at for my designed, then I'm offered a job to rebuild almost an entire capital city. It was a chance that I was never going to get again." When asked why he thought that he was chosen he replied "I think that he (Emporer Lexam Reconlaf) wanted to create something unique, beautiful, and astounding, whereas in this business most others want practicality and functionality. The Emperor's fondness of Jagers was demonstrated on 15th of November 2 BIC when Emperor Lexam Reconlaf appointed Jagers holder of the Capolitan seat in the Imperial Council, replacing Duke Columbus Glynn.

Large sections of Capoliton were destroyed during the sacking of Capoliton in BIC -8. Then king Lexam Reconlaf spent the next three years laying down the frame work and instructor for Capoliton before passing the job to Jager, and continuing his campaign. Jagers designs are featured around the city. Although the city is still being rebuilt many districts have been rebuilt, some of them expanded, and even some new districts have been built.

Residential district The residential district is the biggest district in Capoliton, since it has been worked on since the city's sacking in BIC -8. Most of the area is government owned apartments.

Unique/Important Animals


Wolves are very important to the Blizatinian people. They are the national animal and have a long mutually beneficial relationship with wolves. Many people have trained guard wolves. Most work places allow wolves to come in with employees with the exception being work places that would be dangerous to the wolf. Police are trained to incapacitate wolves in a non harmful way, however this does not occur often an issue do to low crime rates. Wild wolves inhabit every area of Blizatine

Dinosaurs Thanks to genetic modifications in Blizatine scientists have been able to bring back multiple species of dinosaurs. Most of these species are kept in specially designed reserves in order to prevent them disturbing the natural biodiversity of the island. With the conquest of Salhandra the Emperor has announced a plan to create, or find a secluded oasis in the middle of the Salahandian desert away from civilization in order to create an environment for these dinosaurs to run free.

Government and Politics

The Government of Blizatine is a absolute monarchy, wherein the role of the reigning sovereign (the Emperor) is both legal, political and practical, with control over the three governmental branches: the Executive branch, the Legislative branch and the Judicial branch. Royal Assent is required to enact laws and international agreements, and the royal signature gives authority to letters patent and orders in council.

Legislative Branch

Legislative power is divided into 4 sections: Federal, Provincial/Territorial, Regional and Municipal, each with it's own legislative body. Currently there are four provinces one territories and 29 regions.

Municipal Government

The municipal government contains the municipal council which is made up of all official who ran for mayoral office. Each official has representative power equal to the amount of the vote they received. The official with the largest share of the votes is the mayor and has full control over who heads each municipal department.

Regional Government

Regional legislative bodies are run by officials who are elected through a representational democratic vote. Each official has representative power equal to the amount of the vote they received. The official with the largest share of the votes is the Regional Minister and has full control over who heads each regional department.

Provincial Government

The Provincial government has three divisions of government, the provincial minister, the council of representatives, and the council of regions. The head of the provincial government is the provincial minister who is elected through popular vote and retains the right to appoint the head of any department. The council of representatives has a seat equal to one vote for each region. The seat's vote is divided among all the representative from the region who received votes. The physical seat itself is held by the representative with the most votes, however all representatives are allowed to speak and vote. The council of regions has a seat for each region who's officials are chosen by the regional government. Approval from all three divisions are necessary to pass any laws.

Federal Government

The Federal Government is controled by the Emperor with aid of multiple councils with advisers appointed by the Emperor, Provincial government or elected by the people. Such councils include: The Imperial Council, The Military Council, The Scientific Council and The Representative Council.

Executive Branch

The Executive Branch is made up of numerous departments each controlled by department heads appointed controlled by the heads of each legislative governments. None of the ministers, mayors and not even the Emperor can make any decisions affecting the executive branch. However as they do appoint the department heads and tell them what to do.

Judicial Branch

There are five levels of judicial courts, Municipal, Regional, Provincial/Territorial, Federal, and Imperial. Each level's judged are appointed by their respective government with the exeption of the Imperial court which is overseen by the Emperor himself.



All citizens who go through the Blizatinian school system are proficient in at least five languages, if not more. The five mandatory languages students learn are, English, French, German, Spanish, and Mandarin. In addition to these languages Blizatine has a number of traditional languages that developed over the warring states era. Most of these are still used in provincial governments however everything is required to be in English. Emperor Lexam Reconlaf streamlined everything into one language to unify the country and allow everyone to speak with one another. In addition English because of globalisation was already spoken by many of the inhabitants of Blizatine.


Blizatinians care about their roots, certain aspects in particular. The empire has set up many museums to show off their history. The empire also has exhibitions for history of places around the world containing historical art from those regions, which has caused international issues. Most citizens share the belief that by accepting other cultures and histories the culture of Blizatine is enriched. A large quantity of citizens are immigrants, in addition the empire has spent a large quantity of resources investing in multicultural campaign. Students are taught about other cultures within Blizatine and languages.

Martial Arts

Emperor Lexam Reconlaf is not called "the greatest martial artist under the sky" without reason. His Imperial Majesty was raised in The Great Mountain Temple, and has practiced martial arts for nearly all his life. At the age 18 he had mastered all of the native Blizatinian styles and merged them into the Snow Fist Style, with which His Imperial Majesty was able to win the Great 52nd Generational Martial Arts Tournament in 8 PIP. The Snow Fist Style is now the most popular style in the Empire and is taught in elementary school. In addition the empire has sent multiple martial artists to Salahandra to learn their native martial arts to see how they can be incorporated with Blizatinian martial arts.


Wolffest is a annual Blizatinian festival meant to celebrate all Blizatinian culture. The festival is held on Wolffest day, a holiday on the first Monday of July. The city is shut down, no driving on the roads, and no stores are open aside from emergency services. Many big cities in Blizatine hold their own festivals, however the biggest festival is held in Capolitan. The Capolitan festival is divided into multiple parts. The festival starts at 8:00 when the food-stalls open serving multiple traditional and cultural breakfast dishes from around the country. 9:00 multiple art exhibits and museums open around the city. Around 1:00 the many martial arts competitions and demonstrations begin. Around 4:00 the film and play festival begins, showing blizatinian films, plays and operas. Around 8:00 the concert begins showing performances by great Blizatinian artists. The festival closes around 2:00 following a speech by the Emperor, before he plays a final song bringing the festival to a close.


Blizatine has compulsory military service for 5 years, with and additional 2-4 year training program before entering the military. The Military budget of 16 trillion Gold Standards (366.96 trillion USD 3 BIC (2016)) In times of war the government can conscript as many Blizatinian citizens as neccesary. Providing a maximum possible force somewhere in the hundred millions. The Blizatinian military is divided into four departments.

Military organisation

The Blizatinian military has roughly 267,698,000 active members divided among the four military division. Thought all the divisions are separate in the event of a mission including multiple divisions the highest ranking member of all the participating division leads the operation, however the highest ranking military official of the division shall make all decisions regarding their division. If there are two or more equal ranking members, their is no operation leader unless appointed by the Emperor.

Name Strength Commander
Military Entire Military Emperor
Military Devision Military Division Grand General/Grand Admiral
Army - General/Admiral
Epoch 1,000,000 Epochion
Legion 100,000 Legionary
Millennium 1000 Millennion
Cohort 100 Centurion
Squad 10 Decion
Fireteam 5 Sergeant



Bahadur SA-01

.46 ACP Round, 200m effective firing range, 5in barrel, 450 m/s muzzel velocity, 12 round box magazine, short-recoil action, total length of 8.5in, standard iron sights with illuminated night sights, weight of 40oz-unloaded. price of 2XAU per product. Scope and silencer equipable.

Submachine Guns

Assault Rifles/Carbine


Machine Guns

DMRs and Sniper Rifles

Grenade-Based Weapons

Torrico ML-01 "Boom Stick"

Rocket and missile launcher

Torrico ML-01 "Boom Stick"

A missle launcher that fires 1m missiles with an effective range of 4,750m

Torrico GL-01 "Boom Shot" The Boom shot is a rapid fire, double action, 6-round, revolver-type grenade launcher that weighs 5.3 kg (12 lb) and is 778 mm (30.6 in) long. It has a barrel length of 300 mm (11.8 in) and a cartridge size of 41×47mm. The Boom shot can fire at 3 rounds/sec (MGL) (rapid fire) or 18-21 rounds/min (sustained). It has an muzzle velocity of 76 m/s (250 ft/s) and an effective firing range of 375 m (410 yd)and a maximum firing range of 400m. It is equipped with a dual collimator and reflex sight. Cost 17XAU

Korvokov GA-1 "Rainer"

Portable Anti-Materiel Weapons

Gatling Auto-canon

Korvokov GA-1 "The Rainer"

The Rainer is a 7-barrel electrically controlled, hydraulic-Driven anti-tank Gatling auto-canon. It has a 31mm caliber that fires at a rate of 4,500rpm with a muzzle velocity of 1,010m/s. It's effective firing range is of 1,220m and a maximum firing range of 3,660m. It fires 30mm caliber bullets.

"Rail Gun" The RG-01 The RG-01 is a rail gun that fires 25cm caliber tungsten armour piercing bullets with a muzzle velocity of 6.745km/s. It has a effective range of 35km and a maximum range of 71km.


The Army is led by General Xiao Allan. Currently 101,670,240 members


TMA-01 Armour

TLA-01 "Standard Uniform"

The TLA-01 is a full body armour made from a liquid X (a non-Newtonian liquid that reduces deflection from 4cm to 1cm). It has goggles made from bullet proof glass capable of using infrared, night vision, scopes and sensors. It is fully sealed with a breathing apparatus to filter air.

TMA-01 Armour

TMA-01 "Armour"

The TMA-01 is a powered exosuit that uses sensors to detect contractions of a human user's muscles and use them to operate a series of valves, which in turn regulate the flow of high-pressure hydraulic fluid to the joints which then move cylinders with cables attached to them to simulate the tendons that attach human muscle. Using the The wearer can lift up to 200lb for long periods of time. It includes a jet-pack that can fly up to 115km/h and can hover at 305 meters. It can run at 45 kilometers per hour and has large of motion, and can preform squats and crawls. The suit uses lithium-ion batteries which lasts four around 48 hours. It uses nano-ion pumps to recoup some of the lost energy.

THA-01 Armour

THA-01 "Thal"

Instead of relying on a human operator's muscle contractions to move the limbs, the thal incorporates sensors that picked up the electrical messages sent by the operator's brain, enabling yhr user to do whatever he or she wanted without moving a muscle, simply by thinking about it. It is similar in exoskeleton to the TMA-01 but can lift 1 ton and has not flight capabilities. It has 11cm of graphene composite armour with with a one inch gap containing liquid X and multiple high pressured springs that connect to another plate of 11cm thick graphene armour. Users are armed with the Korvokov GA-1 and a Torrico ML-1. The suit uses lithium-ion batteries which lasts four around 20 hours. It uses nano-ion pumps to recoup some of the lost energy.



Gorgon-MT1 "Trailer"


Gorgon-MT1 "Trailer"

The MT1 can travel at 95 km/h can carry up to 10,000 pounds, with 45 cubic meters of storage. It is mine proof, bullet proof, and restive the high level projectiles and explosions. It has eight wheels and is made out of a magnesium composite alloy.

ST-1 Cheetah

Light Tank Gorgon LT-1 "Cheetah"

The Cheetah is a super-fast light tank with a weight of 8,500kg, a length of 7m, a height of 2.8m and a width of 3.8m. It has a max speed of 120km/h. It has four turn-able threads allowing for increased maneuverability. It is equipped with a 120 mm caliber main cannon. It is made from a magnesium composite alloy.

ST-1 Wolf

Main Battle Tank

Gorgon MB-1 "Wolf"

The wolf is a 62.3 ton main battle tank. The wolf is 9.97m (393 inches) long , 3m (120 in) high and 3.75m (148 in) wide and made mostly from a magnesium based composite armour, with steel weapons. It's primary weapon is a railgun that fires 25cm caliber tungsten armour piercing bullets with a muzzle velocity of 6.745km/s. It has a effective range of 35km and a maximum range of 71km. On it's side it has two Rainers (Korvokov GA-1). It has a maximum speed of 72 km/h (45 mph), and a fuel capacity of 1,200 litres (264 imperial gallons; 317 US gallons).

ST-1 Toad

Super Heavy Tank

Gorgon ST-1 "Toad"

The toad is a 250 ton amphibious super heavy tank. The toad is 35 m (115 ft) long (41 m (134 ft) when including guns), 11 m (36 ft) high and 14 m (46 ft) wide and made mostly from a magnesium based composite armour, with iron weapons. The toad is equipped with three 1.2 m (3 ft 11 in) wide and 21 m (69 ft) long treads on each side with a total tread width of 7.2 m (23 ft 7 in). Its ground clearance of 2 m (6.6 ft) and it's engine snorkels would have allowed it to ford most rivers. In addition the tank is buoyant and equipped with a powerful pump-jet. The toad also has a vehicle bay that can hold two motorbikes, several smaller storage rooms, a compact infirmary area, and a self-contained lavatory system.

The Toad's primary turret contains two artillery pieces with 360 rotation and 45° elevation control that fire 2 rounds per minuet. The first fires 47cm caliber charges and shells , with an effective firing range of 25km, a maximum firing range of 42km and a muzzle velocity of 780 m/s (2,600 ft/s). The Toads secondary turret is a railgun made from tungsten that fires 41cm caliber tungsten armour piercing bullets over 354 km with a muzzle velocity of 3 km/s. There are three multipurpose lasers weapons systems, one at the front, and two at the back. The laser has a range of 1.6 km with a power level of 50 kW, and can fire 15 shots a minuet.

The toad is also equipped with an extremely high frequency, radar, infrared vision and a fire control system.

Cargo/Transport Aircraft

Tairon CTA-1 "Manna"

The Manna's pressurized cargo hold is 1,300 m3 (46,000 cu ft) in volume; 6.4 m (21 ft 0 in) wide, 4.4 m (14 ft) high, and 43.35 m (142 ft 3 in) long. The Manna can fly at an altitude of up to 10,750 m (35,270 ft) and can reach speeds of 850 km/h (528 mph; 459 kn). It can carry ultra-heavy and oversize freight, up to 250,000 kg (550,000 lb) internally, or 200,000 kg (440,000 lb) on the upper fuselage. Cargo on the upper fuselage can be 70 m (230 ft) long. The increased-capacity landing gear system with steerable 32 wheels were designed, to enabling the aircraft to turn within a 60 m-wide (200 ft) runway. The Manna also has nose gear designed to kneel so cargo can be more easily loaded and unloaded. It cost 86,000XAU to produce.


The Navy is led by Lord-Admiral Earlene Mock. Currently 104,357,220 active members.

Super Aircraft carrier

Aljera SAC-01 "Moby Dick" The Moby Dick displaces about 100,000 long tons (110,000 short tons; 100,000 tonnes) (full load). It's 337 m (1,106 ft) long and 76m (250ft) high. It has 25 decks, two nuclear reactors and four turbines. It can travel in excess of 30 knots (56 km/h; 35 mph) and can hold a crew of 4,297 men. It has 2 AA laser gun, 2 missile launchers, two rail guns, and 4 Korvokov GA-1s. It can carry over 75 aircraft. Each costs 9,100,000XAU

Amphibious warfare vessels


Aljera BC-01 "Kracken" The Moby Dick displaces about 28,000 tons full load. It's 252 m (827 ft) long and 76m (250ft) high. It has 6 nuclear reactor powered turbines. It can travel in excess of 32 knots (59 km/h; 37 mph) and can hold a crew of 710 men. 3 rail guns with a range of 355km, 3 laser turrets, 8 Korvokov GA-1s, 10 54cm torpedo tubes, 6 missile launchers and 3 rocket launchers. It has 76 mm plating around reactor compartment, light splinter protection, and those as well as the rest of the metal the ship is made from is a resistant magnesium based armour. It has a comprehensive sensor system and it can carry 5 helicopters. Each unit cost 900,000XAU






Ludig AAC-1 "Mothership"

The air-force is led by Baron-General Manfred Red. There are currently 61,560,540 active members of the air force.

Airborne Aircraft Carrier

Ludig AAC-1 "Mothership" is a giant zeppelin 700m long capable of storing 10 Ravens or 500-600 infantry troops with varying equipement loadouts. It has multiple Anti-ballistic missiles onboard, as well as ESM, GPS, infra-red/thermal imaging camera, infrared point sensor, Magnetic sensors, MEMS, Optical imaging, Phased array, Radar and Satellite imagery, Seismometer, Sonobuoy. It can use, high speed data networking with a transfer rate of 1268.432 Mbit/s, Radio waves, and Television waves. Max speed 140km/h. Currently 1000 in the Airforce. Each Mothership costs 4,920,000XAU to manufacture

Tairon FJ-1 "Raven"

Fighter Jets

Tairon FJ-1 "Raven" is a long-range, Mach 4+, twin-engine, all-weather stealth tactical fighter aircraft developed for the Blizatinian air force. It was developed by joint project by the Blizatinian Department of Science and the Blizatinian Airforce using military scientist from their International Recruitment of Fleeing Scientists Program. The Tairon A-1 has durable, low-maintenance stealth technology using structural fiber mat, which is combined with supercruise, supermaneuverability, and sensor fusion in a single weapons platform. It's sensor fusion has combined information from of accelerometers, ESM, GPS, infra-red/thermal imaging camera, Magnetic sensors, MEMS, Optical imaging, Phased array, Radar, Radio direction finder and Satellite imagery. The aircraft can desplay these things effectively with a high powered integrated modular avionics system. It can gain information from off-board sensors using it's high speed data networking with a transfer rate of 1268.432 Mbit/s. It uses Electro-hydrostatic actuators. Weapons include two close range EMP cannons, two medium range air-to-air missal systems (one with Active radar homing and one with Semi-active radar homing) and one long range missal system of with an operational range of 325 km. Currently 11,000 in the Airforce. Each Mothership costs 4,540,000XAU or to manufacture

Tairon SC-1 "Lightning"

Strike Craft

Tairon SC-1 "Lightning" is a heavily armed, long-endurance fixed-wing aircraft with ground-attack, reconnaissance and close-air support capabilities. It carries a wide array of anti-ground oriented weapons that are integrated with sophisticated sensors, navigation, and fire-control systems. The SC-1 relies on visual targeting systems. The SC-1 armaments include a EMP canon, two autocanons, two machine guns, and multiple types of tactical bombs. It's max speed is 800 km/h. Currently 20,000 in the Airforce. Each Strike Craft costs 3,500,000XAU to manufacture

Interplanetary Forces

Destructive Laser Satellite
First successful fire on planet.
Moon Base Alpha
Planetary Laser Defense System
Space Shuttle

The interplanetary forces is led by General Fugo Takahoshi, with a legion at his disposal. The current space forces are not large consisting of a few space ships with minimal combat capabilities. Currently the greatest assets of the interplanetary forces is Moon Base Alpha and the DLS. The DlS was first used successfully on June 1st BIC 2 (C.E. 2015) During the Invasion of Salahandra. In addition the IPF controls the planetary laser system.


The Blizatinian economy is controlled by the Department of Economics. The Department is made up of both humans and sentient AI. The humans of the department make the economic decisions that will impact the nation. The sentient AI are responsible for carrying out the decisions of the humans in the most efficient manner. This significantly reduces bureaucratic mistakes and increases efficiency. There have recently been some issues in regards to the Department of Economics because of legislation prohibiting AI from running the department, which has been brought into question for discrimination since Emperor Lexam Reconlaf granted citizenship to sentient AI.

The Blizatinian economy has a GDP of 173 trillion Gold standards which is equivalent to 205.26 quadrillion USD as of December 5th 3 BIC (2016 CE). It is completely state run through a combination of State-owned industry and government jobs. In addition the Blizatinian black market makes up only .1 percent of the economy. With their government run economy Blizatine is in the top 17% of the world. The average income of a Blizatinian citizen 96,323 Gold Standards or 115,571,995.67 USD (3 BIC or 2016 CE) with the poorest 10% making 78,553 Gold Standards or 94,250,874.41 USD (BIC 3) and the richest 10% making 109,998 (131,979,780.324 USD BIC 3)
